“First of all, don’t make fun of the weather here, and don’t say the weather is the same all the time here. Because it’s not. In fact, the wind is two MPH slower today than yesterday.”
“Well, thank you, Roosevelt. What’s the weather like out there?”
“It’s WINDY! Damn WINDY! Real WINDY!”
“Well, tell me what it feels like.”
“Fool, it’s WINDY! I told you again!”
There are mornings when I walk outside and I just think of one of the greatest movies of all time–Good Morning Vietnam! Robin Williams was so, so good in that role. The weather reports were fun to listen to.
On any given day near Fargo, OK, the first thing that hits me is that Rodgers & Hammerstein line, “When the wind comes sweeping down the plain.” I think that it is safe to say that they had been in NW OK when they added that line to the great song. The second thing that hits me is that wind–spelled with a capital F!
I get so, so sick and tired of the EFFING wind! Oh, it’s only 20+ mph today. Let’s go outside and do outside work.
Easter Sunday was a howling WINDY SOB. I took care of stock and came back inside. The rest of the day, I was like Tammy’s little dog. I just looked over the top of the couch, out the windows and decided to stay inside. Well, until, I had to do evening chores. I can handle a lot of weather extremes, but this EFFING wind can kick me mentally and physically.
At least we aren’t burnt up dry AND windy like in a couple of years past when a large part of this world burnt up. Which was caused, started and fueled by WIND.
This covid or corona crap also kicks me. Is it real? Did we need to destroy economies? How evil is the media? If the rona is real and our whole society followed orders for the right reasons, how scary is it that some evil forces are watching and going, “Dude, they broke to lead REALLY easy?”
No matter, I’ve dealt with people–young and old–and everybody was dang good to deal with. The rona has caused problems for all of us but you know what, there is a lot of good out there. I spent the day running the greenhouse sale while Mrs. Abbey was gone. I had GREAT help from the legendary Shattuck FFA President–Ms. Addie Swanson. I do not use the term “legendary” in a light fashion. If I was running a company, I would hire this one now, sign a long term contract, pay for her schooling and then put her to work, knowing that she would be moving on to bigger things. Positive attitude, work ethic and people skills will NEVER go out of style. This girl has it in spades.
Addie, her middle sister Emmie and their friend Teagan Charmasson made a short movie clip of what I thought would be a virtual tour of the greenhouse. It turned into a HEE HAW type flick. It was awesome! Check out the Shattuck FFA Facebook page. It is so much fun to watch.
We dealt with great customers today. Everybody understands but, we all shrug, and try to do right by others.
Oh! I don’t have many but I’ve got some good goats getting ready to be weaned.
Time to step away from the keyboard. People, stay rona free and here’s to hoping we all have horseshoes and shamrocks.