Archive for Blog Posts – Page 36

Christmas Gifts

I recently saw one of those meme deals that read “Santa has seen what you posted on social media this year and you are getting a dictionary.”

So, so true.

This past week, I refrained from commenting on a whole pile of book face posts regarding the Bedlam game. There were SO many posts with spelling errors.  It drove me nuts.  But, I “new” if I commented that there would be retaliation about “their” or in most gooner posts “there” school wins football games.  “You NO that our coach is your coaches is daddy.”

I’m fine with an occasional typo.  They happen.  A sticky I or O key can cause a well-oiled typist some grief.  And, spell check can duck one over.  What? Duck?  I don’t use language like that.

I do take great pride in the fact that I am a graduate of the Oklahoma State University.  My dad is proud of being an Okie State grad.  Kela loves living in LA and riding for the brand.  Our family is proud of our collegiate heritage stemming from Oklahoma State University.  Yes, OSU has won more national championships than UO. Except in football.


I also understand why so many people cheer for UO.  They win and have always won a lot of football games.  I get it.

Besides, Okie State, I also like to watch a couple of other teams win some football games.  It is well documented that I like Notre Dame.  I mean—German/Irish/Catholic heritage and while growing up, the pokes weren’t winning many games.  But the Irish always seem to put up a fight.  I also like LSU.  I’ve never met a LSU fan that I didn’t get along with.  Georgia & Clemson would also fall into that category.  I don’t mind cheering for Penn State and Nebraska.  All excellent ag schools with strong fan bases that are loyal to their own school and don’t spend so much time bashing others.

I respect a lot about Texas Tech, Texas A&M as well UT.  All great schools but hard to cheer for on a regular basis.

And for some strange reason, I’ve watched several SMU football games this season.  One, they get replayed on ESPN the OCHO at 2 am on a regular basis.  Two, their whole team is made up of transfers and recruits that no other D1 school was chasing.  And yes, the whole death penalty deal.  They have served their time.

But don’t bash my school that I actually attended and the only reason that I left is because I graduated from this school.  I know a lot of people that attended and graduated the University of Oklahoma.  None of them are on social media talking trash.  I know a lot of people  that cheer for UO.  Of course, their spelling problems should be expected.  Especially, since they ALL mis-spell their own favorite team’s name.  It is called the University of Oklahoma.  UO.  But they all call it OU.  Bass-ackwards.

I do not dislike the University of Oklahoma.  However, I dis-like a lot about many of their fans.

In all honesty, I hope all of you have a favorite college for which to cheer.  Yes, cheer and root for them.  And leave me to cheer for my favorite team.  And my crew is consistent.  Even though the pokes are only mildly relevant in football, that’s still my team.  Why?  I like the school.  That’s it.  I’m fine with wrestling titles, golf wins, future baseball wins, a football upset here and there, softball titles in 2026-2029 and a continuous slug of winning livestock and meats national titles.  Yes, it is disturbing to watch the football team get handled…again.  But, it is what it is.  It does not change my opinion of the school or make me want to where some uo crimson.

And, now, to tie this all back to the goat/livestock industry.  I wish sumebody wood pruf reed the right ups on online livestock sales.  There getting sum of dem all wrong.

Oh crap!  Let me take off my UO cap and t-shirt.  JEEEZZZ!!

Now that I’ve got my orange back on….what I meant to write was….I wish that somebody would proof read the write ups on online livestock sales.  They’re getting some of them wrong.  Some of them need a dictionary as well.  Of course, one needs to know how to spell in order to look it up in a dictionary.

p.s.  I hope that I didn’t have a typo in this post.  Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

p.s.s.  While jacking around with this dumb donkey deal, I forgot to check my bids on a little group of nannies.  Guess what?  I lost out on some bargains.  Like Okie State football, there is always next year.


I’ve got a whole bunch of YEAHHHH!!!

In the beginning, the first and foremost yeah belongs to Turkey Tacos.  Oooh baby, I love me a smoked turkey taco.  I smoked 2 turkeys and a turkey breast for Thanksgiving.  I’ve got me some jive turkey meat to make up some turkey tacos for a few days.  YEAHHHH!!!

Leftover turkey…that means turkey pot pie….gumbo w/smoked turkey…..YEAHHH!!!

Once again, we had Thanksgiving at our piece of paradise south of Fargo, OK, USA!!   My parents, both brothers and families, Duke, Tammy and I.  Kela face timed us to complete this part of our family.  Throw in an uncle, a family friend, and then later in the day another family friend and his cool daughter.    YEAHHH!!!

Friday found Duke and I getting cows AIed.  I’m real sure that conception rate will be 100%.  YEAHHH!!!

Duke shot a really nice 8 point buck.  He has taken Luke hunting a time or two.  I have been watching a really bad ass 12+ buck.  No need to watch for him anymore.  Neighbor got him.  I’m glad he did.  YEAHHH!!!!

I don’t get too fired up about shooting a deer.  There was a time, but that time has since passed.  I would way rather that the younger ones have at it.  I would like to write about my theory of hunting deer….but….I just can’t bring myself to put it into print.  It ain’t right but it is dead on.

It is real cool when a parent shows you a text from their college offspring that reads “I am real glad that dang Kelln made me do public speaking.  He was right.  I am going to use this.”    YEAHHHH!!!!

I’m going to end on a high note.




Back in the 80’s, there was an excellent song called “Nobody”.  This was a big hit back then and it has held up to the tests of time.  The artist known as Sylvia sang this diddy.  This song and another of hers reached #1 on the country charts, otherwise we would call her a one hit wonder.  I thoroughly love the lyrics and song writing of this song.   “Nobody” and George Straits’s “The Chair” are a couple of hit songs that are hard to replicate.  Very unique written words set to tunes and then the delivery.  I love ’em!

How come there isn’t a big time buck named “Nobody”?  It seems to me that a bunch of Texas rental bucks should be named Nobody.  I mean, Nobody knows exactly what they are out of, how they are bred and Nobody, well except for Nobody knows how to market them.  And Nobody knows what to breed them back to.  Well, other than…. Aahh,yeah…. Nobody.

Your nobody bred another doe today, and all we know is that it is the closest thing to 900 ever.  Do we keep the doe kids?  Yes!  And use another nobody? Aahh yeah and I wonder do they think that they are being clever?  Aahh yeah, always clever, oohh, oohh!   And trust me, it will be…. even better.

And therein lies one of the biggest problems in the goat industry.  Nobody really knows what the heck they are actually dealing with when it comes to genetics.  Nobody has infiltrated the show goat industry (and you papered goaters don’t need to be smirking), there is a goat or three that Nobody made their mark on years ago AND your nobody is all over the industry–papered or not-YOUR nobody is loved even better than the real stuff.  AND you all even know which goat(s) it was!!!

I’m just a nobody in this industry. Just a nobody that has been to the mountain top(s) and I have seen behind the curtains.  This nobody understands marketing and understands genetics, not just goats.  I understand what Nobody is up to.  I, however, don’t understand what they rest of you are thinking.  Why a nobody?  You said Nobody..oooh Nobody.

I’ve never named a doe Sylvia, but I might and she might need to become papered.  Well, at least percentage.  HAAAA!!!

You clowns can’t even argue.  I’m right.  And that was/is a bad donkey song.   Said Nobody.  Actually, everybody.

This isn’t aimed at nobody. Nobody doesn’t care.  This is for all of you …aahh yeahhh…..clowns that keep writing checks to nobody and not really getting much.

Have a good one.  This was fun.



No Direction

Isn’t there a band named No Direction?

This may get useless as I really don’t have a preliminary plan as to what is getting ready to be typed.   However, several previous posts may come full circle.

For starters, it gets dark early and I had nothing else to do, so I turned on the tube.  I didn’t want to watch nba or nfl crap (ironically, spell check changed nba to nab and nfl to nil, I find this appropriate), so I kept flipping channels….oh wow, a crappy cool movie–Rambo: first blood part II.  Sly Stallone made a career out of fighting the Russians.  I watched the ending.

At the very end, Rambo is asked, “What do you want?”  Rambo’s answer reminded me of most goat shows.

“I want what they want.”     Like MOST of the goat world, I want the best goat to win.   But, just as in Rambo movies, politics can get in the way.


Speaking of GOATs.  How about the Okie State University livestock judging team picking up another national championship.  Congrats!

And judging from book face, there was a goat show in Louisville this week.

I’m several decades into this ag ed teaching game.  I’m better than most but not as good as some.  I do know this: a teacher needs to be constantly learning in order to stay ahead of the students.

Recently, I decided to upgrade my personal cutting torch skills.  I have been able to weld proficiently for a bit but the torch and I have not always gotten along.  I have always been “farmer good” when it came to cutting with a gas torch.  I’ll get it done but there may be a grinder involved.

I found a video of a lady that had the age and demeanor of somebody that would be hosting a cooking show.  But, I learned.

I then applied that knowledge to a class of beginning shop hands.  They watched the video, then watched me and they too were making good cuts.  So, we made it into a timed event AND holy crap, things took off from there.  A quality cut is more important than a fast time but those kids turned it into a complete and total competition.  Which then spread.  Older kids now wanted to cut and be timed.  What’s my time and what’s my grade?

This has turned into a pure competition.  No politics.  Just the stop watch and the quality of the cut.  You see, a cut and/or a weld is like a chick wearing yoga pants….there ain’t no hiding nothing.  It is what it is.

Then the older, experienced shop hands wanted in on this deal.  There are some very high level athletes in this mix that just love competition.  “Hey, Kelln, time me.”

I say go, start the clock, they light the torch cut and when the metal hits the bucket, clock stops and the cut is scored.  4″ wide x 1/4″ thick metal–oxy-acetylene torch.  Some of these kids went wicked FAST!   Then faster.  LOTS of crap talking!

And then the expected happen.  “Hey, old man.  Let’s race.”   So, I did.  And….well, I was faster than most but not as fast as a couple.  BUT…I let the kids grade my cut and I am still winning that part.  THANK GOD!!

And just when I thought we were done with the cutting races, a group of girls wanted in the game.  Nine of them (6 freshman & 3 juniors).  Only one had ever ran a torch.  So, we started from safety to proper lighting to making a cut.  And this group of competitive chicks has made it where those seniors leave lunch hour early to come watch this class of girls cut metal.

It has been fun to watch the differences.  The boys talk trash at each other.  “What was his time?  I can beat that.  Dude, your girlfriend cuts better than that.”

The girls coach each other, cheer and congratulate one another.  “Slow down.  Angle into your cut.  Keep the inner cone closer to the metal.  Good job!”

I don’t care what you are doing, one always needs a refresher course.  I was simply trying to improve my own cutting skills.  Now, I’ve got 25 boys & girls in the 8th grade ag careers class going, “Oohh Oohh! When can we go to the shop.”

My reply–“Next Year!”   And then the disappointed, “oooooooo”.    And then one of the smart asses, “Wait, so you are saying that we can go in January because that will be 2020 and this is 2019.  Right?”  Dudes, they’re killing me!

When talking about girls in the shop, people older than myself shake their head.  Those younger than me like it.  My dad is typical.  “Girls in the shop?!  When I was in FFA, the only girl allowed was the chapter sweetheart.” Actually, he is all for anybody and everybody learning.  But he’s right and that was wrong.

Just this week, while not sleeping, I read an article in Forbes magazine about female welders.  There is a growing demand for more welders and many females are filling the void and cashing in.

The point of this typing is several fold.  One–Always be trying to improve yourself so that you can, in turn, help others.  Two–It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, black, white or hispanic, Catholic or Baptist, rich or poor, there are opportunities for all.  Three–Competition always promotes excellence.  Some always rise to it but a little competition pushes all to do better.

And that brings us full circle–politics.  Our current political system has No Direction.  I am not necessarily a Trump fan, but he was and is our best option.  There are things that I really like about the Trumpster but things that I dislike.  I don’t like either party.  I think the party system should be abolished.  One party is WAY EFFED up (democrats) and the other party is just lying low, not doing anything, basically like an old dog on the porch  (republicans).  This impeachment process is a joke.  It is a waste of time, waste of taxpayer dollars and a waste of human decency.  They are ALL guilty!  None of us can argue that fact.  I would vote for Trump’s impeachment as long as it meant that pelosi, shumer and the rest of those POS, waste of oxygen, human beings had to leave as well.

I would vote for a female president (no, not hillary as I don’t think that she qualifies on any level–I don’t like her or her politics).  And if I end up dead, well, I did not commit suicide.  Neither did Epstein.  I would vote for a black man or woman (your obama was not black and was not qualified).

We, as Americans, need to be united and all headed in one direction.  Like John Deere, we always need to be headed up.

Two great ‘Merican movies were on as I hit this keyboard.  And with that, I leave you with two questions.

“Who made you pope of this dump?”

“Let’s think about this for a second, Ted.  Why do they put a guarantee on a box?  Hhmm.  Very interesting.”



My hope for each reader, is that you do know the answers and are sitting there with a stupid grin as you think about those great movies and all the humor that they bring.   I’ve got nothing else and I’m done.






Why are they called “memes”?  IDK either.  Some of these things I like and others I can scroll right on past.

However, the screaming ladies and the chill cat memes…..I read them all!  I know they are beyond stupid but I like the good ones. Many of these aren’t funny and somewhat redundant.  But some of them are classic.  So, I keep reading them all…waiting on the next classic.

I love the 6 panel meme with hillary and the cat–9 lives!!!!

I enjoy the chicks screaming “Where is the cat?” and the chinaman with wok, slyly smiling.

Another one with hillary–Wheel of fortune with “JEFFERY E–TEIN -I–ED HIM-E-F”

hillary yelling–Jeffery Epstein pissed himself!” & the cat saying “Eff it!  I’ve got 9 lives.  I’d like to solve the puzzle, Pat.”

My new favorite might be “Stop spreading rumors about me, I’m not a slut.”  And the cat says, “BS!  You’ve been cocked more times than John Wayne’s rifle!”

And to tie it all back to the goat industry.  There is a real good one with the screamers yelling “My goat should have been grand champion!”  And Chill Cat says, “You’re goat should have been on a taco.”  I love it.


And just for the record, the protocol on the cystic doe did not work.  She was back in heat, right on schedule.  On a better note, does with CIDRs are coming in hot.  2 shot lut—eeenhh, not so much.


If you need me to send you some of these favorite screaming ladies and chill cat memes, hit me up.


Oh, and the way social media keeps the Jeffery Epstein story going, might be the single best thing about social media.



Crappy Movies that I like

Get ready to be offended because I already know that a couple of you readers will be upset with a movie or three that are on this list.

I’m not ranking these, I’m just putting it out here that these movies are not very good but I will watch them EVERY time that they come on the tube.

Some actors just fit this genre.  Adam Sandler, Kurt Russell, Keanu Reaves, Sly Stallone, the Arnold and Nicolas Cage.  They have made careers out of crappy movies that people like to watch…time….and…time again.

Mike Myers has made a lot of profitable flicks.  But he always toes the line with this list.

His SNL brethren understand the formula.  Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler are mainstays on a list like this.

Talladega Nights is one of the worst movies EVER made, but I will watch it time and time and time again.  I love it.  But the timelines and the reality just ain’t right.

The Longest Yard by Adam Sandler falls into this category.  Stupid movie remake that is borderline retarded and I….will watch it again. Not as cool as the original but….

Billy Madison is just like that line in the movie…..”We are all dumber….”  I like it but this is one stupid movie.  But, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, some hot chick, a stupid plot….and I will watch it again.

Ted Turner made obscure movies famous when he started TBS.  “The Christmas Story” is one that became iconic.  Another of those bad flicks was Beastmaster.  Horrible made, cheap flick that was kind of cool but I guarantee you that the Kelln brothers remember this flick in a positive light.

Let’s just start a thread with Nicolas Cage movies.  Face/Off and ConAir are a pair of crappy movies that I like to watch.  Gone in 60 seconds is a dumb donkey wicked cool movie.  Impossible stupid plot.  But I like it.

Arnold is another actor that has excelled at crappy cool movies.  Conan the Barbarian isn’t right but I will watch it…again.

Kevin Costner is one of the all time greats.  But he did make Waterworld and The Postman.  I will watch both, but neither are his best works.

Deep Blue Sea is one of the coolest, crappy movies of all time.  LL Cool J is a main character.  You don’t get much cooler than Samuel L. Jackson….but…….

The late great Patrick Swayze made some iconic flicks but had a couple of deals that weren’t worth 2 squirts of owl shit.  Next of Kin was stupid but kind of cool.

AND, now I brace myself for feedback……Roadhouse is one of the dumbest movies of all time.  Get over it.  It make NO sense.  However, I will watch it every time that it comes on.  Stupid, COOL flick!!   Sam Elliott plays his worst role of all time but it is cool.

Keanu Reaves is a cool cat that has made some legendary movies and a couple that work like a hoover vacuum. I like Keanu Reaves movies.  But one of the dumbest, crappiest movies of all time is one of my favorites.  The Replacements.  It makes NO sense but is way fun, way cool and a watcher uses ZERO brain cells.  I really like this movie.

Sly Stallone is one of the all time Hollywood Icons but he has made his share of crappy movies.  Some of the Rocky & Rambo franchises would fall into this category as well as all of the Expendables BUT the champion CRAPPY movie of all time is “Over the Top”.

Veteran’s Day!!

For starters, THANK YOU to all current and former men & women of the armed forces!!!   The American Way of Life is built upon the sacrifices of those that have and/or are currently serving.

I cannot understand any American that does not respect our Armed Forces.  You don’t have to like the government but there has to be respect for those that are willing to serve.  These people defend and preserve our rights.

Of course, there are quite a few military based movies on the tube tonight.  Here’s a quick list, feel free to text messages of where I screwed up.  No, I did not forget Major Payne.

Platoon, Hunt for Red October, Red Dawn & Inglourious Basterds are deserving.  Others, I haven’t seen so I didn’t comment.

11.  Saving Private Ryan–wicked opening, great story and the ending really ties it all back together.

10.  Kelly’s Heroes–All star cast with a unique story line.

9.   Stripes–I know, doesn’t really fit, but I like Bill Murray and a stupid story.

8.  A Few Good Men–what a collection of star power in this flick and an awesome plot.

7.   Good Morning Vietnam–One of my favorite Robin Williams flicks.  Lots of comedy combined with an

actual story.

6.  The Deer Hunter–scary movie that delves into the psyche and the toll that it can take.

5.  The Bridge on the River Kwai–extremely well made movie.  And that song that just makes you want to

whistle.  Yeah, you know the song.  And no it isn’t the same as the malt-0-meal tune.   Well, kind of.  It

is actually good reading to learn about the writer of this song and all of it’s transformations.  All in all,

a bad ass movie.

4.  Dr. Strangelove–One of the weirdest movies that you will ever see….but it makes one think.  Huge

characters.  And Slim Pickens riding the bomb–classic.  I never look for this film but can’t keep from

from watching it when it is on.

3.  American Sniper–I’ve only watched this one once and I still remember it vividly.  Lots of veterans were

in the audience.  Lots of respect and American pride was running rampant in that theater.    Well made.

2.  The Green Berets–one of the few films made where John Wayne’s character dies.  Great story.

My favorite, maybe not yours, but……my # 1 is…

1.   The Dirty Dozen–Wicked awesome ensemble for the cast.  Great story line and mission accomplished.

How many operations have been built like this?  Probably more than we care or need to know.


No matter your favorite, I have the utmost respect for those that have and are serving.  Salute and GOD speed to all serving… foreign or domestic or in harm’s way.  Thank you.  And thank you to the families of these brave women & men.    USA!!  USA!!   ‘Merica!!


Like most humans, I like food.  I can really eat when it comes time.  As I travel, I like to eat at places that I can’t eat at near home.  It is well documented on here that I love Pappadeaux’s, Cooper’s BBQ and numerous steak, burger & bbq joints.  When I head to a certain part of the U.S., I know ahead of time and therefore, plan accordingly where and when I am going to eat.  If I am near El Dorado, TX, I know that I am going to eat lunch at Rosa’s Casita.  Phoenix–Yep, I have to have a turkey pot pie at My Mother’s.  Northeast Oklahoma finds me headed to Tally’s Cafe for breakfast.

The National FFA Convention was just last week.  I’m glad that I didn’t go but I missed eating at a couple of my favorite spots.  St. Elmo’s steakhouse.  The kids were even impressed with this place.  Wicked!  One of my favorite national FFA convention stories involves St. Elmo’s and the Fairview FFA members.  That was my single favorite dining experience of ALL time!

I also told them that they needed to hit a deli near downtown.  Shapiro’s makes an awesome reuben sandwich, the pastrami on rye is on point and the desserts are wicked.  I obviously failed as a teacher as one of our best students ordered a ham & cheese sandwich.  No ham at a Jewish deli!  However, Shapiro’s posted a picture on their bookface page of Shattuck FFA in line to order.  Way Cool Deal!

One of my favorite things to teach is meats and foods and how religion can dictate what is and is not eaten.  Students are always amazed that the rest of the world does NOT eat beef like we do.  Wait, what?  Not everybody eats bacon?  WHY???     Goat is the most eaten meat in the world?!?!? Whaaattt???  How??

It is hard for white, middle class Americans to realize that we are in the minority and that beef is actually a luxury item to most of the world.  There is a variety of religions that won’t eat pork but goat and chicken are a staple worldwide.  Why? Simple.  They are cheap to keep (not show or papered goats), multiply quick and don’t take long to get to a market weight.

I like to watch Diners, Drive Ins & Dives.  Cool show that will make you learn something and make you hungry.  I like to cook but I need a large crowd.  I can’t just cook for a couple of people.

What is the perfect food?  I like smoked meats.  The flavor, the way it seals in the juices and the smell and it helps preserve food.  Honey is good on its own, goes well with everything and doesn’t spoil.  Bacon has a long shelf life, is good on its own, adds flavor to other dishes (salads, baked potato, filet mignon, etc.)  and can be served as a side, top dress or by the plate.  SOOOOOO………would that make a honey-glazed, smoked bacon THE perfect food?  It wouldn’t be for somebody that doesn’t eat pig.  But, for me…..

I think that I am going to have smoked bacon for breakfast.  And I am going to pour fresh honey (is there any other kind?) on each slice of bacon.

People, I have had a good week.  I hope you did to.  Have a good one and a better tomorrow.


This word has become increasingly popular in our everyday lingo.   Sync used to just mean that things were working in synchronization.  Presently, one can sync their phone with their vehicle, computer, speaker, refrigerator, whatever you need to hook up to, it can be done.

Remember when it was a big deal when a major artist was caught lip-syncing?

In the livestock world, sync normally means getting females to have their estrous cycle at a given time.  There are numerous tools, drugs and protocols that can work to get a given female to come into heat.  I have used several of them.

I know that I am going to get several replies as to what people do for their goats and why this or that has always worked for them.  Great.  But, presently, my dear, I don’t care.  Because I can tell you what is NOT working.

That would be the 2 shot lutalyse protocol.  This is where you give a doe 2 ccs of lut IM (that would be IntraMuscular).  Then 11 days later give her another IM shot of 2ccs of lut.  Then you cross your fingers and hope that the doe comes into heat with the next 48 hours.

I have used this protocol in year’s past.  Like a lot of years ago.  I know breeders that use it and it can work.  It doesn’t work for me.  And since I decided to do some outside breedings, it dang sure isn’t working for me.

Why?   In the past 3 weeks, 3 different customers have brought does to be bred that used the 2 shot lut protocol.  NONE, ZERO, NADAONEOFEM has been in heat.  I’m talking from 1, 2 or 5 does.  NONE were hot to trot.  We will get them bred but the price has definitely gone up.  Why?  One–I now have to spend WAY more time monitoring for a heat cycle.  And/Or now have to use a CIDR protocol to get them in heat.  Two–the only thing better than dealing with female goats is dealing with other people’s female goats.

I recently had a discussion with a Livestock Legend about syncing livestock females that pointed out a valid point about the injections.  You may or may not be injecting the drugs into muscles and therefore, the blood-stream.  In the neck, where IM injections should be placed, there is a high probability of hitting a fat pocket.  This could take days for the drugs to make it into the bloodstream.  Hunh?  Makes sense to me.

A person could argue that maybe the Lutalyse was out-of-date, exposed to sunlight, turned upside down. IDK? Doubt it.   Three different parties sharing the same bottle like some kind of bong?  I highly doubt it.

However, the ones that used a CIDR?  Well, lots of tail wagging, discharge, happy bucks that discharged numerous times, satisfied does with arched backs and a way happier goat herder.

You may now be asking, well sir, what protocol do you use?

Here at Kelln Livestock, a doe is given a 2 cc IM injection of Lutalyse.  And we keep our lut in the fridge.  Not freezer, just chilled.  Then a CIDR is placed in the appropriate place.  The whole process is easy.  I can tell you that it WAS easier last year when I had a Duke to help.  But, I have learned to do it all by myself.  And no, I don’t let any female help.  I don’t want them near these drugs or CIDRs.

We leave the CIDR in place for at least 7 days.  You can leave it longer if need be.   If I put CIDRs in 10 does, I will then pull a couple of CIDRs on day 7, a couple more on day 8 and a couple more on day 9.  That means the bucks are nailing tail at a rate of a couple does per day for several days.  Occasionally, I miss pulling a CIDR until day 12ish and then….well, they come in real hot.  And not every female is going to cycle in exactly the same time frame.  But, this protocol staggers their cycle and has a higher probability of inducing estrous.  Perfect–no. Here’s why this is more apt to work.  The shot of lut cleared the timer on the clock.  The CIDR is keeping anything from happening.  And nothing will happen until the CIDR is pulled.  You kind of get some input as to the time that the heat happens.

Now, if I am only breeding one or two does and I dang sure need them to come in heat, I add a shot of PG600–1 cc–IM at the time of pulling the CIDR.

      Let us put this in a timely context that fits RIGHT NOW!  (great Van Hagar song)   Normally, there are only two (2) times in any given year that I set a clock.  And that would be Fall Back and Spring Forward–you know, that government sponsored bullshit called Daylight Savings Time.  The rest of the year, I don’t need to wind that watch.  However, I set an alarm numerous times to go off at a given time.  The CIDR is the alarm clock.  The PG600 is the snooze button.  

Anybody that has flushed or AIed goats understands that it is NOT an exact science.  Every vet/technician has a different protocol on syncing doe estrous.  However, I can tell you this for certain–ALL of them use a CIDR and NONE of them use a 2 shot Lut protocol.  So, why are some trying to use this 2 shot lut deal?

Little Johnny has his hand up.   OOOOOHHHH!!!   OOOOHHHH!! Ask me!!!

Yes, Johnny.  Please keep it clean.

They don’t like spooge juice.   (Damn auto-correct tried to change it to sponge.  It is SPOOGE!)

Yes, Johnny, you would be correct.

At this point, anybody that has ever pulled a CIDR out of a goat, sheep or cow knows what I’m talking about.  It makes that sound plus it kind of has a different fluid on it.  I have also heard it called “pooter juice”.   I remember a story when Duke was with me and we both started laughing and knew exactly what they were talking about when they used the term “pooter” juice.  There might have been some other slurrish kind of words mixed in.

Here’s the point of tonight’s lesson.  The 2 shot lut protocol can work.  But it works best if the does are at home, next to the service buck.  But, if you are going to breed the does via AI, or for flush, or taken to a service sire, spend the 5 or 7 dollars for a CIDR and increase the chances of proper estrous.  Don’t just stand in the corner winding your watch…AGAIN.  Get a little pooter juice and get those does bred.

******Because of the content, I actually re-read this deal BEFORE the publish button was hit.  So, if any of it offends you….well, today is like every other day…I did my best to care but you chose to read this stuff.  No! No, I really don’t care if the words spooge or pooter offended you.

Some will be happy with what was written here, while others learned a thing or not.  Still, others have made the decision to just read elsewhere.  All the while, intelligence was gained.

I’m done.

I still crack up at spooge and pooter.  I know.  I’m not right.  Neither are you or you wouldn’t have read this far.


Hell Yeah!!

I have a very eclectic taste in music.  I love good tunes.  No matter the genre, I like a good song.  I remember things by the notes that were rolling through my skull at the time.  I’m not the only one.

As people deal with me and listen to my tunes, the one artist that catches people off guard is the great Neil Diamond.  John Q. Kelln is the person that first introduced Neil Diamond to me.

Years later, while teaching at Waynoka, I found a kindred spirit.  Football coach Scott Kysar.  He went to a lot of Neil Diamond concerts.  He and I should have hated each other but we both had the same goals in mind for the kids that we worked with.  Hyper-competitive coach and an a-hole ag teacher.  Yeah, it always works when everybody is on the same page.

How cool is Neil Diamond?  Quentin Tarantino used one of his songs in his opus “Pulp Fiction”.  But it is cooler than that.  I was in the east end zone seats when Barry Sanders returned a kick-off over a 100 yards the year before he won that trophy.  And that wasn’t the coolest moment at an athletic event.

In 2013, Tammy, Duke and I traveled to Boston to watch the Red Sox and the Yankees.  Lots of cool moments.  However, when the 7th inning stretch fired off and the Sox fans AND the Yankees fans all sang “Sweet Caroline.”  Dude, that was wicked cool!  I went on that trip for free, but dudes, that was a wicked awesome moment.  I will gladly pay the next time.

I have already written about living with the Dragon Lady during post-season baseball.  She watches all of it.  But, after the last pitch, the moment that she is STILL talking about is the fact that during THE National Anthem, of every game, ALL players were standing and honoring the flag.  No matter if they were Dominicans, Cubans, Koreans or just a plain old American–ALL of them.  No taking a knee, no dis-respect–just a bunch of ball players.  Hell to the yes!  It was like Neil Diamond’s song “America”—WE are all coming to America.  If you are a productive person, come on.  If you are a POS (see previous blog posts)–keep your ass in your own place and don’t infect what we have here.

If I ever run a radio station, it will be a mix of George Strait, Garth Brooks, Merle, Willie, Reba, Shania, Faith, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, GnR, a whole lotta Tesla, Eagles, some Damn Yankees, Skynyrd, Metallica, Neil Diamond, Neil Diamondx2, the Crue, Van Halen and Van Hager, Nelly, Run DMC, Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, Whitney Houston, Adele, Waylon, Cash, Willie (songs written by Willie), Steve Earle, some dude on the pipes, how bad ass is Roy Orbison, Restless Heart, some Queen, Ozzy, THE Righteous Brothers, something by the Stones and the Beatles, that Vanilla Ice song, some TSO at Christmas time, a bit of Nugent, Sir Mix-A-Lot, Ronnie Milsap, Juice Newton, some Poison ( just in case there is an 80’s chick that needs to take her top off), the Oak Ridge Boys, the Beastie Boys, the Kentucky Headhunters, some dudes that went by the initials CCR, Kid Rock, Joan Jett, Lita Ford, Jay Z, KISS, Jerry Jeff Walker, some other deal that went by Cross Canadian Ragweed, Huey Lewis AND the News, Sinatra, Hank Jr., the Great Divide, some dude called Elvis, Dolly, the Dropkick Murphy’s,  and last but not least ZZ Top.  There is more, like Michael Martin Murphy with “Wildfire”,several Pink Floyd diddy’s and any Bob Seger song.

I guess I need to start a podcast with Bob Seelke as my first guest.  That would be a train wreck that would be in demand.

I just stepped off the back porch and listened to a wookie convention.  2 bucks with does and another that is left out.  Lot of noises being made.

People, if I am mentioning Bob Seelke, life is good.  I bet Bob likes Neil Diamond.  If not, Jodi will tell him that he should like Neil Diamond.  “Dad gum! That dude has some good tunes. That doe ought to be bred.”

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Hell yeah!

No reason for the title or the ending to be Hell Yeah, except that I feel like a HELL YEAH!