Archive for Blog Posts – Page 34


To preface this post, Shattuck FFA hosted a jr. cde contest in Woodward today.  A jr. cde contest is open to 8th, 9th & 10th graders to compete in various career development events such as meats, ag mech, food science, floriculture, etc.  This contest is designed to be an introductory event to allow younger FFA members an opportunity to compete in various events and find one that best suits them.  Going forward, they can choose to bear down and prepare for the full contests and compete against all age groups.

Some people that kind of know me think that I am all about the win, the banner or the trophy.  Those that truly know me understand that if they are giving a prize, then by all means, prepare to win that damn thing.  But, I truly do not give a rat’s ass about another plaque or banner.  I LOVE the journey to get there.

There were over 300 kids from 14 different FFA chapters, which arise from 5 counties in NW OK.  I read off the winners for 13 different CDE areas.  I loved it when I called a Shattuck kid that had worked had to prepare.  I REALLY got amped when a student that had worked hard, but wasn’t expecting to win, got their name called.

But being the addict that I am, I took great pleasure watching as the other kids from any given school cheered for a kid that got his/her name called.  I noticed a particularly strong cheering section from a chapter for a 3rd high individual.  He kind of ducked his head as he came to get his medal.  But, you could tell that he was stoked.  Later, I watched the ag teacher interact with his group of kids, and in particular, that young man that gathered a medal.  I listened to positive reinforcement & some friendly jabs and comments about work paying off.  There was a group of 20+ kids from that chapter.  They had done really well in a division but they rallied around that one kid and the ag teacher.

And since some of these contests give out banners, scholarships and plaques, the Shattuck kids MAY have to listen to me about what they did right and/or wrong.  The one thing that you can count on, I won’t show favorites.  They all have an equal chance at me pointing out what they did wrong and they all have a chance at a high five.  HOWEVER, as I was unloading stuff today, I got to witness my co-teacher in a teachable moment as she was lining out some meatheads that didn’t perform as well as they should have.  Teachable moments.  I love it!


Random Tuesday

I couldn’t sleep this morning.  2:30 am and wide awake.  This led me to clicking on book face.  I saw some post about Kalahari red goats.  I’ve hear of em before.  Knew just a bit about their background and have seen a few in Texas.  I googled a couple of websites and read one with a lot of info about the Kalahari red goat.  The contact name on the site was Tollie Jordaan.  I hadn’t heard that name in over a decade.

A decade plus ago, while flipping rocks all over the state of Texas, we ended up at Paul Payne’s.  There was a  South African at his place—Tollie Jordaan.  The discussion didn’t take long before it became apparent that the original South African boer goats and the wether goat industry were getting ready to head completely separate directions.  They did.

Now, there is a place for the purebred Boer goat and their breed standards.   And there is a place for wether-type goats.  Both have their positives and both have separate & yet some of the same negatives.

At 3 am, a movie was starting.  I had seen pieces of it before, but never the whole thing.  I watched it and it may very well be Will Ferrell’s worst movie.  Semi-Pro.  It was so stupid, yet I watched the whole thing.

We’re still breeding a few does here and there.  Mainly, a couple of young ones that happened to be cycling and I opened the gate.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Food Problems

For thousands of years, man subsisted on meat, bread, fruit and veggies.  Today, they want to make meat out of veggies, fruits and chemicals.  We need gluten free items on every menu.  Lactose intolerance is an issue.  GMO free, no hormones, no antibiotics, etc.

You can find pasta made from wheat flour that is advertised as NON-GMO.  Triscuits are made from wheat. They are advertised as NON-GMO.  Seriously?   There is not any GMO wheat, so therefore all wheat products are NON-GMO.  But, we also need to worry about gluten because of wheat.  No, no we don’t.

We need to get our diets back in line.  Fewer processed foods.  Less chemicals, preservatives, and such.  Fresher foods, less ingredients, more exercise and more common sense.

I understand lactose intolerance.  I dealt with it for years.  I understand the gut pains and the chance that one is getting ready to $h!t one’s self after consuming dairy products.  There is a generation of Waynoka students that understand the value of extra pairs of socks and lactaid pills.  Ask Jack Staats about riding with me while goat shopping in Texas after eating some “ice cream”.  I’m real sure there is still nothing growing on that piece of scorched Earth where I dropped my drawers, hunkered down and quivered with pain as I expelled that substance from my body.

I also know that after diving into a bowl of ice cream in Costa Rica back in 2011, that there were problems with our Americanized food.  “Don’t you dare eat that ice cream.  You will be shitting yourself and ruining our vacation!” said the Dragon Lady.  I ate that ice cream.  And the next day I ate a large bowl of that smooth, creamy textured nectar from the heavens.   No problems.  Since then, I have researched a lot of areas of lactose intolerance and WHY can I eat ice cream in Costa Rica with no major gut issues yet, I have to be careful in the U.S.

I don’t know of any digestive problems with eating cabrito, chevon or goat meat.  We could get on a roll with the topic of foods.  But, I’m going to shut it down.  Common sense goes a long way.  That and I just saw that J-Lo and Shakira are performing at halftime of the super bowl.  I don’t know or care who is playing but I will watch those two shake something.  Shakira, Shakira.


Anybody that knows me quickly realizes that my life is a book best written with musical notes.  I can read music but I can’t write it.  No matter what, when or where, I know a good tune as soon as I hear it.  Pop, rock, country,rap… whatever the genre, I like good tunes.

My life calendar is made up of wicked tunes and when I hear those songs today, I am immediately taken back to that time in my life.

“Rock you like a hurricane” by the Scorpions.  Monkey wrench song that reminds me of the night that I finally realized that it was time to get married.

“Amarillo by Morning” always brings me back to a funeral of a good dude back in 1993.  He loved that song.  I still do.

“Thunderstruck” by AC/DC will forever more take me to a happy place that involves OYE.  But, as much as I like that song, it does not define OYE grand drives for me.  I’ve had the honor of heading down the ramp numerous times, each time with a different song playing in my ear.  In 2012, it was Sinatra’s “My Way”.

In 2013,  well, things were good, but not good enough.  I know what I was listening to when the judge gave his reasons for div. 3 champ.  Then he picked the other one.  What? Wait?  The placings did not fit the reasons.  Oh well.  At least the champ went on to be grand and was sired by one of my bucks.  That res. div. 3 was probably the best goat that we have ever shown.  Of all of the shows that I have been a part of, that one is the only one that I watch the video of the grand drive and think “WTF??!!”  I don’t listen to that song no more.  When we headed down the ramp that night, we had 4 of the 8 in the grand drive.  Halie Schovanec ended up reserve grand.  Good show…should have been better.  That song from the division drive has been erased from my bank.  Done.

Now, I try to listen to current music.  I like it.  Some of it I really like.  But none of it hits me right in the tuning forks to remind me of times and places.  I like the Zac Brown band, Cody Jinks, Chris Stapleton and Luke Combs.  Good music that I would like to see live.  But, none of them have that song that reminds me of a time and place.  Which is why AC/DC, Def Leppard, Metallica, GnR, CCR, George, Cash, Skynyrd, Waylon, Garth  & Elvis are still so popular with today’s youth.  They all have songs that move you.

To wrap it up.  I don’t have an ending to this deal.  I’m still kind of pissed about 2013 OYE and I like great tunes.  That’s all I’ve got.  I deleted a line or three before I hit publish.  At least I’m honest about it.

Oh, there are other shows that still burn my ass.  “Hands up and back away from the keyboard!  Do as I say.  NOW!!!”



Disclaimer (I wrote this on Thursday, Jan. 16 but the ice affected the shitty internet, therefore it didn’t post until Friday evening the 17th)  Modern technology.

I ran errands in Woodward and then went to a district stock show meeting.  It was starting to ice when I went into the meeting and it was a bit worse when I left.  But once I got off the highways, the paved side roads were wicked slick.  And it is still drizzling and 23 degrees.  Sounds like a good combination for no school tomorrow.  Of course, I would rather school be in session.  Safety first.

Got home and the Dragon Lady had cooked up about 3 gallons of wicked good potato soup.


Then we got a text of picture of some dude that was in the same meeting with the favorite daughter.  He might have created a lot of blockbuster movies.  And he was holding the puppet that won the internet this past year.  I’m not sure who was more excited her (because of her job), me (because of the opportunities that she is realizing and because I love those movies) or mom (because her daughter is pumped about her job and is chasing dreams).  The correct answer would be D.  All of the above are wicked pumped for all of the combined reasons.

I don’t care what you do in your life, but whatever it is, set goals, have fun and work hard in order to have fun and realize those goals.

Tammy loves her job at High Plains Career Tech.  She REALLY loves being a mom.   I love a lot about my gig.  There are thing$ that I miss about my previous gig.  However, I love my tribe.  Duke is working on finding his path but I have NO doubt that he will choose wisely.

I sit and think about my goating career.  My highlights are not wins at major shows (although I liked them a lot).  My highlights include this past August at OSU bid day.  I don’t take many pics.  But being in a pic with a group of Chi Omega sorority chicks……..a senior (Chesley Comstock), a junior (Halie Schovanec), a sophomore (Lexi Vanderwork) and a freshman (Darcy Peach) ….that allowed me to be a part of their careers.  So many wins but I feel every show loss that we endured.  However, I can’t wait to see what their futures bring.

Back to it.  Have dreams and goals.  Listen to good tunes.  Associate yourself with good people.  And have fun working hard towards those dreams and goals.


This Australian wild brush fire situation is not a good deal. I know that they are getting rain in some places but more is needed.  Millions of acres burned, thousands of homes and countless number of animals killed, injured and now facing starvation.  Sure, there has been air drops of carrots and sweet potatoes but that is only going to go so far.

The Koala population was already in decline.  There have been thousands of Koalas lost in these fires.  However, here is the bigger problem.  Koalas are slow breeders.  So, the loss of any breeding age Koalas has a significant impact on the population.  Basically, they aren’t like pigs, goats or mice that can just breed away spawning numerous offspring each year.

I did read a cool article about a wide variety of animals were finding sanctuary from the fires in wombat tunnels.  No, the wombats weren’t putting out vacancy signs nor herding other critters into their tunnels to escape the fires.  But, the wombats have such huge tunnel networks that many critters were heading underground to dodge the fires.

Prayers to those people and animals around the world that are dealing with the affects of wild fires.

Big Fun

I enjoyed watching the pageantry and the national anthem of the pre game for the college football playoff.  I like the military presenting the flags.  I liked the Trumpster and the first lady walking out with the ROTC units.  I loved the USA chants when they walked onto the field.  I really liked listening to the LSU coach talk in the interview.  Always reminds me of the Waterboy.  Thus far into the game, it looks like the Clemson punter should be the MVP.

The Okie State cowboys have recently gotten a couple of announcements from players that are staying another year.  In typical Okie State fashion, next year looks good.  Real good!

WE need term limits to congress. These crooks do not need a chance to make a career out of public servitude.  Serve two terms and go back home.  This will make them have to live under the guidelines and rules that are passed in D.C.  Some of these jackwagons have been in office 3 and 4 decades.  There is NO good reason for them to be there that long.

Speaking of crooks…how about a bunch of the Astro’s coaches & managers getting fired for stealing signs.  OK.  Fine.  Now, let’s put Pete Rose into the Hall of Fame.  All he did was bet on his own team to win.  Against the rules and wrong but not cheating.

When I got home tonight, I took advantage of a few waning minutes of daylight this evening.  I caught Next Friday and trimmed his hooves for the first time.  Then, I grabbed Uzi and tackled his hooves.  Uzi had wicked long toes when I bought him.  Once toes get really long, it seems like they always have a problem.  I’ve had him 7 months and have now done major hoof trimming 4 different times.  And now, my clothes have a funky odor.

Here’s to a good game.  I hope for good, clean shows in the upcoming months that are free of cheating and corrupt servants that are in leadership roles.  No matter what, I hope for big fun.



It’s the start of another week.  There was a weekend but no days off.  The next couple of months will just blend together into a long stretch of looking at critters, adjusting feed, practicing showmanship, trimming hooves, weighing, clipping does & calves, shearing wether sheep & goats and filling out entry cards.  But there is a highlight to this year.  I don’t have a kid showing.  So, I don’t have to buy additives, hair care products nor pay for entry fees.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Zip Code

No matter the zip code, every school group has the same issue to deal with, and that issue would be fund raisers.

It doesn’t matter what zip code you live in, roughly 10% of the group will do 90% of the work.  There is always a few behind the scenes that are planning, coordinating and ram-rodding the entire effort.  I’ve taught at schools in 4 different zip codes and dealt with ag fund raisers in numerous more zip codes.  This almost always holds true.

This percentage is not a bad # as compared to the the people that have been elected to govern us.  That small # of 435 members of the house of representatives, 100 U.S. senators, the POTUS and some appointed officials such as supreme court justices and cabinet members make up a small percentage of the U.S. population AND those elected people don’t always push for the agenda of the majority.  I digress.  Back to fundraisers.

I didn’t want to operate a concession stand at a pig jackpot.  But, given the current economic climate, I am worried that our Shattuck Ag Booster auction may not be as strong as it has been in the past.  Plus the fact that we have over 40 showmen to support instead of 30 something like we have done the past 5 years.  So when other groups turned down these concession stands, my dumb ass spoke up and now…. I am a wore out old donkey.  But, I am in a good humor.

First off, school is not in session, and the holidays make for a trying time to coordinate efforts.  My thumb is sore from texting every family but it worked.  Second, the Shattuck basketball teams played in OKC at the Chesapeake Energy Arena on Saturday night.  That meant a pile of families would be attending that and therefore spending the night in OKC.  So, workers were scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.  The ones that couldn’t be there were required to bring a pile of pop and hamburger buns.  It wasn’t fun and it wasn’t easy but a 100% participation rate was achieved.

The parents and kids that came to work the concession stands were Off The Hook Wicked Awesome!  Of course it always helps when you have a couple of horses like the Dragon Lady and Tiffany Schultz to help.  Ol’ Kelln might have the final say but I dang sure know who the bosses are.  Numerous other parents stepped up and made hands.

Running a concession stand can be an educational event.  Several younger kids were working to keep pop & water full.  Others worked the show arena.  Older kids were working like sled dogs.  And when we needed to move product like brownies or pickle pops, I turned the kids loose to move said product and make some money.  Eye contact, respectful greetings, up-selling to added product sales (would you like a drink or chips with that?)  and throwing in an extra to high volume customers.  Facts like keeping the coffee hot & fresh, keeping the cold drinks cold and snacks visible to consumers were not lost on the kids.  They got it.

I have zero complaints with our people.  Of course, it isn’t hard to motivate people when the cause is good and there is a scary person barking commands that “you will do this or these are the repercussions”.

In closing, here is what I know to be fact about ag booster fundraisers.  They will require a butt-load of work from a few people.  All parties CAN, SHOULD and MUST have some skin in the game.  And no matter what zip code you are in, some of your best workers will be the people that need the least help.  They don’t need or want the added money, they would show if they didn’t get any money from a booster club.  These type of people believe in the program so much that they are willing to work…not to benefit their own kids, but to help all kids.  That, my friends, is an awesome thing, no matter what species of stock you show or what zip code you put at the end of your address.


The Best Ever

Let’s get right to this list of 1.  Yes, the one and only one.  UNO.  There is no #13 or a 4A and 4 b.  Just 1.  That’s it.


I don’t ever pay money for this.  But, I like the stuff.  I’ve had the name brand stuff before but it pales in comparison.  My dad makes a really good mix but it isn’t the best.


Without a doubt, there is no other, the best I have ever had, it makes life better…..


the #1 chex mix ever made comes from…..


Brandon THE Bruce.


WICKED AWESOME!!!   I knew this before but he brought me a jug of it today at the pig show that reiterated the facts.


Ask Tyke.  Best ever.  Actually, he made it for Tammy & Duke.  But…….