Archive for Blog Posts – Page 35

New Year

Tme.  I don’t have much time for this right now.  Breeding goats, feeding critters and running a concession stand at a pig show.  I’m not very smart.


Had a great trip to Phoenix with the Isbell and Ferguson families.  Brooke Ferguson won class 3 with a goat from me and was 2nd in class behind the reserve grand.  Julie Isbell won a class and was res. div. 3.  Great families that work hard, have fun and always try to do the right thing.  Also, watched Kaylee Rolph stand 2nd with a Fargo sired wether from Kester’s and she had a 2nd place doe from Seelke’s and a class winning doe from Pfeiffer’s.

I enjoyed getting to talk to several other breeders and showmen that I don’t get to see on a regular basis.  No we didn’t take any ag mech projects….and we should have.  However, we did eat at My Mother’s, LoLo’s chicken & waffles, La Piñata and Pappadeaux’s.  Those are 4 of my all time favorite restaurants.

Over and out and back to work.


Been there and back.  Left Phoenix on Tuesday morning to head home.  On the couch by 10 pm on Tuesday evening.  No, I did not make it midnight.

Happy New Year!!

Wicked Awesome

I hope that all of you have had an enjoyable Christmas season.  Mine has been wicked awesome.  The favorite daughter flew in last Saturday.  We had an excellent meal and time at Tammy’s parents house on the 23rd.  The 24th brought an excellent Christmas eve mass followed by the Kelln family Christmas Eve dinner and gathering.

Then a big family breakfast/brunch on Christmas Day.  All in all, it was wicked awesome.

Tammy and I got introduced to “new to us” technology this past week.  Kela hooked up the tv in order to stream shows and movies.  We needed this in order to watch the show for which she presently has employment. I had not seen the Disney+ program called “The Mandalorian”.  Now, due to the new tv hookup, I have seen all 7 episodes and am eagerly waiting to see the final episode of season 1.  She started working there at the end of the season 1 and has been working to get season 2 finished.

I don’t understand the industry.  I am learning.  She loves it even though there are long hours and extended periods with no days off.  The things that she is learning and seeing are un-real.  The educator side of me loves that she is getting hands-on experience in an environment that will allow her work ethic, skills and knowledge to shine through.  The fan side of me is wanting more.

Here’s what I know.

No, she can’t & won’t say anything about upcoming episodes.  No, she hasn’t met George Lucas.  No, her name won’t be in the credits until next season.  Yes, she has held “it”.   That prize is not a computer generated image.

Now, that I have seen “The Mandalorian”, I have thoughts about it.  There is no doubt that it ties back to Eastwood, the Duke and the Magnificent Seven (which itself is a direct tie to the origins of Star Wars).  It is truly a space western that harkens to the days of the Man with No Name.  I love it!  It is Wicked Awesome!  Mando is quickly rising on my list of favorite Star Wars themed characters.  He sounds like Eastwood, walks like John Wayne, fights like any of your favorite heroes yet is limited as a person.

The genius of this thing is that it is a stand alone story that ties to Star Wars, yet you don’t have to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy it.  However, it is a never ending plot.  Through seven episodes, we are already wanting to know more about baby Yoda, when will Mando take his helmet off, etc.  And in order to keep it going, all they have to do is introduce light sabers, a jedi, a tie to Darth, a wookie or any of the past characters and then all of us junkies will be forevermore tied to it.  Who knew that something that I was enthralled with in 1977 would still be rolling like it is?  Wicked Awesome.

I am proud of my kids.  I get frustrated with them as they do with me.  I hope that they are taking notes.

On a goat note, I don’t expect or want presents for Christmas.  However, I ended up getting two different flash lights.  I guess everybody in the family knows that I spend a lot of time in the dark dealing with goats.

Peace be with you and yours.  Have a good one and a better tomorrow.  I’m going to.  It’s going to be…..

Wicked Awesome!

Good name

The most common question in the show goat industry is: “Where is the next 900?”

We still throw 900 around on a regular basis.  Triple bred 900, 900 line, goes back to 900, whatever.  He is one of, if not the most influential buck in the show goat world. In reality, it has been almost 15 years since 900 started changing the show goat industry.

Much in the same way that Sugar Ray dominated the club calf scene in the 80s and early 90s.  It is still a short line to trace a lot of clubby bulls back to Sugar Ray.  900 made his mark on his own and through progeny lines that included 191, Guns ‘n Roses, etc, etc. etc.

No, I don’t think that we need to go back to the future to make better goats.  The modern goat has changed and we need to move on as most all “wether type”genetics trace back to 900. I’m not saying 900 couldn’t make a good goat today, it’s just that times and types have changed.

And in all reality, we may be living during the reign of the heir apparent–That’s What She Said.  He has dominated Texas major wether shows.  Daughters and sons are in production and producing at an extremely high level.  You name it, this buck and his genetic line are in the progress of doing what 900 did over a decade ago.

You know that somehow there is going to be a movie or music tie in at this point.  Well, here it is.

Basically, we are kind of going Back to the Future.  900 was derived of genetics not commonly known. (great story of how he got the chance to become the futuristic buck to change the goat world.)  That’s What She Said is also an icon derived from genetics not known to most.  Kind of like Anakin Skywalker.

Haaa!  That is not our movie tie in.


Now, let’s get real.  I wrote all of the preceding crap to get to this.  If you haven’t seen this and you remember the Back to the Future movie, then you need to do this.

Step 1–Go to O’Reilly’s website.

Step 2–on the search line, type in the part #    121G


That name of that part would be a cool buck name.

Speaking of cool, I like the Huey Lewis & the News song “The Power of Love”.  One of my favorites.

Over and out.

Pray for our country.



Warranties & Guarantees

What kind of warranty goes with this product?

What kind of guarantee is there?


This fine day found me answering texts and phone calls regarding warranties & guarantees on goats.   Excellent topic as most warranties & guarantees in the goat business are implied.  Most livestock people follow a time-honored warranty regarding their critters.  BUT, as non-livestock people enter the business, they might think differently.

Communication between buyer and seller will almost always help fix most problems.  Don’t wait a year and then gripe about the problem.  Let the breeder know as soon as possible.

To start with, a guarantee should be in writing and both parties should agree.  If I guarantee live births on a bred doe, then I will make it right.  If I guarantee a buck to be fertile, then it will be or I will give money back.  A warranty is different.

1–Death.   Once you buy it.  It is yours.  An online sale closes, you own it.  It doesn’t matter if you are planning on picking it up in two weeks and it dies a week after the sale.  It is yours.  HOWEVER, most breeders are going to work with a seller.  I sold a buck a couple of years ago to a big name Texan.  I agreed to deliver it on my next trip south.  The buck was sick the morning that I went to load him.  I doctored him, texted the buyer and told him that I would deliver on the next trip.  Well, the buck didn’t make it.  I swallowed the loss.  I didn’t have to, but I did.  It is worth more to me to do right, possibly have a repeat customer and just feel good about it.

Now, let’s be realistic.  If you buy a $500 wether and he dies 2 weeks later.  It is what it is.  Don’t make the call.  It isn’t the breeders fault (unless he had a pre-existing condition).  Now, if you buy a $10,000 wether–make the call.  You probably aren’t going to get a $10K wether or all of your money back but most breeders will make an effort.   Buying credit, replacement goat, something.


2–Doe kids & buck kids–NO guarantees.  If you buy a doe kid and she doesn’t breed, that’s it.  Not the sellers fault.  Same with a buck kid (under 6 months).  There is no way for the breeder to know if that animal is a breeder or not.  Too much time, too many variables.  There isn’t a guarantee on kids becoming breeders.  To me, this is common sense.


3–Breeding age bucks–They must be serviceable the first season.  If they are non-breeders the first season, the breeder needs to make amends.  Now, if they are breeders when you first get them but then go bad, 4 or so months later–no warranty.  It happens.  In all species.

Unless a valid reproductive specialist had tested the individual at time of sale and all was good.  But, once again, if I sell you a buck and he won’t fire.  I’ll make it right.  I have before.  But, if the breeding problem is caused by an injury after the sale, then it is not the seller’s problem.


4–Yearling does–If they don’t breed, with a live service, after several tries, call the breeder.  Most will work with you.  However, if they breed, but slough the kids after several weeks or months, no go.  She is a breeder and the problem is most likely on the buyer’s end.  STD, moldy hay/feed, stress, etc.  That is beyond the seller’s control.

5–Mature does–No warranty.  A person never knows when one will stop producing.  Human, bovine, caprine, ovine, porcine, whatever.  ALWAYS call and talk to seller before bidding on mature does.  I’ve got a bad bitch that has raised a lot 1 buck.  But, I didn’t get her bred back last year and I hope she is stuck this year.  Everybody that sees her asks if she is for sale.  If she isn’t this year, she will be offered next spring–with NO warranty.  If you can get it done, get after it.  But don’t call me later complaining.

also—see #4–if a mature doe settles then sloughs the kids, that is not the sellers problem.

Years ago (over a decade), I was at one of the original goat godfather’s Labor Day production sale.  Norman Kohls announced “that this is one of the best does that I had ever seen but she doesn’t give enough milk to raise a pigeon.”  Can’t get much more honest than that and she brought $2,500–which was a lot back then.


6–Bred does–Guaranteed to be bred at the time of pickup.  That’s all a breeder can do.  After that, there are too many variables that can cause issues.  Stress, nutrition, STDs, etc.  BUT, what happens if a doe kids a full cycle EARLIER than advertised.  That could be an issue as the buyer was not prepared.  Was she bred to advertised sire?  What about stress moving the last few weeks if you didn’t know that it was the last couple of weeks?  It is better if they go the cycle later.

My policy, if I sell a bred a doe and she doesn’t kid or loses kids before full term, as long as it wasn’t a shit-show on the buyers’ end and was natural causes, I will offer to re-breed her or give straws of semen to breed her.  I’m not giving money back.  Why?  Maybe it was buyer’s fault.  Or even buyer’s remorse and they gave a shot of lut to cause problems.  No way of knowing, so no money back.

Whatever the situation is, be in contact with the breeder and let them know as soon as you aware of problems.  The higher price the animal, the more likely they are going to help.

AND on that note, if you buy something cheap, or at a sale barn, don’t hit the breeder up.  Common sense and common courtesy goes a long, long way in dealing with livestock warranties.  I will always try to do what I can do to keep a person as a customer.  HOWEVER, there are limits.

This is an abbreviated version and in no way constitutes a contract that covers warranties, guarantees or anything else.  All of the above is simply to be used for educational and enjoyment purposes.  I will not allow this to be used in a legal setting to determine a warranty, guarantee or to be used in the impeachment of the POTUS.  None of this can be used without my expressed written consent.  It is only a common sense guideline.

You all know that I have to refer to a movie quote at this point.  You people that know me, know the movie.

“Let’s think about this for a sec, Ted.  Why do they put a guarantee on a box?  Hmmm, very interesting.”

If you don’t know the movie line, I highly suggest that you dial up the Chris Farley classic “Tommy Boy” movie.  Watch it, laugh until you hurt and then thank me later.


Changing topics.

Impeachment!!   These dumb asses are making a mockery of the word.  No matter how this ends, we are at a tipping point in the U S of A.

I will guarantee you this.  The American farmer & rancher is the best producer of the safest, cheapest and most abundant food supply that the world has ever seen.

The United States military is the strongest, best trained and heaviest armed military that the world has ever seen.

We only need three things to remain the best nation EVER!!    Prosperous agriculturists, strong military and an ever present faith in GOD and his son.  Our nation cannot survive without all three.  Ag is in trouble, we need more GOD and Jesus.  And LORD, please be with our troops and the people in our capitol that have lost sight of all three.

No matter the topic, common sense goes a long way.  And we need more of it.

This is the abbreviated version.  I’m sorry.  Not sorry.  Peace be with you and yours and for the love of GOD and all that is holy, please let there be more common sense when and where it is needed.  Never let the warranty expire on common sense and good deeds.  I guarantee that it will help.

Happy Thoughts

I have been in a mood where I didn’t have much good to say.  So, I stayed quiet.  Haven’t been near this keyboard in about a week.  It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, I just don’t want to always seem negative.

Generally speaking, I am the most positive, upbeat, optimistic person that you will ever meet. Proof of the optimism–

I am a tried & true Okie State athletics fan.  There is always next year.

I am an agriculturist–yeah, farming sucks, cattle prices are down, feed, fertilizer, meds, fuel & labor costs are up, etc.  But I am still fighting the good fight.  So are you.

I don’t always chase the almighty $.  I quit a really good job.  And ended up with a really good job that doesn’t pay like the other really good job.  But, at this point in time, I am fine with it.

HOWEVER, I have a gruff, outer shell that keeps MOST at a safe distance.  Recently, I have realized that the favorite son has these same symptoms.  That, or he is a REAL a-hole!

Here a few things that have put me in a good mood lately.

–Friends, family and fun.  I am beyond lucky to have what I have.

–running a concession stand at a pig jackpot.  Sure, pig shows and concession stands can put me in a bad humor.  However, when the only problem was TOO much help, it was good.  Considering the current economic climate and the fact that the Shattuck Ag Boosters have 40ish kids to support instead of the 30ish of past years, I volunteered us to these shows.  So far, so good.

–Playing in the background is an all-time great movie.

Todd–“Hey Griswold, where do you think you are going to fit a tree that big?”

Clark–“Bend over and I’ll show you.”

Todd–“You’ve gotta lot of nerve talking to me like that Griswold.”

Clark–“I wasn’t talking to you.”


–Doe goats passing over.  Plus, no new panels tore the hell up by doe goats.

–Introducing a new generation to “The Man from Snowy River”. ++++++++

–A week from now is my favorite event of the year–Kelln Family Christmas Eve.  Family, friends, food & fun.  We know the reason for the season and bring family and friends together.  Throw in a bit of fun and some wicked awesome food.  Gifts–sure, but the only gifts that we care about are those bought by the grandkids at the dollar store.  I can’t wait to see what I get this year.  The traditions seem to build from year2 year.  Can’t wait!

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.




Yes, I mentioned Star Wars in a previous post.  Yes, there is another Star Wars movie that will be released in a week or so.  Yes, social media is blowing up over “baby Yoda” memes from the Disney+ streaming series “The Mandalorian”.  Whether you like it or not, the force is all around all of us.

All of this brings up the question…who is the greatest Star Wars character of all time?

As Tammy and I ate supper tonight, a Star Wars commercial came on.  I posed this question to her.  And she answered rather quickly & decisively.   This shocked me.  She hasn’t watched all of the movies, neither likes nor dislikes the movies, loves the fact that her daughter loves her current job (COOL) but otherwise could care less.

Her answer–YODA.  I asked why?  “Because he is a good guy and everybody knows that he is good.”

But he actually only appears in 5 of the movies.  #1?  Maybe.

We aren’t going to mess with a bunch of obscure characters that only appear in a couple of scenes, here and there.  For that matter, don’t expect Boba Fett to make this list.  I don’t care if they are making a whole series around this character.  He does not make the story.  However, he might make the stories better.

13.  tie  Lando Calrissian & Kylo Ren–both are kind of cool, kind of creepy and bring key notes to the stories.

12.  Emperor Palpatin–one evil SOB.  I don’t like him but you have to have this creep for the story.  As sneaky, evil, manipulative and bat crap sorry as he is, I’m pretty sure that he is now part of the impeachment panel.

11.  Rey–I bet that her stock will increase after we see this upcoming flick.  Wicked tough chick that has a lot of intangibles.

10.  Padme/Amidala–she’s such a key part of the story.  Leader, fighter and then the mother of Luke & Leia.  She was among the first to witness the power of Vader.

9.  C3PO–I don’t like this one but I can’t put him lower.  He is such a part to all of the stories.

8.  Obi Wan Kenobi–Vader knew his powers.  Yoda knew his powers.  Luke learned the beginning of the force from Old Ben.  Great story about Alec Guinness as the original actor.  He thought it was “fairy tale rubbish”.  Yet, he didn’t take a salary.  He just took 2.25% of the director’s cut of the earnings.  PHAT paycheck!  Excellent reading that I highly recommend.  That and start whistling that “Bridge on the river Kwai” song which he also played in.

And go ahead and read about George Lucas’ bet with Steven Spielberg.

7.  Han Solo–This list is starting to hurt.  Personally, this is the coolest character to ever grace the big screen.  Harrison Ford killed the role.  Who shot first?  The captain of THE Millennium Falcon.  Is he a good guy or just a money-hungry dude that ends up doing good?  Cool!  YES!  He has disdain for almost every other character EXCEPT for Chewbacca.  

6.  Princess Leia–She is kind of the reason that the whole story gets set in motion.  Tough chick that helped make the franchise.  I won’t argue if you want to move this one higher.  And don’t use the slave bikini scene as an argument.  I was 12 in 1983 when that scene first aired.  I get it.

5.  R2D2–the more movies that they make, the more important this droid becomes.  He consistently saves everyone else’s proverbial donkey.  Much like Groot from the Guardians of the Galaxy, one can’t understand him but we all want R2 on our team.  He just gets it done.  All of it.

4.  Luke Skywalker–should this one be #1.  I can’t do it.  He is a central figure that ties all of the films together.  But, the role is almost cliche yet, it isn’t.  Always a good guy.  Always fallible yet…..

3.  Yoda–One of the best characters ever created for the big screen.  NOBODY saw this little bitty green dude being the master of the force.  How about the first time we saw Yoda spark up a light saber?  The theater erupted!  Bad Ass!   One of my favorite in-theater movie scenes of all time is Yoda wielding a light saber.  I can’t put him #1 but, I won’t argue if you do.

2.  Chewbacca–if you were to hold an nfl-style draft of Star Wars movie characters, Chewie is the #1 overall pick.  Everybody wants him on their team.  He saves ALL of them at some point in time.  Yoda relies on Chewbacca.  Leia loves her some wookie.  Lando and Kylo are scared of Chewie.  Luke relies on the big fur ball.  Han Solo is made cooler because of Chewbacca.  And if I was to get a chance to ride in the Millennium Falcon, I want Chewbacca on board as the pilot.  Chewbacca is one of the most unique characters to ever grace the big screen.  Another plus, Chewbacca was a welder.  Why isn’t he #1?  One reason and one reason only, he doesn’t use a light saber.  I believe that the force surrounds Chewbacca.  Yet, he can’t use it like others.  There is only one threat to Chewbacca.  And that would be….

  1.   Darth Vader–He has been voted the most evil villain of all time.  But is he really that evil?  The Good vs. Bad in this character is what makes him #1.  That and he can choke people out with the force or wield a light saber as good as any.  Han Solo is not a threat to him.  He kills those that taught him–Obi Wan and the Emperor.  He could have killed Luke or Solo but didn’t for obvious reasons.  Blasters were of no use against him.  Yoda vs. Vader could still make for a blockbuster movie.  All characters in this movie series are tied to Darth Vader in some form or fashion.  Vader is the struggle of good vs. evil.  Vader makes the story lines of these movies.  Those that haven’t seen any of the Star Wars movies know of Darth Vader.  This is the character that pushes the needle.


And yes, I did have the Star Wars theme song playing as I typed this jargon.  The Imperial March gets played anytime that I call the Dragon Lady’s phone.  Did I spark up a light saber during the writing of this crap?   You know that I did!

Here’s to hoping that you have a Chewbacca at your side, a Yoda that you can glean info from, an R2D2 that will constantly save you and if you are facing something like Darth Vader, well……..he did end up on the good side.

Good luck

and may the force be with you.





Movies & Show Ring

It is no secret that I am a fan of the Star Wars tales and the Lord of the Rings stories .  Both have the same plot of good versus evil with an unseen power that binds it all together.  Race, religion, creed, sex, whatever…doesn’t seem to matter in these stories.  Star Wars is one of the richest movie franchises of all time.  The J.R.R. Tolkien novels/movies have proven to be highly successful as well.  They are both just copycats of the most successful selling book of all time–THE bible.

Recently, I have been forced to think.  Dangerous, yes.  I have been forced to think as an ag teacher, not as a parent.  I was a stock show parent from 1999 when Kela got her first show pigs to 2019 when Duke finished his showing career.  This isn’t bragging, just truth…I have been to Mount Doom and I have dealt one-on-one with the evil Emperor.  And I can tell you without a doubt, that I am glad to be done as a stock show parent.  BUT……..

As a been there, done that person, I am reminded of lines from the dwarf Gimli towards the end of The Return of the King.

“Certainty of death.  Small chance of success.  What are we waiting for?”

I love what stock shows bring to the table in the terms of teachable moments.  Work ethic.  Proper evaluation.  Nutrition.  Animal welfare.  And maybe most importantly, time management & priorities. The social networking brought about from stock shows is invaluable, in my opinion.  I enjoy watching students sort stock, work to make them better and have hope to win.  BUT….the old, crusty bastard is thinking we don’t have a chance.  Why?  We didn’t spend enough, cover enough miles, no judge ties, etc.  Like Gimli’s quote, I/we understand what looms ahead.  Which means that I need to be a better teacher/coach/whatever.  But…..I came into this industry not knowing anything except what I was getting ready to learn.  And I am still trying to learn.

Does any of this make sense?  It does to me.

I hope that every person that works hard and works right has a chance at a given stock show.  However, I know that every stock show is different depending on the $s and bragging rights at hand.  Regardless of breeders, jocks, ag teachers, parents, whomever, there is always a chance of things not being quite right.

Yet, we all need to realize that this is just a hobby.  That’s it.  Some may argue.  In reality, the stock show industry is not even a blip on the radar in grand economic scales.  Name me a stock show business that is publicly traded on the stock exchange.  You can’t.  There are some HUGE companies—ADM, AllTech,etc.   But stock shows aren’t their cash cows.

Bull semen is a big market–yet the biggest supplier, ABS, focuses on production cattle.  They just happen to carry some show stock semen as a deal on the side.

Sullivan’s is a huge supplier of show product.  The biggest of them all.  Yet, they sell out of trailers and on a shelf in Atwoods or Tractor Supply.

Hunting is also a hobby.  Yet, there are complete stores–BassPro, Cabela’s, Gander Mountain–dedicated to just that.

I write all of this crap to get to this point.  Livestock showing is the ONLY hobby that we care if we get a return on our investment.

Music–nope.  Pay for the lessons and hope they are good.  And in reality, the next Slash is in a back bedroom or garage perfecting their craft.

Hunting/fishing–buy new guns, ammo, lures, fishing poles, camo, boats, licenses, whatever…..and hope they get SOMETHING.

Athletics–NOPE!  We have fund raisers to pay for rings.  Not for the basics.  Parents pay for camps, new shoes, new uniforms, more lessons, whatever.  Mom was un-athletic.  Dad was un-athletic.  But somehow, some way, junior is going to be on sports center.  Nobody questions what the camps, gear, lessons or equipment cost.  BUT….if you are a stock show parent…..How much did you lose on that animal?

99.99% of all athletic parents lose money…yet, they will be the most critical of stock show people.  The odds are worse for musical parents.  We don’t think twice about an academic tutor.  ACT classes, damn right!  If you have a kid with a 27 or 28+, no big deal. However, if you are trying to raise that score from a 25 to a 28….parents will pay whatever for the help.

I’m down with all of it.  I do not blame any parent for doing whatever they deem necessary….within means…for their kid(s).  My point, quit looking at stock shows as a profitable venture.  If done right, no way to make money.  But the intangibles are priceless.  And unlike the other things, stock show social networks are extensive and life-long.

Wrap up time.

I like Star Wars and the Fellowship of the Ring books/movies.
In reality, stock shows are just a hobby.

People spend A LOT on hobbies.

Parents spend A LOT to help their kids find success.

As a former stock show parent, I am jaded in the stock show part (I find humor in that jade part).

As an ag teacher, I realize that there are real life lessons tied to stock showing and the values that will pay off later.

As a human being, I like Gimli’s quote.  “Small chance of success.  What are we waiting for?”


If you read all of this crap and think that Kelln is getting old and sour…well, you would be correct.  However, I am also learning to re-learn what I already knew but had just not remembered.  I’ve said before that we need a reminder from time to time.  Well, I am living it.

“Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try.”




Top Duets

Who doesn’t love a good power duet?  A couple of wicked artists join forces and create a special song.  Here’s some of my favorites.

Ozzy & Lita, Tom Petty & Stevie Nicks, George & Tammy, Kenny Chesney & Jimmy Buffett all made some classic duets.

13.–“Endless Love”–Diana Ross & Lionel Richie

A couple of heavyweights that made a classic tune when they put their voices together.

12.–“Under Pressure”–Queen & David Bowie

Catchy song that Vanilla Ice took the beat & music and made into a huge hit.  This one has held up well.

11.–“Does He Love You”–Reba McEntire & Linda Davis

Tammy would have this one as #1.  She loves this song.  I like it a lot.

10.–“(I’ve had) The Time of My Life”–Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes

Aaahh yeah!  A little ditty from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack.  Really good movie that this song punctuated.  This song is bigger than either artist.

9.–“Pancho & Lefty”–Willie Nelson & Merle Haggard

Great story sung by great story tellers.  Cool back story behind the making of this song.

8.–“I Got You Babe”–Sonny & Cher

I wouldn’t argue if you wanted to move this one up higher.  Cheesy, classic song.

7.–“To All the Girls (I’ve loved before)”–Willie Nelson & Julio Iglesias

Contrasting styles & voices but this song works.

6.–“You’re the One that I Want”–John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John

Great, great song from a timeless musical movie.  And the visuals of Oliva Newton-John in that leather.  OOOHHHH!!! The movie and this song have held up.

5.–“Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man”–Loretta Lynn & Conway Twitty

Two legends that had a lot of great duets–this one is their best.  Great, classic country song.

4–“Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys”–Waylon & Willie


3.–“Ebony & Ivory”–Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder

Two music legends bring us a great tune that has several underlying features.  Race, equality, etc.  But, every time I hear this version, I think of another.  This song is so good, it makes the list twice.

2.–“Ebony & Ivory”–Frank Sinatra & Stevie Wonder   (Joe Piscopo & Eddie Murphy)

SNL jumped all over the underlying features to make this remake.  Scarily–the actors absolutely killed both roles.

The lyrics–Stevie–“I am dark and you are light.”  Frank–“You are blind as a bat and I have sight.  Side by side you are my amigo, negro.  Let’s not fight.”  Politically correct–NO.  Hilarious–YES.  But even with all of the satire, they still keep true to the roots of the original song.  Peachy keen.

#1.–“Islands in the Stream”–Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton

This one wins this class easily.  I love the Gambler’s music and I love me some Dolly.  Put the two together and this is one of the most iconic songs of all time.  Everybody sings along with this ditty.


How many buck names were used in this list?

I haven’t shaved in over a week.  I am currently in that “itch” stage.  I also haven’t had a hair cut since October 4.    Why?  I haven’t had time when they had time.  I also haven’t made time.  As a result, I need to trim nose hair, ear hair, eye brows, neck hair, hair on head and on face.  But, at least I still have hair.


While going off on poor spellers on social media last night, I about caused myself to have a train wreck.  I was participating in the bid off in an online auction.  I would write a paragraph or two then click over and check my bids.  This continued for a little bit.  Except I clicked over to check bids and somebody had outbid me and there was less than a minute left.  By the time I entered my bid and our crappy internet took over, I lost out.  Oh well!  I really didn’t need any more doe goats anyhow.

Then the this morning, I was lying on the couch watching Mike Golic tell stories when I heard a siren.  OH CRAP NO!!! Not now!!

My mind was whirring as I bounced off the couch, pulled on some boots and headed out the door to deal with this issue.  You see, I’ve got a pen with 5 heifers that belong to students.  I’ve got the heifers synced and ready to be AIed this fine Tuesday morning.  And they are hot to trot.  There are 4 mini herf steers in the pen with them.  And there is a conga line of heifers with steers riding them.  Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, DUNN!  This is how it is supposed to work.  BUT…I didn’t take into account the bull in the adjoining pasture that was right up next to the panels sending out his siren’s song.  I dang sure didn’t need a non-calving ease sire crashing over some panels to get to some virgin heifers that don’t belong to me.  I’m glad that bull sent out a siren to alert my dumb ass that I was getting ready to have a train wreck.  Luckily, I got the heifers sorted off and penned away from the bull.

Sorting cattle isn’t easy in the dark.  But if you really want a train wreck, try sorting goats in the dark.  Not fun.

And as I got back in to the house, the first text message of the morning read,  “Ewe our the best spiller that eye no.”

Have a good one.