It got a little dangerous this morning. Duke and I thought we had rid the place of racoons. We quit setting traps because we kept catching Duke’s cats and Sasha the corgi. Tammy informed us that she had seen one Saturday morning while feeding for us. So, I took the coon hunting special gun to the barn this morning and sure enough, there was one. He ran right under me as I tried to shoot him the first time. This shot led to a pissed off wounded coon and a ricochet hole in the barn door. I then chased him out of the barn and missed my next shot. But finished the job with the third shot.
We survived the great State Fair of OK. Spent a fortune on lemonades and corn dogs. Our crew had a pretty good day with Braden winning grand and Duke reserve grand. Braden also had the champ heavy division which was 4th overall. This wether came out of our online sale in April. Duke was pretty excited that he got a Happy Gilmore check. However, he wasn’t happy when he got home and realized that Kela’s Happy Gilmore check from the state fair was bigger. Not in terms of money, but physical size. Most people aren’t overly impressed with the medallions that the state fair has always given out. However, Duke thought his was cool because it had a corn dog on the medallion. It must be great to be 10 years old.