
Champion’s Choice

I’ve sent pics to Milligan for the Champion’s Choice online sale that will be on June 26. Hopefully the pics are up before this weekend. We are selling 3 wethers on this sale. I’m real pleased with the 3 that we are offering. They are out of proven matings that have constantly put wethers in premium sales. Seelke’s are selling two wethers and Tyke is selling two doe kids and a wether. All seven are good goats. They are well worth your time to go look at.

Tyke’s are in Shattuck, Seelke’s at Cleo Springs and mine are here at the little piece of paradise. I will be home Sunday afternoon and Monday evening if you want to look in person. Call the others to make arrangements. Or call me and I can discuss my thoughts on all seven goats.

I’ve seen a pic of the prospect that Schneberger is selling also. Looks like a good one that you need to check out. Their stuff has been doing well in the show ring.


These online sales are becoming rather popular. It was only 2010 that people were questioning Milligan and I if these sales were real. Now, those breeders are holding mutliple sales a year. Hell yeah they are real. Milligan is charging commission so why would we want the prices inflated if they aren’t real.

The things that amaze me about every online sale is the fact that there are buyers that never see the animal or talk to somebody that has seen the animal. They buy just off the pics/video, genetics and write up. I have bought without seeing them in person, but I talked to the breeder and people that I trust first.

The second thing, is the Online Surge. It kills me that at 3 o clock somebody will be calling about how cheap one is. It won’t be. Don’t think they are cheap until about 30 minutes before the close of the auction. Thats when the surge hits and the bidding really begins.

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