

On this day, the most important internet site for goats will change it’s name. will now become  Sure the original address will still take you to the new site.  Every busy/ every body needs to keep things fresh.  I get it.  And obviously, there is more and more business done through that site that is NOT in Oklahoma.

But still, there is a bit of a sentimental aspect, at least for me that doesn’t want to see disappear.  Kela had a great run when she owned and operated the site.  It was a part of our lives for many years.  I have been asked if I wish that I had kept the site.  The answer is always “no”.  The right people have it and have taken it to the next level.

Speaking of change, we are going to see a change in the weather today.  Some places west of here will see snow.  Cold and wet is in the forecast.  We need the moisture.  2020 continues to be a helluva year.  We will have to reschedule the Shattuck FFA Ag Olympics.

Although we no longer hold a Labor Day sale, we still have a cookout.  A lot of the same people, some new ones and a change in attitude.  Way better behaved as compared to the old days.


Have a good one.  Those of you in western OK, western KS, Colorado and the TX panhandle, keep those wethers warm and dry the next couple of days.

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