Archive for Blog Posts – Page 7

Chasing $s?

        On Monday, I took a couple of boys and headed to OKC to pickup a load of metal & panels.  The ag pickup does not have XM radio, so FM stations it was.  As we traveled, I flipped channels to stations located in Woodward, Elk City, Weatherford and finally OKC.  As we neared OKC, a senior student made this comment, “I was looking forward to you playing a bunch of rock music on the KATT, not all of this football talk.”

         I replied, “This station is the KATT.  Every station in Oklahoma is talking about this football coach leaving.” 

And then, that night, Notre Dame has their coach leave.  Oh well.

         Chasing a dollar (hundreds of millions of $s) or chasing an easier path to a national championship, whatever.  Either way, any of these talking heads or fans airing their concerns by “calling in” or posting on social media would do exactly the same thing as these coaches, if given the opportunity.  

         I know.  I’m just an Okie State fan/GRAD.  I don’t know what it’s like to have a big time coach leave.  Uhh…..Les Miles left and won a national title at LSU.  Jimmy Johnson left for Miami and won a national title and then a couple of super bowls.  We had an up & coming basketball coach that baled on us and left us with some probation.  

        I’m not the biggest Mike Gundy fan, yet we are experiencing the best and longest stretch of success that OSU has ever enjoyed.  It’s all good.  

       I feel very confident that the u of o will find another successful football coach.  They might have to fire one or two until they get it right, but they will.  Same with Notre Dame.  

       Now, back to the real world of herding kids and animals.  

And today is December 1.  There is a birthday boy.  Duke started a new job this week on a wind farm near Weatherford, OK.  And today, he turns 21.  Oh no!!  Just what the world needs.  Another Kelln male that is legal.  

Have a good one!

Missed Meals

       I hope that each of you didn’t miss a wicked good meal on Thanksgiving.  Ours was spent with family and friends, smoked turkey & brisket with all of the fixins.  No, I did not eat an entire raisin cream pie like I used to.  I just can’t eat as much as I used to on any one setting. 

        One of the most over-looked feeding strategies of show livestock is missing a feeding.  We all preach the importance of a regular feeding schedule.  However, there comes a time that one needs to skip a feeding.  Especially, with a picky eater.  Sometimes, a missed feeding helps them get hungry and therefore, get “right in the head” about knocking the bottom out of a feed pan.  When I first get goats on feed, I like to skip a feeding, here and there.  One–it helps build an appetite.  Two–one quickly learns which one’s are going to be good eaters and which ones are going to be picky turds.  I also do this with hogs.  I like to do this early in the feeding period that way they are ready to eat when it comes time to push.  

      Last Wednesday, I had to take my pickup to Perry and have a bale bed installed on it.  Since it was in Perry, I had the internet guru come pick me up and haul me around.  We ran over to REI in Stillwater in order to get my semen tank filled with nitrogen.  Guess what?  REI is no longer.  It sold and is now Bullnanza Stud Service.  Yes, they will still be doing small ruminant services.  

       While in Perry, we took a look at the Milligan keeper bucks and those that he will sell at some point.  There is a couple of wicked young bucks there.  Bob May showed up as well.  Bob, Hayden, the Milligans and myself ate a dang good Mexican lunch.  The steak ranchero was so filling that I had to miss a meal on Wednesday night.  By noon on Thursday, my head was right about eating again.  I haven’t missed a meal since.  Several meals of turkey tacos.  I love those things.  

       Have a good one today and a better tomorrow.  Give thanks that we have the opportunities that we have.  


        No, I’m not talking about me.  Who is the coolest singer of all time?  Male or female.  Pop, rock, country, jazz, whatever.  Seriously….name em!

         Let’s get a couple out of the way.  We are not going to list Madonna or Lady Gaga.  Although both are extremely talented and have had some really cool moments, let’s be real here.  They just have some baggage that keeps me from putting them at the top of any list.  Axl Rose & Michael Jackson also fall into this category.  I still remember the concert when Axl came out wearing a kilt and a Mean Machine jersey.  Wicked Cool!

     Robert Plant–no!!   On stage, he forgot the words to “Stairway to Heaven”.  I don’t care what drugs you can afford, you don’t forget the words to a song like that.  

Tina Turner–She’s in the rock Hall of Fame twice.  Way cool.  

Adele–this one may be the coolest of all time.  Probably the best female singer of all time.  I/we need to see her live. 

Neil Diamond–It isn’t his looks.  He isn’t the best singer but he brings the cool.  Timeless.  I can listen to a lot of his songs.  Especially when tired and driving.  So cool that you just keep singing along and the miles/hours fade away.  I won’t argue if you want to put him # 1.  

Stevie Wonder–Make some jokes but this dude brought cool and he didn’t even know what cool looked like.  I like listening to a some Stevie Wonder.  A lot of big name bands have covered Stevie’s songs. 

Steven Tyler–Watch him in concert.  You won’t argue that this dude has a cool swagger.  

David Lee Roth–I won’t say that he was the “best” front-man for Van Halen but he was dang sure the coolest.  

Keith Whitley–this is one of my favorite voices.  Country, yes.  But he could sing the Penny News and make it sound.  Too bad he had to climb into a bottle and die. 

Randy Travis–This is the sound of country music.  Garth and King George say so as well.  So smooth and so cool.  

Freddie Mercury–maybe, arguably the coolest singer ever.  This dude could bring it.  Pretty good band that wrote and played behind him.  

George–King of Cool.  Won’t argue.  He has the best song writers.  And he has never changed.  From the early 80s to now.  Same stage presence, voice and delivery.  And it is always good.

Garth–Country, sure.  Rock, kind of.  Pop.  Yes.  Cool.  Always.  He gives the coolest interviews and always give thanks to the predecessors.  He is a music fan.  

Rat Pack–  Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and others.  Let’s be real.  Those two were the coolest.  Talented and cool.  Timeless.  I’ve probably written on here about it before….but Dean & Frank’s burger recipes are wicked cool. 

Elvis Presley–#1.  No discussion.  He paved the way for every artist/group/whatever.  G.O.A.T.   

Rank em as you see them.  But Elvis is always #1.  

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.  



      I’ve been guilty.  You probably have as well.  It can be really hard for hyper-competitive people to not be guilty of pride.  Even when self-pride is not the driving force.  

     I prefer to use the term “we” whenever talking about competitive events.  I may have bought the animal, given feed & care instructions, showmanship guidance and show management.  I may have even paid for the animal and the feed.  That doesn’t matter, as I was not the person doing the day2day care or actually showing the animal.  At no point was it I, but always WE.  And usually, I had other help to make sure that I was giving the right guidance. 

       We all need help.  It doesn’t matter if we are talking about showing livestock, public speaking, ag mech, cde contests, whatever.  That ‘bama football coach may be the best ever and I guarantee you that he takes pride in his work but he also knows that he had wicked good players and bad ass assistant coaches.  (although his teams have yet to be beaten by a former assistant coach).   That will soon change.  

          I do take pride in my work ethic, my beliefs, my willingness to help others and my strong desire to help others find success.  I take pride in our family.  I take pride in my willingness to own my mistakes and the fact that neither you nor I are perfect.  Therefore, I believe in forgiveness.  As we all should.  There has only been one perfect person to walk this planet and that dude preached forgiveness.  

         Now, having written all of that.  I do believe that there is a difference between pride, arrogance and confidence.  I am proud of some things.  But, that is not what makes me.  More than one person has called me arrogant but they don’t know me.  Those that know me don’t call me arrogant or prideful.  And anybody that does know me will agree that I do not care what most people think about me.  

       Confidence is a different thing.  For some reason, I have this in spades.  I shouldn’t, but I do.  My confidence in myself and those that surround me is unshakable.  And I’m not surrounded by perfect people.  Cocky is another word that is used.  Okay.  

       To me, confidence stems from work ethic, beliefs and a willingness to help others more than ones own self.  I can’t do the work for you but I can dang sure show you how to do it and have the desire to help when needed.  And when I am not the best to help, I will gladly get the best to help.  I am extremely confident that I am hardly ever the best, yet I normally know the best.  

        I can say that I have the best wife, the best kids, had the best upbringing and have the best job.  All of those statements are true.  And some of you would call me prideful or arrogant.  No.  I have the best wife for me. Perfect.  I love my kids.  I had the perfect upbringing for me and I like my job.  In no way was any of that a detrimental statement towards you nor anybody.  Not prideful.  Not arrogant.  Yet here comes the confident.  If you don’t like anything that you have read, go read your own blog.  Or take your left thumb and shove it directly up your own……….hee haw!!!!

       I probably shouldn’t tell this story.  My mother won’t approve of it.  But, here we go.  

       In 1996, I was interviewing for the agricultural educational teaching position at Waynoka.  I knew that I was not the front-runner for the job.  I also knew that the next person to take this job was following an extremely successful ag teacher.  Not an easy job.  For some reason, I knew that IF I could get this job, it was a fit.  Guess what?  I was right.  Confidence.  

        During the interview with the Mr. Dale Ross, superintendent of Waynoka Public Schools.  He made a statement and then asked the question.  “I know Jake Kelln.  Your brother.  My son played American Legion baseball with him.  Jake the Snake Kelln is cocky.  Let me ask you this?  Are you as cocky as Jake the Snake?”

        My reply.  “No sir.  I am not.  I prefer to think of myself as extremely confident in my own abilities.”  

“Hhhmmm.  Good answer.” He replied.  Then he asked, “We aren’t looking for somebody to walk on water.  Can you walk on water?”

        “No sir!   I cannot walk on water.  There has only been one person that could walk on water and it dang sure isn’t me.  However, I will gladly tell you that I am a swimming son-of-a-gun.”  

         Mr. Ross swiftly said, “Thank you and good bye.  We will be in touch.”  Ooofff!

Tammy was pissed that I just blew the interview.  She went to griping at me once we got in the pickup to head home.  I asked her to please shut up.  “Honey, I either just got the job that I want or I didn’t get the job that I wasn’t supposed to get in the first place.”  

        In true fashion, we were still arguing in the parking lot.  Mr. Ross walked out, knocked on the window and asked us to come back in and talk some more.  That is confidence.  Not pride nor arrogance.  When you know, you know.  

       Here’s the items that I am proud of…..yet I am sure that there are a few that might be better.  

I am extremely confident in my knowledge of all things Star Wars.  No insider info.  Just the force.  This is the way.  

Once again, I am confident in my ability to name that tune in 4 notes.   Yet, I know that there is a younger ag teacher that might be able to name that song in 3 notes.  Yet, my knowledge of behind-the-tunes music is way better than most, if not all.  

And I am real sure that of all the roads that I have traveled, I have consistently found the best places to eat and/or….

Basically, I am confident that I am steeped in the knowledge of a lot of things that may or may not be useful.  

“Alex, who are three people that have never been in my kitchen?”   Cheers!!   (If you know……dang, I loved that show)


For some reason, I feel the urge to buy a buck and name it “Cliff Claven”.  Maybe it should be a teaser buck. 

Happy Thoughts

       It was a Monday.  Much like any other Monday–good but not great.  Started early and had a full day of classes.  It was not an unproductive day.  Senior food science class cooked pork burgers.  None of them had ever eaten a pork burger.  Well, they got to taste some Herfy the Hereford.   

      We actually took delivery on some torsion axles that I did not expect to get delivered until 2022.  Later in the day, I got a call about some other parts that were getting ready to ship.  Cool!  One of these parts has been on back order since October 2020. The weird part is that the shipping company wanted to charge an extra $250 in order to deliver to a school.  BS!  That make no sense.  I have free labor and access to forklifts/skid steers, etc.  So, it is getting dropped at a business in Shattuck.  

      Once school was out, I headed to Woodward to get parts and to check projects.  Some/A lot of the Shattuck livestock projects do not reside in the Shattuck school district.  This is a good problem but it does add to my travel time.  I also went to check a goat project for a fellow ag teacher that asked for help.  

      I got home to a supper of porcupine meatballs.  Duke is home for a few days (thus the reason Tammy cooked supper).  He fired up a movie.  Tammy had seen the movie but had never really sat down and watched it with Duke and I.  

     You see, this is a movie of intrigue that delves into the trials of life while still being humorous.  It is a movie that addresses a spoiled kid that seems to just party through the first couple of decades of his life.  Is he a loser or not?   Yet, it also addresses business and marketing along with community pride.  As in real life, failure is always an option.  But, this young man realizes success as he works through his own failures while developing friendships and also a little bit of romanticism with a potential lady friend.  And in the end, he finds success while saving a business and a community.  Yes, my friends.  I love the movie Tommy Boy

       Clint Eeastwood is the biggest Hollywood star.  John Wayne is a wicked badass legend.   Chris Farley may be my personal favorite.  I love that movie and I love his characters.  How did he not win the oscar for his role as Tommy Boy?  

       If you can’t tell.  I’m struggling to find time to write on here.  I’ve got plenty of info but…..something seems lacking.  I’m not done but maybe I should be.  However, I have a story that I need to unleash at some point.  Is it time?  I don’t know.  You will know when I write it.  Hard to make this stuff up.  

        As I sit here typing, I’m getting texts from a buddy of mine who is in Louisville.  He is there to celebrate the 1981 Okie State livestock judging national championship.  The entire ’81 team is there.  And it sounds like OK State just won another.   Pistols firing!!!   



Reserve Grands

       I don’t watch any nfl games.  I do, however, keep track of who is winning and will watch highlights.  I just refuse to spend any $s with that organization and I don’t want to be counted in any Nielsen ratings for watching the stuff.  

        Now, back in the day, I did watch nfl games.  Growing up, I was a Houston Oilers fan.  Earl Campbell was such a wicked badass!   I still think that the Houston Oilers’ uniforms and logos are possibly the best that the nfl has ever had.  I’ve been to a Cowboys game in Texas Stadium.  While in college, I enjoyed watching the Buffalo Bills.  For one, they had Thurman Thomas.  But they also had a hard-hitting, fast paced offense.  Their defense also had some big time dudes with Bruce Smith, Shane Conlan and Cornelius Bennett.  They also had the best special teams player of all-time–Steve Tasker.  If you tell me that those early 90s Bills teams weren’t one of the best of all time, you would be wrong.  Sure. They were reserve grand 4 straight times.   But dang dude, it’s hard to get there.  The ’91 super bowl is still the best ever.  The game was wicked and Whitney singing the National Anthem is still the example of how-to-do-it.  

      If you were to walk down the stairs into our basement, you could take a look at a collection of several reserve grand banners from several different species of animals.  It is what it is.  We’ve made it to the top a time or two but it was WAY more common for us to find ourselves in that reserve grand spot.  OYE–1 reserve & 1 bronze.   Phoenix–2 grands & 3 reserves.  State Fair of OK–1 grand & 3 reserves.   And it continued with goats that we raised–OYE–1 reserve grand, 2-bronzes,  State Fair of OK–1 reserve grand, Tulsa State Fair–1 reserve grand.  And then you throw in kids we helped and well, the ol’ reserve grand list gets real long.  It’s fine.  There were times that I thought we should have won.  Others that I agreed with the outcome, one where the right showman beat us, but with the wrong goat.  And  even a time at Phoenix where Duke was reserve grand as a lightweight cross behind a littermate that was grand.  We had the better pig but not the “right” pig.  And I still agree.  And I still like buying runts.  

        It continues into other areas of competition.  Take the OK state FFA public speaking finals–four different times, we have had a student that ended up as the reserve overall public speaker in Oklahoma.  (3 prepared & 1 extemp) Now, two of those kids did get to go on to nationals.  One prepared because the overall winner went religious and disappeared and the extemp because he was 2nd behind Chelsea Clifton, who also won prepared.   And ALL of us were happy to be 2nd behind that girl.  She still has maybe, definitely,  the greatest FFA resume of all time.  

         And what got me to thinking about all of these reserve grands was an ag mech project.  A dump trailer that I now own.  I didn’t plan on owning it but I was pushing the bids online and well, I won.  Now, I’m glad that I have it.  It gets used but it stays parked in the machine shed.  This trailer was shown 4 times and was reserve grand 4 times.  What?  

–2020 Woodward District reserve grand–behind a 3 pt wire roller.  Okay, this trailer was yet to be painted.  Fine. 

–2020 OYE reserve grand–Okay.  There were 2 trailers that were in the hunt to be grand.  We got the short straw.  I’m not mad but still don’t agree.  Both high quality projects.  Okay.  

–2021 State Fair of OK reserve grand–What?  Once again, got beat by a good project but we had more electrical plus hydraulics plus WOW factor.  Not the same levels of difficulty to build.  

–2021 Tulsa State Fair reserve grand–RUSM?   A skid steer grapple beat it.  So many more features and a much more complicated build.  

Okay.  Fine.  But in my barn, parked next to this dump trailer is the grand from the State Fair of OK in ’16.  The grand ag mech project from Tulsa AND State Fair of OK in ’19, the grand at the State Fair of OK in ’18 & grand at Woodward District in ’19, as well as the grand at Woodward in ’21 are all parked very close by.   There is NO comparison with this dump trailer and any of these others—NONE!   Yet, it is what it is.  That badass, wicked dump trailer, as much as I like it, is still a 4 time reserve grand project.  I can’t explain how it never won a grand banner.  It didn’t and that’s it.  Doesn’t matter what I think.  

        Duke had a goat named “Spasm”.  He was a stiff necked, dumb ass wether from Gallagher’s.  Spasm was an actual Freaky offspring–complete with HUGE back, tight hide and screwed up, tweaky back legs.  Spasm’s show record included being Reserve grand at the State Fair of OK, grand at a $500 jackpot (remember when that was a lot), grand at the Major County Stock Show, Grand at the Northwest District show and Bronze overall at OYE.  He was also shown at the Fairview local stock show.  He placed 7th out of 8 in that contest.    What?   Who judged?  Doesn’t matter.  

If you don’t want ’em beat…..don’t show ’em.  I learned this back in the 90s and it still holds true.  

Now, as an old(er) dude, I’m learning that those reserve grands aren’t/weren’t all bad.   Heck!  Now, I might be like Dave Chappelle’s character Tyrone Biggums–“Ya’ll got any more of them lavender colored banners?”

People, have a good one today.  Please have a better tomorrow.  Pray—today and tomorrow.  Because we all need help.  And if the worse thing that you have to bitch about is a reserve grand banner—well, at least you were in the hunt.  




      Was the season premiere of Yellowstone, the most anticipated new season…ever?   In our house, the answer was yes.  The Dragon Lady couldn’t wait to watch re-runs that led up to it.  I watched it.  Okay.  Good show but some of it is kind of dumb.  

       I can tell you that I await the 2022 kidding season with great anticipation.  There won’t be many.  

Also sick

       I miss watching Mike & Mike in the Morning or as it later became Golic & Wingo.  It was the best thing on tv at 5 am.  I didn’t learn much but I at least liked the people on the show.  No agendas just sports and some comedy.  

        They replaced this show with Keyshawn, JWill and now Max, although it was initially Zubin before they tried out 17 different hosts that could tolerate Key & JWill.  It is now decidely about race and covid protocols.  Fine, I don’t have to watch it, except there still isn’t anything else on at 5 am.  I don’t have goats to feed or kid out, soooo……..

      I suffered through the first 15 minutes this morning.  It was non-stop about A-Aron Rodgers contracting covid.  So what?  Who cares that in a press conference in August, A-Aron said that he was “immunized”?  He’s going to miss some days of work.  So do normal people.  I don’t get it.  There is no problem with 80,000 people packed into a stadium to watch A-Aron.  They don’t have to be vaccinated.  

       I truly do not care if somebody is vaccinated or not.  It is their prerogative.  

      So, I flipped the channel to OKC news.  I spent 22 minutes watching.  I didn’t learn much there either.  All I remember is that Edmond Public Schools is short 25 bus drivers.  They will pay $15 per hour as well as benefits.  There is a job fair today.  

     It’s November!  Shouldn’t they have hired bus drivers before now?  If they’ve been hunting since the start of school, maybe they ought to up the pay to more than $15 per hour.  Did 25 drivers quit?  What caused the shortage?  covid?  Is the superintendent and all of the principals currently driving buses to fill the void?  I guarantee that they would be in small town schools. 

       I shut the tv off.  Well done!   And opened up bookface.  uuhh!!   At least I get to watch a video of a whirlpool and some guy chunked a log into it.  It was quite mesmerizing watching the log swirl and finally go down, disappear and wait, it came back up.  Then, once again, it started swirling around the edge of the whirlpool and there it goes down again.  And then the cameraman ran to other end to watch as the log came out the other end.  

      I didn’t learn anything.  Much like espn or the news.  And quite similar to reading this.  At least you know that you are not alone.  


Well, I have been sick but not for the past couple of weeks.  I was just sick of getting on here and typing.  But, I’m back.

      Sunday evening found me feeling a bit achy.  I wasn’t feeling 100%.  I didn’t have a temp and I didn’t have any gut problems.  Just achy and lethargic.  Tammy had cooked fajitas and I didn’t eat.  My appetite was gone for over 24 hours. 

      Monday morning found me in the same shape.  Achy, tired and otherwise fine.  I had my smell and taste.  Once again, no temp and no respiratory problems.  Pre-pandemic me would not have thought of missing work.  I was good enough to go.  But due to the current social climate, I did not go to school.  I was kind of proud that I wasn’t sure of the protocol for “calling in sick”.  However, I did go into school from 6 am to 7:30 before anybody else was there.  I left instructions for the kids.  

      The Dragon Lady was convinced that I had covid.  I assured her that I did not.  Just to be sure, she brought home a covid test.  I told her that I wasn’t going to take it.  But then, I thought about the fact that if I didn’t have a negative test that I had to lay out for 10 days.  So, I jammed that long damn q-tip into the upper reaches of my nostril.  Sack of monkey crap!!!  Yes, I brought tears to my own eyes.  I wanted to make dang sure that there was a good sample.  And then we waited.  Guess who was right?  

This guy!   Negative covid test.  

But just to be safe and because I guess it is the appropriate thing to do in these times, I stayed home from work on Tuesday as well.  I did get a bunch of computer related stuff done.  The weather was cold and misty so I didn’t get much done outside.  The crappy weather made me glad that I don’t have many goats.  

Here’s to hoping that all of you are positive in life yet negative with the covid tests.  Have a good day and a better tomorrow. 


       Yes, the American Royal was this past weekend.  Yes, I went to Kansas City.  No, I did not attend the American Royal.  

      As RJ Curry said in his retirement video, “As an ag teacher, you never know what you will be doing from day to day.  There is always something that needs doing.”  He isn’t wrong.  

        I had planned on going with Clayton Washmon to show sheep at the Royal.  But, his sheep broke with fungus, so he didn’t go.  

       A couple of months ago, I had noticed that Andrea Bocelli was in concert on the Saturday evening after the Royal.  I asked Tammy if it fit her schedule.  We would go watch Clayton, stay an extra night and go see a show.  In my previous tours of duty teaching Ag at Fairview and Waynoka, I would not have done this.  Too much stuff to do.  I would have been home on Friday night and then doing whatever needed done–pig shopping, CDE practices, speech deals, worming show wethers, trimming hooves, whatever.   Now, things changed and I said, “The hell with it, we are still going.”   Dang glad that I did.  

        Congrats to whoever did well at the Royal.  I’m really glad that I did not even bother going out to the show.  Tammy is even happier.  

        As for Andrea Bocelli…….OH WOW!!!  Unreal talent.  I’ve been to a lot of great concerts from several genres of artists but never anything like this.  There were lots of great talents that performed with him.  From the soprano that sang with him, the baritone dude was unreal, the chick from The Greatest Showman that sang Amazing Grace alongside him, his daughter that sang Hallelujah with him, the cellist that played & sang a solo, the ballerina that danced to several of the songs and the symphony orchestra that backed him.  All world class talent.  

        I did not care what songs or how many songs he performed as long as I got to hear Amazing Grace, Hallelujah and Con Te Partiro.   Or in English–Time to Say Goodbye.  Yes, the song from the Catalina Wine Mixer from Step Brothers fame.  (Damn you Will Ferrell).  Yes, all three were better than I had hoped for.  

       I do not know the name of his final song of the night, some Italian name and words.  Doesn’t matter.  As much all-world talent as had performed all night, that final song was a reminder that we paid to see Andrea Bocelli.   UNREAL!!

      Is he the best singer on the planet?  In my opinion, yes.  If you want to argue Adele, cool.  I need to go see her as well.  

      Tammy and I were not sure what to wear, so we overshot it a bit.  As a whole, the crowd was dressed nicely, we were a tick over-dressed but it doesn’t hurt to play dress up every now and then.  And at 50 years of age, we definitely hurt the average age of the crowd.  There weren’t very many younger than us.  

       I’ve witnessed the greatest in action in numerous arenas.  I’ve watched Barry Sanders run with a football.  I’ve seen Kirk Stierwalt clip cattle.  I’ve looked on as Ritson Urban sorted sheep.  I saw AC/DC on the Razor’s Edge tour.  This Bocelli dude sorts to the top of that elite group.  He might need somebody to lead him to the microphone, but once there, WOW!!

       I didn’t get much done this weekend as far as being an ag teacher.  However, I may be a better teacher this week.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.