Year round, whenever the Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band song called “The Little Drummer Boy” hits the playlist, I love it! That isn’t just a Christmas song. Pa rum pu pu pum. You all know the song & the tune. But, take the time, actually stop and listen to the words. I don’t even care if it is the Bob Seger version. I just like that one…A LOT! Seriously, listen to the words.
“I played my drum for him. Pa rum pu pu pum. I played my best for him.”
Whatever it is that you do, do it to the best of your ability. I donate money to various causes BUT, money isn’t what turns my crank. It’s when I donate my time and effort that I feel like I’ve played my best for him.
This morning, after Mass, the priest hit me up about a day of rest. I told him that a “Day off” usually finds me getting in trouble. (TRUE) I then allowed how “We’ve got deadlines.” In all honesty, my desired church is a shop with kids working, a barn with students working animals or a gator in the middle of cows. No tv or social media, just some tunes playing while working. Pa rum pu pu pum.
I go to church on a fairly regular basis, but that is not when I feel the closest to GOD or Jesus. I go because I am supposed to (for human reasons) AND because I want the priest to know who I am for burial purposes. In reality, I know where I play my best for HIM.
I spent a Sunday afternoon in the shop with students. Duke was there with me. He nor I ever welded a thing. We were coaching students. Other alumni showed up–un-invited, yet here they were to help. Students working, laughing & learning. When I left the shop, I headed to student’s homes to watch progress on show animals. Too many people bitch about “kids of today”. There is NOT a problem with kids of today. There is a problem with adults not willing to challenge kids. Don’t tell them how hard it “used to be”. Show them. Play your best for them. Pa rum pu pu pum. And then watch what they do. This is a recipe that works anywhere, everywhere.
I’m not alone. I get the privilege to work with parents like Tiffany Schultz, Barclay Holt, Hoss Manske and Rodney Washmon that put forth effort to not only push their own kids but are willing to help others along the way. This stock showing game AND raising kid(s) ordeal takes a team to make it work.
Let’s be real. I’m not doing GOD’s work. I’m just a schlub doing what I know and trying to play the best that I can. That’s it. Pa rum pu pu pum.
I have no gift to bring. I’m just playing this drum, and I don’t even know how to play a drum. But, I will play my best for HIM. That’s all I got. And at the time of my end, I hope that my best was good enough.
Here’s to horseshoes and shamrocks for all of you that actually read this crap. Here’s to hoping that you had a good one and a better tomorrow.