Even though I recently acknowledged that I need to do things differently when it comes to advertising my personal stuff, I still managed to half ass my own stuff. Yeah, I’ve taken care of business on the Ag chapter front. But, a month or so ago, I got a text from Shelly @ Milligan Ventures–“Do you want to do a Valentine’s Day sale like you have been doing?” My reply–“Yes.” However, I did not look at a calendar and realize that Valentine’s Day was on a Friday. (Just in case you didn’t know, Friday is a bad day for an online sale.) So, on Wednesday morning, I had Shelly movie it to Thursday. Moving a sale date forward at the last minute is a dumb ass move and I went ahead and did it. Yet, the sale went way better than it should have. Nothing stupid high, a few bargains and some that sold right on the money. It’s all good. I don’t get too geeked up about what goat semen brings. None of it makes sense. So, in my world, if it gets a bid–that makes two happy parties. One–the person that won the bidding. And two–me.
I can tell you that there is a change in the weather around this piece of paradise. It got butt-ass cold for the last 30 something hours. We made sure that all livestock got a good drink. What we didn’t worry about was show animals. NOT ONE on the place. No adding blankets or moving into a heated barn. I did tell students to make sure critters were warm, got a good drink of fresh water and add bedding.
As much as I love good stock, I REALLY love being a retired show parent. Have I mentioned that before? I’m not sure.