Archive for Blog Posts – Page 37


Some people can put words together and make things sound like they are “prettier than a twenty dollar whore”.  Others can attach words in such a way that reminds one of a beginning welder trying to scab together some plate metal with 6011 rod.  It just ain’t right.

I have recently watched as yet another senior class struggles with the literary works of the iconic Shakespeare.  How in the hell did this dude’s works become required reading?  You didn’t like it.  Me either.

They have tried to make movies of this crap and yet, it doesn’t translate.  Are there wicked quotes?  You bet.  “Something wicked this way comes.”  But the stories as a whole are hard to digest.

Growing up, I was a voracious reader.  I read a lot.  Jack London novels, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, the Bible, J.R.R. Tolkien, James Michener (yeah, tie into that Centennial book–better clear a calendar)  and the entire World Book Encyclopedia set.  Yep, I read every one of those.  Any time that I had to hit the throne, I grabbed a World Book and headed to take care of business.  The drone of the vent fan, the privacy, gaining some knowledge–it was a fortress of solitude.

As I got into high school, I started reading periodicals–Sports Illustrated, Purple Circle, National Geographic and Showbox magazine.  My OCD tendencies requires me to read every line once I start.  I’ve never had a subscription to Playboy magazine, but on the occasions that I had access to one, I read every line, every story, every caption.  And I looked at every picture.  Some, twice.

Now, I read the High Plains Journal, the PennyNews and numerous online literary sources that cover a wide range of topics.

As much as I like to look at the written English word, I can NOT stand much of anything that Shakespeare wrote.  Romeo & Juliet is the MOST over-rated love story of all time.  Am I bashing the Bard of Avon? NO!  On the contrary, I will say that he was obviously brilliant at perfecting ways to deliver his lines, perform plays and enthrall an audience.  I am fine with introducing Shakespeare’s works to students but HOW and WHY did it ever become required to study Macbeth and Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo & Juliet?  This is my blog and therefore my opinion, he is a MUST for drama and playwrights.  But English class– a week or two–sure.  A semester or more–nope.

Now, I would like to bring you to the other side of my brain.  I was bored on this evening, so I turned on the boob tube.  I didn’t want to watch nfl or the other crap that was being offered.  I flipped channels until I came upon the classic The Waterboy.

As I was listening to Farmer Fran utter sheer brilliance as he was witnessing Bobby Boucher unleash a can of whoop ass— and I quote, “Ish dee yo do!!”  I thought to myself “Dude, I would way rather listen to Farmer Fran than suffer through Shakespeare.”

“We liv to pway anuddah day.”

“Membaw when Bawby Booshay ewwed up and tackedel the ajdfosadiuvjcoijclxvjocavfijodafjg?”


How does this tie to the goat world?  Here ya go!  Blake Clark was the actor that played Farmer Fran in The Waterboy.  He also played a role in the iconic cinematic classic JOE DIRT.  He played an Old Cajun Man.  He had a line talking to Joe Dirt about where he was from.

“Ome is whawre u mak it.”

Joe Dirt replied, “You like to see homos naked?”

“No.  No.  No.  Ome is whawre u mak it.”

Joe Dirt, “Alright, you like to see homos naked.”

“Ome is whawre u mak it!!  Ome where u mak it.  Got damn boy, evabuddy no dat!”


Here’s where I wrap up all this drivel.  1–I like to read.  2–I respect expert wordsmiths.  3–I didn’t enjoy Shakespeare.  4–I like some well written nonsense comedy.  5–I don’t want to see homos naked and I don’t want to read or watch any Shakespeare stuff. (might be on one in the same)  6–I like The Waterboy, Joe Dirt–the movie and Joe Dirt–the goat.

Have a good one and remember that HOME is where you make it!  I hope all of you clowns have access to home-made popcorn balls for halloween.








Baseball is finally over.  I’m not sure what Tammy will do with her time now.  That chick likes to watch post-season baseball.

I think that it ought to be a law for every auto deal/tire shop to make dang sure that the tire sensors are programmed properly.

Those two days of fall were nice.  Winter hit and hit hard.  That almost foot of snow that we got last week was probably the wettest snow that I have ever seen.  And now, lots of ice had to be broken this morning.  18 degrees this fine morning.

Shattuck FFA members left on tuesday to compete at the National FFA Convention.  I’m glad that I am not on that trip.  Somebody needed to stay home to keep kids on task.    Plus, I don’t have a chore hand living at home to take care of stock. The kids were sending pics of their meal at St. Elmo’s steakhouse in Indy.  I do miss eating there.

Stay warm.  Keep the critters well fed and watered.  Have a good one.

Guardians of the Galaxy

I really like this movie.  I don’t remember every reading any comic book about the characters in the Guardians of the Galaxy.  Marvel did a great job of taking a somewhat obscure comic and making it into the current movie franchise.  Duke introduced me to this movie and I’m not alone in enjoying this flick as it did almost $800 million at the box office.  I liked the 2nd edition and I will watch the 3rd when it comes out.

This movie had a fun soundtrack that reached #1 on the billboard charts.  This was the first soundtrack to hit #1 that was made up entirely of previously released songs.  In other words, there were no new, original songs on this record.  Just a bunch of groovy hits from the 70s that works well into the film.

Now, one may ask, how does this movie/comic/soundtrack tie into the goat industry?  Valid question.  And I can answer it.

GARP.  Yes, the dog.  GARP is the guardian of our goat galaxy.  GARP stands for Goat And Ranch Protection.  Plus, I like the original Robin Williams movie “The World According to Garp”.  He has been employed by Kelln Livestock since December of 2012.  He was born near Cheyenne, OK sometime in October of that same year.  Much like the Star Lord–Peter Quill, GARP has a unique pedigree.

While at Fairview, we had a female Great Pyrenees.  Her name was ShyAnne.  We ran goats on a rough 80 acres–covered with canyons & cedar trees that were teaming with cats and coyotes.  ShyAnne was a bad bitch.  She was not a pet.  But she did her job.  We got a male from Vince McGolden.  This male was a 1/2 Pyr, 1/2 Komondor.  He sired one litter with ShyAnne.  A female from this litter ended up in Roger Mills County. ShyAnne was killed by lightning in the summer of ’12.  Shortly after that, we moved to Fargo and needed a new dog.

Jana Maddux called to try to get me to judge a jackpot show.  I couldn’t do it but in the conversation, she mentioned that they had a litter of LGD (livestock guardian dogs) pups and did I know of anybody needing one.   Why yes, I do.  So, she got them weaned, threw the only male in the litter in a dog box with Nathan Torrance’s parents who live by Gage and were attending a Christmas program at Cheyenne.  They brought him to Ellis County and we picked him up.  Since then, he has only left this place once.  And that was a trip to Seiling to get neutered.  I don’t think that he liked that trip.  There has only been a handful of times that he has ever been out of the goat pasture or corrals.

GARP is probably tamer than he should be but it works perfectly around here.  He quickly learns when a new dog is with a human friend.  He is good with humans.  And he hates coyotes and strange dogs.  He was only a few months old when I saw him take on his first coyote.  When the yotes get loud and seem to circle us, he can silence the entire section or two with a bark.

He is a big dog.  He is tall, even for a Pyrenees.  It is amazing to see how sneaky this big dude is.  He can turn dang neart invisible when he goes into stealth mode.  Snow seems to be his favorite weather.  He loves it.  And he loves leftover meat.  He is good with baby goats.  As good as he is protecting the goat herd, he and I share a commonality.  He HATES doe goats.  He tolerates them and puts up with their crap since that is his job.  BUT if they come near his food….HOLY HELL!!! He comes uncorked and does scatter.  Yes… yes I have been known to feed him right in the middle of the doe herd just so I can watch them run in fear when the first moron walks near his food.

All sheep and goat producers need to be thankful for their LGDs.  These creatures do the job that they were bred to do like nothing else can.  LGDs are important enough that the USDA tracks info on them with their sheep and goat surveys.

Pyrs are probably the most popular since they will deal with humans.  Anatolians are absolute killing machines and work great as long as they aren’t near people.  Akbash and Maremma are other breeds that are very good.  Whether I have 10 does or a 100, I will have a guard dog.

I don’t know GARP’s actual birthdate but we are close to it.  Cheers to GARP and all the other guardians of the galaxy that do their job, oh so well.


I was in college the first time that I heard this term used in a judging situation.  I distinctly remember asking, “Uhhh, what does P.O.S. stand for?”

I felt like a D.S. when I found out what P.O.S. stood for.  I should have seen that one coming.  If you don’t know, P.O.S.  stands for Piece Of $h!t.


Tonight, I tested the P.O.S. term.  I have always kind of wondered what the Point Of Separation spacing needed to be in order to keep does from bashing panels.  I recently re-worked pens and made lots of alleys, gates and spacing.  The closest P.O.S. for does in general population versus does penned near bucks was 96″.  That would be 8 damn feet of separation.

I can now tell you that 8 damn feet of P.O.S. is not enough to keep me from throwing stuff and calling does a P.O.F.S.  Distance does NOT matter to these destructive P.O.S. animals.  It is all L.O.S.  If there is a Line Of Sight, they will bash panels.  I guess I’m going to have to hang some rubber mats on the panels.  But, that brings other issues in this part of the world.  I’m not sure if I have ever mentioned this on here, but, I don’t like dealing with mature does.

Just last Thursday, we got a snow.  Dang near a foot of the WETTEST snow that I have ever seen.  Thank GOD it wasn’t windy.  We had several loads of tree limbs to haul off.  It would have been a POS kind of deal if there would have been wind.  The snow weighed down fences, panels and electric lines.  Any other added weight to any panels would have made for a train wreck.  We needed the moisture but this was a different kind of weather.

Speaking of POS does.  I am trying a new regiment for a cystic doe.  I’ll let you know if it works.

An older (5 year old) decided not to re-breed last year. Obviously a good one or I would have already sale-barned the female dog.  Last fall, I tried to AI her and then she got marked by a buck 5 more times.  POFS.  She is fat, looks awesome and hasn’t had a kid since Feb. of 2018.  Here is what we did:

Day 1–CIDr & 2 ccs of Lutalyse (lut)

Day 7– pull CIDr & 1 cc of PG 600

Day 8–3 ccs of cystorelin.

I’m guessing that she won’t come in properly, will probably bash the hell out of some panels and I will be pissed.  Hunh…just another day in the goat industry.

It is now breeding season around here.  Breed now and we are kidding past OYE.  Time to get serious.  JFCWDIPUWTFCMFPOSMFD DOES!!!!!!


There are numerous “facts” about how close we are to spiders.  Some say that we are always within 8 feet of a spider.  Some will say three feet.  No matter what, there is always a spider nearby.

While putting on a lots miles in the past week, I had time to think.  I noticed things along the roads in numerous states.      

Which brings me to Dollar General stores.  Like spiders, they are now everywhere.  I am kind of surprised that Fargo, OK does NOT have a Dollar General.  They are right in the middle of some towns and on the outskirts of others.  Shattuck has one.  It is a handy store for a lot of different things.  

I am always amazed when I walk into the Dollar General.  I almost NEVER know anybody in the store, including the employees.  There isn’t much of a dress code to shop at a Dollar General.  And the aisles always look like an earthquake just shook everything off of the shelves.

The goat industry is kind of like retail stores.  Some market to high end customers that demand lots of after-sale help.  These goats will cost a pile and draw other high end customers.  While others tend to market to the shoppers of a Dollar General.  You can find what you need but you might have to step around some stuff to get to it.  Kind of like the popular online sale tag line–get in where you fit in.

This was stupid.  Spiders and Dollar General stores tied to goats.

Watch out for the spiders!  It is almost Halloween.

Have a good one.

Not the best….but the “Crowd Favorite”???

One of my favorite responders to this blog is a western Kansan that goes by the name Jamie Kratzer.  He has sent in requests, topics, replies, answers, questions, concerns, whatever……

There has been times that I hit submit and less than 2 minutes later…he responded.  Although his blog reply took several days, I still like it.

Dude, it ain’t easy to type out some timely stuff for others to read.  I get it, I like it and I respect the honesty with your reply.

Here you go with another friend that I have from this damn blog deal.  Watch for more cool goats and wicked write ups from THE Kratzer.


As I finally sit down to complete my much-anticipated theme, I feel like Ralphie Parker trying to convince the world that I need a Red Rider Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model air rifle. The pressure to perform is greater than 3-week-old CL cyst or an abscessed tooth for a CL free herd. I have been a long-time reader first time writer of Kelln’s blog. I have texted Kelln many a time after reading this blog; and I just imagine him looking at his phone and just rolling his eyes like a know it all teenage girl. As I spend my windshield time thinking about topics for when the day arrives that I am as worldly and well written as Kelln and have my own blog with a die hard following of half a dozen forty something livestock dudes. In the six months prior to September 28 I would say that I came up with 20 different topics that Kelln could think about for 10 minutes, eat a homemade Biscuit with honey, chase it with a frosty cold one, clean the honey out of the L key, and then write a 1500 word diatribe that will make you laugh, make you cry, or like David Cole-Things that make you go Hmmmmm.

Last Saturday morning after getting up from my blog reading chair I was as giddy as a schoolgirl preparing for a Sadie Hawkins dance. This was my chance to go big time! I texted Kelln and attached some stupid GIF the Google machine found for me dealing with writing a story 14.2 seconds after washed my hands and brushed my teeth. It was then, that exact moment I hit that little blue airplane; that started a sequence of cellular waves repeating off towers, bouncing from satellite to satellite, back to earth and landing on an iPhone just outside the Fargo metroplex.   It was then all creativity and complete ideas left my brain.

For 4 days straight, partial ideas would pop into my head and would fizzle out like fuse on an ACME rocket strapped to Wil E Coyote’s back. One problem has been any goat related story has been done and done well. I have spent a decent portion of my career coaching people, challenging mangers to think outside the box. One thing I always tell people is to never reinvent the wheel, we can’t make it rounder. Much is the same with a goat parable. It most likely has already been written in the gospel according to Kelln. Now I suppose one could say, why not have another perspective on the ideas, events, or situations. It worked for Matthew, Luke, and John. (I feel Father Hackman looking down and saying, “I knew that narcoleptic altar boy was going to derail someday.” I had an issue falling asleep as an altar boy.) It worked for those guys back then because they didn’t have to compete with Netflix, Prime Video, HBO, ESPN, I could finish out my 1500 words with things available to distract us today. That’s why way back then 4 dudes telling the same stories in their own perspective worked and still does today. They are writers in the best-selling book of all time.

Then I thought about ranking movies, album covers, cover songs, (Blazing Saddles, Metallica Black Album, Dropkick Murphy’s -Amazing Grace). But those, once again, have been done and done well. Best place to get a fancy meal when your dressed up in Woodward, Damn it! Freddy’s, it been done! I could do Best Scotches, Japanese Whiskeys, Bourbons, and beers but you can type “What are the best ……in the world” into the Google machine and it will kick out 20-734 results of articles, lists etc. that are all mostly valid. Now if you want a list that would include the best Japanese whiskey that will help you to reveal to your boss and a customer or two that you had a .8 GPA for a quarter at The Ohio State University. I have that list, Number 1 –Yamazaki 12 year. The 18 year is good but the 12 is the most effective as a truth serum. I could continue the list for each of the categories but if I did someone would feel like they may need to do an intervention so I will stop with one.

I could keep trying to come up with topics that I could possibly ramble on for another 750 words and not do anyone any justice or I could come up with my own Kellnesque tag line to finish this thesis. But before I sign off, I want to thank Kelln for this opportunity and to thank him for continuing to post often relevant, heartwarming, truthful, opinionated, and most often darn funny blogs.   I often give him hell for when he goes “radio silent” for a few days. Never again will I say anything. It took me 5 days to come up with this worthless dribble that I would like to call entertaining blog fodder. I also want to say that I agree with Kelln on a lot, especially with we need to support agriculture, especially animal agriculture since we are under the worst attack now. I think it is crazy to cram a bunch or crap and plant protein together and call it something reserved for ground Beef, turkey, pork, or hell even chicken. Back in my day, beef was the only thing in a burger, today I’m ok sharing that nomenclature with the other three mainstream animal proteins. But I will never agree to call something plant based anything other than a side or a salad. Burger King can take the product they are pushing and shove it elsewhere. All the chains either have a similar product or will, I get it. They have chosen to go all in on this inferior product after building their empire on the back of the beef industry and I don’t agree with it. I’ll never try one and I don’t feel my kids are in any hurry to grab a compressed and processed salad on a bun either. As people in agriculture we must share our stories and get the truth out there. One of the best ways is through kids as Kelln is doing. Each one of them are their own social media influencer and if they are hooked up and involved in agriculture it helps everyone in the end.

So, in closing, have a good one and a better…crap! That’s been used!! This is Walter Cronkite signing o…. NOPE. I AM OUTTA HERE…no to Dennis Miller. Bdee Bdeee Bdee That’s All Folks! Happy Trails….. I just can’t come up with an original closing line. Goodnight Gracie”


If you haven’t met Kratzer, well, you need to.  Thanks for sending this and ALL of the other texts, emails, calls, etc.  Better yet, I am pleased to have made another friend.  There isn’t very many of us that can rock camo shorts.  Especially, the low rent kind.

I recently made it to KC.  Way cool trip!  I had a great chat with Clark Fledderjohan.  Talked to some other cool goaters.  Next blog or two.

Thank you and have a good one.

Name Game

Uncle Ron brought up valid points about naming bucks.  It truly is a name game.  Do you stick with the sire lineage name?  Come up with something unique?  Steal from a different species?

Some names should be retired–Who Made Who, Slam Dunk, Sugar Ray, 900, 191…just to name a few.  Heat Wave needs to be done.  I didn’t think it was cool when some named a goat, boar or sheep Heat Wave.  But, then again, Mini Heat is a cool name.  Tag #s work if they become legendary.  900, 191 and 612 are some that come to mind.

I’ll be honest.  I’ve got a bank of names.  I have not hardly used ANY of those names.  Camoflauge Lingerie is a buck name that I have been carrying around for years.  (It’s mine so don’t use it.  I have it here in print.  Therefore, MINE!!)  The name hasn’t fit any buck, therefore, I haven’t used it.  Dirty Rumour is another that I was planning on but….Milligan bought him and named him Easy Decision.  Good name.

How do I come up with names?  Let us take a closer look.

FreakOnALeash–I bought him from Gallaghers at weaning in 2010.  He was a Freaky son.  At that time, Oklahoma was still showing wethers on the chain.  NO bracing allowed!  So, this one was a Freaky son that was going to make wethers to show on the chain.  Instead, he left us a wicked set of daughters. Although, he did sire the grand wether at OYE in 2013.  A month after I started advertising him, Top Cut sires (a boar stud) unveiled a boar named Freak On A Leash.

Rumour Has It–I twisted off and got tag 2174 bought from Helms before his first online buck sale.  Very few knew who got him.  The rumors were swirling for several weeks.  I was on the phone one evening on my drive home, a dude was talking about all of the rumors that were surrounding this buck and where/who/what’d he cost/etc.  In 2012, Adele was killing the radio with hit after hit.  While having this discussion, her new hit song hit the radio, “Rumour Has It”.  I saw it on the radio screen and went “hunh”.  There’s how that name came to be.  Of course, the naming guru himself used this name a year later and named one of the BTW bucks Rumour Has It.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Joe Dirt–I was leaning towards Jukebox Hero.  Tyke liked Joe Dirt.  I liked the movie, the name and loved the goat.  I think I’ve wrote about this one before.

Rainman–Poe & I bought this buck on a Friday afternoon.  Later that night was the first ever Friday Night Fever.  One of our companions got sideways, ran down a concrete spillway, hurt his knee and ended up in a quick stop trying to get ice cream at midnight.  It was a retarded deal.  Somehow, the next day, as we re-hashed the events of the night before, the name Rainman came up.  I love the un-abbreviated version of this story.  Poe & I will both crack up any time that story comes up.  Mikey Thompson and I will always remember the events inside the quick stop.  No law involved!  Every time I am in Sonora, TX, I snap a pic of that concrete drainage ditch and send a smart ass text or three.  I love the story but I love that goat as well.  He’s still alive.

Skippy Red Leg–He had a red leg.  He got plowed by a doe and broke a shoulder.  He then skipped around on three legs for a couple of months.  Duhh!!

Fade2Black–An actual Starbuck son (Black Sabbath at the time).  He was gray headed for the first month of his life.  Then it slowly started changing to black.  I like Metallica and they have a bad ass tune called Fade To Black.  Thus the name.

Manilla Gorilla–He was gorilla assed, gorilla legged and manilla rhymed with gorilla, so thus the name.  Really……… in depth …………….thoughts.

Dirty Rain–He is a Joe Dirt on a wicked, awesome Rainman daughter.  Real creative.

Blood Pressure–When Rick Barnthouse bought him, I asked him, “What are you going to name him?  He rattled off several ideas.  But then, he said “Kelln, as that auction kept going, my heart was about to explode.  I had to stop and take some blood pressure pills before I kept bidding.”  I was like, “Dude!  Rick that is a perfect name.”

Duke–When it became apparent that we were having a son, I had most people convinced that we were naming this offspring Krawdad Kelln.   I still like that name and there are some elders that still call Duke–Krawdad.  Most all were relieved when we named him Connely Duke Kelln. My grandpa was named Elbert James Schneider.  He went by the name of Duke.  Can’t blame him for that.  He also answered to E.J.

And all of that bring us to the newest buck around here.  

Next Friday

He is sired by She Said Next.  Yes, one of the sex crime posse of bucks.  Except she gave consent.  This buck sold at Friday Night Fiesta.  And here is the Paul Harvey part of the story.  Milligan was in San Angelo bidding for me.  I got him bought, thanked Tommy, hung up the phone, parked the gator and headed into the house.  I cracked a cold one open as I turned on the tube.  The first show that was on that evening—one of my favorites—Next Friday.

And in honor of Ron’s blog, if you see me name something Monkey Wrench, HMB, WTS or CWM, you better get in on that action.


****All names are copyrighted, owned and shall only be used exclusively by Kelln Livestock, Kelln, a Kelln, a friend of Kelln, or anybody that understands the intrinsic value of said names, animals, penguins, warthogs, koalas and/or is willing to read through all of this jargon or crap and must sign off that they understand the thorough processes that leads to such an idiocracy as this blog or the naming of livestock, kids, pets, or whatever else needs to be covered by anything using asterisks.

Guest Blog

This is my favorite that was sent to me.

The author is Ron Simonson from Nebraska.  If you don’t know of Ron, well, you need to.  He’s managed to put together some elite wethers the past few years including grands & reserve grands at Nebraska State Fair, Arizona National, NILE, AkSarBen and others.  He has owned elite bucks, utilizes AI & ET in his program.  But, he also helps a lot of other breeders in Nebraska.  And he is a sucker to help a young person in this industry.  Ron & I only see each other once or twice a year but this dang blog deal has been a talking, texting, email deal between us for years.

Here you go!


“What’s in a name?
I’ve always been intrigued and amused at the names people give their bucks. How much goes into it? Is there inspiration when you first see him? Or do you have it picked out before birth? And when they announce the new one and the internet blows up because that name was already in use. How do you know?
Being focused on raising wethers for almost two decades I very rarely ever named one. I labeled a couple pretty good ones though. Bootlegger and Detroit come to mind. Good names, and not to bad of stock. I didn’t even care to help name some partnership bucks, letting the other guy have all the fun. “PD” aka Panty Dropper, Big Rumour, Tigger, and No Strings Attached are all good names.
A couple years ago I realized that being north of 70 and arthritis in my hands and knees something had to change. After an “almost dispersal” (where have you heard that before) I needed to change direction. And I was surprised that there are so many around here that have 2 to 5 does and have no way to get them bred to a decent buck Many are FFA or 4-H projects or grandparents doing it for them. That’s where I come in. This has allowed me to stay in the game so to speak. Meet and talk goats with friends. Which is the very best part of the whole goat experience. Now I have more bucks (7) than does kidded last December (6). But now I am raising these replacement bucks and have to name them.
So I sat down and tried to figure out who came up with the best names. Allan Morgan has one of my favorite names. Captain Morgan. The guy at this keyboard has drank more handles of that spiced elixir than either of you that are still reading this.
Kelln has named a lot of them. Some I like, others, idk he’s all over the board.
The King of goat naming has to be Joe Raff. How do you come up with: I Don’t Know, I Don’t Remember, or It’s Not Important? My favorite of all time is, None Of Your Business!
Milligan, does that sound Italian? Tommy has named a number of bucks too. Lately there has been Lasagna, Tango, da Vinci. Ahha, a theme. That’s what I have needed, a theme. 60’s rock bands.
So now I have put some names on some bucks that most breeders have never heard. Like Steppenwolf and Three Dog Night. Chicago and Blood Sweat n Tears (oh what brass sections they had).
Hoping to raise a couple more bucks this year and now trying to come up with that just right name. Paul Revere and the Raiders, Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, Grand Funk Railroad. Probably all to wordy.
Righteous Bros, Doobie Bros, Everly Bros, or Alhman Bros. The Bro thing probably won’t fly.
Buddy Holly, I think that’s already be taken.
There’s Little Richard, Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles. But I’ve heard several judges refer to Ray as being a judge himself.
Well I have narrowed it down, my next name will be one of the following: Buffalo Springfield, Wilson Picket, Union Gap, Bruce Springstein, Procol Harum, or Jefferson Airplane.
But, if I ever have one good enough to be called CCR. You’ll all want to get some juice from him.
So how does he say this? Shamrocks and Horseshoes!
And have a Blessed day”


How about that?  Ron brings up valid points on naming bucks (which I will discuss later), takes a dig at me, makes fun of the Italian?!? in Perrydise and now puts all of us goaters on watch for a buck tied back to Credence Clearwater Revival.  Thanks.


I’ll post some more of these deals.

Been hooked up lately, trying to get stuff done at school, at home and hopefully going to make a quick trip to KC this weekend.

Have a good one.

Been a bit

Yes, I know that I haven’t hit the keyboard in almost a week.  Been busy.  You may not believe this but it takes a bit to log in, type crap and publish this crap.  No matter if it’s one word or 1,800.  With this crappy internet service, it takes a bit.

I also know that I need to post a deal or three that was submitted by others.  We will get to it.  Just not tonight. There is a definite winner.  A couple worth reading.  And several that I can’t publish.  Which, if I think they are wrong…..well…..

I spent the last couple of days trying to farm….helping cook for a pig sale…..attending a pig sale…..building hog pens at the ag farm……doctoring pigs……trying to farm……taking care of stock at home with no sunlight…..moving round bales after dark…..trying to farm a bit (I’m good with farming 20 acres or less at a time).

Now, I’m in the house, eating a burger and watching a show with Brian Johnson –lead singer of AC/DC and Lars Ulrich–drummer for Metallica.

Ironically, as an ag teacher, I do a decent job of teaching the basics of electricity.  I’m not journeyman good at wiring but I do understand the basics and how to’s and how don’ts.   I enjoy using the most popular rock band of all time in the opening of a lesson about electricity.  How did the band get the name AC/DC?  And what does AC and DC mean?  The band may be done but their music and the name is still relevant with today’s kids.

I spent a bit this evening moving panels and huts around.  Trying to get pens set up for breeding season.  The time is almost upon us.  While dealing with buck goats, one has to understand each buck’s personality.  Every buck is unique.  And thus the reason that every buck should have a unique name.  But that’s a whole other post altogether.

People, have a good one and a better tomorrow.  Peace!


Giddy is a term that most people would NEVER associate with me.  Arrogant, a-hole, stubborn, boorish, stand-offish, grouchy are all terms that most would try to tie to me and my sunshiny personality.  I can address this.

arrogant–NO–I prefer extremely confident in my own abilities.  I’ll brag about kids as well as others.  I’ll answer any question that any of you that have dealt with me asks me.

a-hole–yes, sure.  That one definitely applies.  I don’t care what others think of me.  I do care what they think of my family, kids, students and those around me.  As a result, I strive to make those around me better even if I end up looking like the donkey hole.

stubborn–can be.  But as soon as I see a better way, I’m there.  Most call me stubborn because they are scared to bring up a new deal.  I’m always looking to change.  I just don’t want to change until I know that I need to.  And if I’m right and know I’m right….yeah, than all of the terms apply.

Boorish and grouchy–however, if I’m bitching about something, there is a reason why and I’m probably right.  You may not want to hear it, but I’m right.  I’ve got a teaching partner that is learning how to exploit the stubborn, boorish and grouchy part.  If you are doing things right, I’m not those things.

Now back to the term Giddy.  Although very few people ever get to see me act giddy, I have truly felt giddy on several occasions in the past month.  No, it isn’t a senile deal.  My own mother has trouble telling if I’m giddy.  Tammy can tell, most of the time.  Lately, I truly have looked around and felt giddy.  I mean, literally thinking to myself, I can’t hardly sit still, holy crap, is this really happening…you know….giddy.

Example 1–I attended an OK Youth Expo ag mechanics committee meeting last month at the OYE office.  I was honored to be asked to be a part of this committee.  But then, while sitting there discussing the first ever OYE ag mecher show, I truly felt giddy.  Why?  Holy crap!   Why not?!?!?     For one, I was at a meeting helping chart the path for what will become a bad ass ag mecher show.  Second, I looked around the room at the ag mech legends that were on this committee.  Retired teachers that won nationals numerous times and now run ag fab businesses.  Others that are running area tech school welding programs.  Other outstanding ag ed teachers that specialize in teaching ag mechanics.  And, my dumb ass.  I’m supposed to be a goat guy.  I am honored to be a part of this deal.  But when Tyler Norvell told us that they were going to include the grand ag mecher in THE grand drive….hell, I was shaking like a yard dog trying to crap a peach seed.  The sheer excitement of the opportunities that are going to be made available to a whole new group of students…mine, yours, I don’t care….all of them.

Example 2–I attended a Woodward District Jr. Livestock Show Executive Committee meeting on this fine night.  This district show has proven to be a leader in how to do things on the district level.  They have built the BEST district premium sale in Oklahoma.  They have also been progressive in hiring judges that need used from anywhere in the US of A.  In turn, this show is being used as a staging show for majors.  It is cool.  Next, the Woodward District Show was the first in Oklahoma to start an ag mech show.  This helped jump start the OYE deal.

Now, for tonight.  I can say that I have known everybody on this committee.  I’m not the oldest nor the youngest.  But, I sat there tonight looking around the room.  Some of these are contemporaries of mine.  I like and respect them.  I’m glad to work alongside them.  Others have been running this show for several years and have helped build it.  But, there are a few that were teaching & coaching when I was showing back in the 80s.  Mike Weber and Randy Pullan are friends of the Kelln family.  But, I have and do look up to these dudes.  True stockmen that understand livestock and kids.  Now, I will gladly argue with either of them but these guys are normally going to be right and bring sound, honest judgement to the table.  I’m all in.

Then, there is a guy that even they look up to.  The general superintendent of the Woodward District Jr. Livestock Show is Larry Moore.  Yes, that Mr. Moore that has raised piles of great hogs, wicked sheep and any of you that know him will agree that the term Livestock Legend applies.   I might be a borderline arrogant, a-hole that can be grouchy and boorish but I know when there is a more experienced voice in the room that without a doubt will always try to do the right thing for the kids and then the adults involved.

This last spring at the Woodward District show, the honorees for the show were Larry Moore and Tom Lamle (another legend).  I was the kid that got to deal with the cool chicks (Denise & Nancy) for the logistics of the awards.  How cool?  WAY COOL!

So, yeah, I sat there looking around the room, feeling a bit giddy tonight.  I showed at this show when I was a kid.  Both of our kids showed here.  My students show here.  And here I am, sitting with these people, helping to make decisions to benefit this show.  Giddy–hell yes!  Did I show it?  NO!  But I don’t care who knows.  Weber will probably read this.  Somebody will call Pullan and tell him to read it.  Larry Moore, he doesn’t have time to read this crap.  And if somebody tells him about it, well, he’ll kind of grunt, sideways grin a bit and go back about his business.

Now, for the question—is it good for me to be giddy?   HOLY heck yes!    If somebody is giddy, they are excited to be doing this deal.  I’m wound up about both deals.  I mean WOUND!!!  Now, for you smart son-of-a-guns that are reading this and asking “What does Kelln bring to these committees?”  I can answer that.  First off, without sounding arrogant, a lot of high level experience with all classes and species of livestock as well as ag-ed competitions.  Second, a willingness and desire to work with others to make these shows great.  Next and not necessarily, last….an abrasive SOB that is not afraid to do or say whatever, wherever in order to make these events as successful as possible for the kids and their families.

I guess I need a cool tag line to end this kind of blog.  I’d like to come up with something cool but I might be the least cool person in my own household.  Duke is at a Guns N Roses concert.  Kela works in Hollywood and has some wicked cool projects going.  Tammy is flying to California tomorrow.  Which leaves me, the dogs, a couple of chickens, some goats and cows here in paradise.  Horseshoes and shamrocks to all.  I hope all of you had a great day and a better tomorrow.  I’ll just leave you with this.



GIDDY up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Cuz if you aren’t a bit, well, you should be.