Archive for Blog Posts – Page 29

Some stuff that I don’t like

plus some stuff that I do like.


The past several days have involved doe goats, drenching goats and farming.   I don’t like any of those items.  I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this before, but I hate a female goat.   Hate em.  But, I can’t make bucks and wethers without them.

Over the years, we have not had very many toxemia cases.  Maybe 1 or 2 per year.  But now, for this set that is due in less than 2 weeks—been drenching 3 of them.  But, I won’t be drenching 3 much longer.  One decided to give up the pregnancy.  That was a pleasant smell.  Another was not responding to all the drenching protocols and she is due on June 1.  We are rolling the dice.  I gave a couple of shots to her tonight.  A couple of ccs of Lut and a big dose of Dex.  It will probably be a train wreck.  And the third one ran from me tonight.  That’s a good sign.  Drenching does…those are two words that when put together, well, I shudder, have bad thoughts and use foul language.

If you don’t have it, and you are dealing with pregnancy toxemia….you need the Coni Ross recipes for Revive and Magic.  For those of you that like doe goats and can drench every 3 hours, these recipes can be life saving.  I’ve got em if you need em.  Although, when I use them, I don’t always revive them and I dang sure didn’t find the magic on two of these.  Probably operator error.

Farming….it costs me money AND time.  And there isn’t a fun factor that makes it all worthwhile.  If it wasn’t for hay and grazing, I wouldn’t do it.  Bob Seelke likes to remind me that “I can buy all the dad gum hay to feed these damn goats.  I don’t need to be in a bad mood while growing the stuff AND feeding it to them.  I’ll pay somebody else to make the hay.”  Valid point.

I don’t like selling goats too cheap but I do like customers coming to pick up their purchase and they are happy.  Personally, I like it when I get a good buy.  I’ve made good purchases at price points of $250, $2,500 and $25,000.  The # is arbitrary as long as the buyer feels good about the purchase.

I’ll tell you something that I do like…Sammy Hagar.  The Red Rocker was killing it before he joined Van Halen.  He did hit it big with them.  Joe Dirt called them Van Hagar.  Yet, he is still rocking out and he is in his seventies.  He’s in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Van Halen but he ALSO needs to be in the hall as a solo artist.   Read up on Sammy Hagar and all of the other artists that he performs with.  This list is extensive.

I have very little reason to visit Cleveland, Ohio but I may need to just so I can tour the rock hall.

People, I hope that all of you can find more educational material to read than this stuff.  I leave you with thoughts of quarantine hair & beards,  2020 tan lines,  stay safe, get this world going again, have a good one and a better tomorrow.  GOD bless!

Today’s current climate lends one to read, look at, view and/or listen to a variety of different forms of media.  I don’t want to watch nor read any given “news” source.  This is not a new deal with me.  I started this practice in 2008.  If you need/want to know why–call me.  This was the point that I realized that there was very little “news” reporting happening and mostly just “copying and pasting”.  If the first one didn’t have the facts right, the rest of them are wrong.  It was like cheating in high school.  You better get your info from the right source.

In today’s society, it has only gotten worse.  These ass-clowns have put the 1st amendment to a high-tensile strength test. They stretch, twist and use the protection of the 1st amendment.  All in the name of ratings, views, shares and comments.

Tonight, I sat and watched Todd Kennedy and Tommy Milligan do their show-rite book face live video.  It was really good!  No promotions…just honest answers about marketing goats.  Way Good!!  Yes it was sponsored by Show Rite but they weren’t pushing products.  They were answering questions and keeping it real. Thanks dudes!

I am extremely proud to read the current writings of Chancey Hanson.  If you aren’t following her on book face, well…you need to be.  Check out  She grew up in the industry, works for the Oklahoma Cattleman’s Association, is raising a family in the industry and well, she gets it.  All of it.  Today, in her writings, she ties building fence to the current meat demand/shortage, whatever.  Well, well written.

Wait, what?  This chick is a cattle producer, working for the OCA and writing about the beef market…true?  How does this tie to a goat page.  One, it all ties together.  Two, she is a former student of mine.  And THREE….her sister is Dana Church.  Yeah, like those Church kids that have shown a pile of bad ass doe kids over the years.  Like the Church kids that won the 1st EVER doe fitting contest at OYE.  Way good family!

We do a fair amount of business with Gary at the Gage Locker.  This is a small packing plant.  One person–Gary and he is the owner/manager/butcher/custodian/accountant/office manager–whatever.  Dad takes several head of butcher calves to the Gage Locker each year.  I take calves, a goat, an occasional lamb and a pig when it fits into the schedule.  He does a great job butchering, cutting and wrapping.  He doesn’t have a big enough space to let a beef hang for several weeks.  But, he hangs them as long as he can for us.  Personally, I love the white butcher paper wrapped steaks.  I’m not anti-vac pack.  But there is something cool about unrolling a pack of ribeye steaks from a steer from JQ Kelln and seeing the vibrant red color, meat texture and the marbling popping against the background of that white butcher paper.  Hell, this makes me want to cook a steak right now.

Local butcher shops are booked well into the end of the year.  I love this.  The covid caused it and I hope that this is a trend that stays around.  I’m  not against a store-bought steak.  But, we ALL love a fresh steak from a locally sourced producer.  There is something to be said about eating meat/veggies/eggs when you know where they originated.  This is one thing from the rona that needs to continue.  Fresh meat, fresh veggies and more knowledge of where your food source originated.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.


Oh Wow!!

Today’s current climate lends one to read, look at, view and/or listen to a variety of different forms of media.  I don’t want to watch nor read any given “news” source.  This is not a new deal with me.  I started this practice in 2008.  If you need/want to know why–call me.  This was the point that I realized that there was very little “news” reporting happening and mostly just “copying and pasting”.  If the first one didn’t have the facts right, the rest of them are wrong.  It was like cheating in high school.  You better get your info from the right source.

In today’s society, it has only gotten worse.  These ass-clowns have put the 1st amendment to a high-tensile strength test. They stretch, twist and use the protection of the 1st amendment.  All in the name of ratings, views, shares and comments.

Tonight, I sat and watched Todd Kennedy and Tommy Milligan do their show-rite book face live video.  It was really good!  No promotions…just honest answers about marketing goats.  Way Good!!  Yes it was sponsored by Show Rite but they weren’t pushing products.  They were answering questions and keeping it real. Thanks dudes!

I am extremely proud to read the current writings of Chancey Hanson.  If you aren’t following her on book face, well…you need to be.  Check out  She grew up in the industry, works for the Oklahoma Cattleman’s Association, is raising a family in the industry and well, she gets it.  All of it.  Today, in her writings, she ties building fence to the current meat demand/shortage, whatever.  Well, well written.

Wait, what?  This chick is a cattle producer, working for the OCA and writing about the beef market…true?  How does this tie to a goat page.  One, it all ties together.  Two, she is a former student of mine.  And THREE….her sister is Dana Church.  Yeah, like those Church kids that have shown a pile of bad ass doe kids over the years.  Like the Church kids that won the 1st EVER doe fitting contest at OYE.  Way good family!

We do a fair amount of business with Gary at the Gage Locker.  This is a small packing plant.  One person–Gary and he is the owner/manager/butcher/custodian/accountant/office manager–whatever.  Dad takes several head of butcher calves to the Gage Locker each year.  I take calves, a goat, an occasional lamb and a pig when it fits into the schedule.  He does a great job butchering, cutting and wrapping.  He doesn’t have a big enough space to let a beef hang for several weeks.  But, he hangs them as long as he can for us.  Personally, I love the white butcher paper wrapped steaks.  I’m not anti-vac pack.  But there is something cool about unrolling a pack of ribeye steaks from a steer from JQ Kelln and seeing the vibrant red color, meat texture and the marbling popping against the background of that white butcher paper.  Hell, this makes me want to cook a steak right now.

Local butcher shops are booked well into the end of the year.  I love this.  The covid caused it and I hope that this is a trend that stays around.  I’m  not against a store-bought steak.  But, we ALL love a fresh steak from a locally sourced producer.  There is something to be said about eating meat/veggies/eggs when you know where they originated.  This is one thing from the rona that needs to continue.  Fresh meat, fresh veggies and more knowledge of where your food source originated.

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.


Common ?

Probably the most commonly asked question that I get really doesn’t have much to do with goats?

“So, how much longer you teaching ag?”


Valid question.  Honest answer–I do not know.  Truly don’t.


I could walk away tomorrow.  I have fulfilled any and all obligations that I ever had to anybody.  I signed on for 1 year in 2014 because it was my alma-mater and my son was going to be in the program and my wife gave the OKAY for one year.   And let’s be real, I might have wanted a shot at redemption.  Now, WE are finishing year 6.


Now, as I watch this senior class of 2020 get recognized, I realize that there are worse jobs.  Shattuck just had 9, yes NINE, seniors recognized as State FFA Degree recipients tonight in the virtual OK State FFA Awards deal.  Shattuck is a small school.  8 Man football small. That is one helluva senior class, especially when you realize that there are 3 other seniors that won divisions @ Tulsa, State Fair of OK, Woodward District & OYE ag mechanics contests and another senior that was on a state qualifying Opening Ceremonies team.  I’m not bragging on me but the kids. Shattuck is loaded!!!!

A school system that supports the kids AND the teachers.  They even celebrate the support staff.  (Trust me on this AWESOME point–between the chief cleaning lady, the maintenance man and the 4 decades+ bus driver duo–we all work together for the good of Shattuck).  The admin tries and wants to do right by all.  The coaches, the choir and the ag dept. all get along.  And trust me, there are some serious Type A (hole) personalities involved.  I would be exhibit A.  Although there are exhibits A+.  But it all works.

Truly, I’m not bragging.  But I will brag on the parental help, the school and holy jeeminy we’ve got kids that are wanting to work.  We are stacked with good.  I’m just answering a repeated question.  As long as I am having fun, kids that want to work, do well and not dealing with a bunch of unnecessary BS……then I’m good for a while.  It doesn’t hurt that I have a co-teacher that loves the kids.  And, it never hurts to have a Dragon Lady at your side.  That one is better than most, if not all, paid ag teachers.

My buddy Frazier has passed 40+ years teaching.  He has said for a long time “I get paid to do this!”   I’m at the point that I think that he & I need to sit down, eat a Texas Hot spicy burrito and discuss this mantra.  “I get it!”  However, if there is money being pushed across a table, I would take the over on Frazier ( no matter what the over is, he will do it till he dies.)  Take the under on my dumb ass.

And yes, it’s hard being a former goat jock and now being an ag teacher.  Especially, if you don’t have a kid involved.  I’m just saying, it is hard to justify a $2,500 wether.  ( Wait, what?  that’s cheap!!  I know, I know.) But, in the REAL world, it gets a bit hard.


Have a good one and a better tomorrow.   One day closer.


Where to start?

I was reminded today, when rolling up electric fence with a gas powered fence roller………………………….. always keep the 2 wires separated.  Damn!!  I was glad nobody was around to see that tangled up POS!!!   And I had nobody to blame but myself.  Yeah, you, Dad.   I hope you are getting a laugh reading this crap!!

I made a road trip on Saturday.  A little over 750 miles round trip to look at some damn hair sheep wethers. And people, I would make that trip again.  I don’t care what species it is, I just like looking at good stock.  You all can figger out where I went.  They were good, real good and I couldn’t afford anything that would classify in TX.  So, I went down the road to the Hard 8 BBQ.  While in line, staring at that open pit bbq, I watched the dude in front of me point to a big damn pork chop.  Then shake his head yes.   The whole social distancing deal meant that I was just far enough away to not hear a thing.  (That and my age and habit of listening to LOUD music…IDK?)   The server then dunked that big damn pork chop in a bat of some buttery substance.  What was that?  That’s new to me.  WTH?  Six feet,  my ass!!

Now, it’s my turn.   I’ve seen lots of meats dunked in various sauces.  But, this one looked different.  I obviously asked in a bit of an offensive stance.   “Dude, what’s in the bucket?”

He answers with his hands up.  “Hey, man.  It’s a lemon, garlic, butter sauce.”


And now, like a druggy having a relapse……”Hit me up with that!”

RUFSM?!  A big piece of slow-smoked pork dipped in a lemon, garlic, butter sauce???????     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I was flying on a solo mission, which meant nothing but water all while reading a sign that says, ” The Hard 8 BBQ sells more Shiner Bock than any place.”


Where has that been before?    I didn’t help their Shiner Bock sales, but I also got a piece of jalapeño sausage for safety reasons.  But that smoked pork dipped in perfection was unreal.   Then, I sat down to eat all of this goodness while bidding on hair sheep.  I only bid a couple of times.  If Duke was still showing, I would still be bidding.


Other than the 6 or 8 best hair wether prospects that I have ever seen, the other cool thing was that in those 750+ miles, I never saw a TX or OK hi-po.  Not a one.  As a result, my avg. driving speed was FUN!


And the BEST thing that I saw this weekend.  I sent out a group text proclaiming how good my mother did raising me.  And she also raised a couple of cool sisters.  (For those of you that don’t know, I only have two brothers!)


One of these squirrels responded with a video.  No comments.  Just a video of a dude wearing a kilt and a black cape and a Darth Vader helmet WHILE playing the bagpipes AND riding a unicycle!!!  Might be the kuhlest thing ever.  And I’m left wondering…….

How did they get that video of me?


Mother’s Day!   My brothers and I were blessed with a saintly, wonderful mother that taught us to do right.    My kids have one of the best mothers ever!  My wife has a wonderful mother.  My mom and my dad had wonderful mothers.  Our nieces & nephews are blessed with awesome mothers.  THANK YOU!!!  On behalf of myself, my brothers, my kids and all the others….THANK YOU!!!


Fingerprints & Wal Mart

I recently had my fingerprints done.  NO!!  I did not get arrested.  I wanted to get some fingerprints done a month ago but COVID shut us down.   I was trying to purchase a new toy that requires pictures and fingerprints.  But NOOOO!!  The Rona had the sheriff’s office shut down.  Once the courthouse re-opened, they called and said, “Let’s get those fingerprints.”   Haaa!  As if they weren’t already on file.  However, this time it was all electronic.  And I got a quasi-tour of the new JailHouse in Ellis County.  The jailer lady knew who I was and as part of the computer questionnaire, she had my driver’s license and was answering questions.  UNTIL, it came to hair color.  She turned, looked at my current mop and asked, “Honey, what do you want me to put for hair color?”

I asked, “Do they have a box for salt & pepper?”  She quickly replied, “NO!….But I do know that you were dark headed in your younger days.”

I said, “Lady, whatever works to get this done and me out of here is great!”


Now, I bet not a one of you people can guess how this ties to a damn goat!   None of ya!!!



My favorite stock show is Phoenix….the ANLS.  The drive sucks but I love the show.  Love it!!  The restaurants.  The atmosphere.  I would say the weather but it is normally colder than wanted.  I digress….the first year that we dealt with goats was over 15 years ago.  Kela and her friends wanted to show goats…so we got some wethers for Phoenix.  At entry time, we had to pay some fees and get a NOSE PRINT of the wether goats.   WTF? A nose print for a goat?

I have nose printed a lot of steers.  But now a goat.  And to answer your next question…yes, a goat does have an individual nose print.  BUT…. try nose printing a goat.  Their nose actually is set about a 1.14″ back from the end of their snout.  You will get a big damn smeared post card when you try to nose print a LIVE goat.  So, if you are nose printing a LIVE goat….first, have a dry towel to wipe their nose.  Second, have somebody pull their snout down & away.  Then roll the nose print card from bottom to top.  At that point, the goat will turn inside their skin and ruin the nose print.  And on the second try, they will snort goat snot on the card.  You will need multiple cards, a crap-load of patience and a strong desire to do that again.  Thus, the reason that no shows currently require a goat nose print.  And NO, I have never tried to nose-print a dead goat.   I assure you that it would be easier.


And then wal mart.  For the past decade, the wether market sales have been dominated by the name brand, large volume breeders.  They sell large volumes and have a price shelf for most buyers.  The top shelf that is “guaranteed” may be too cheap.  Seriously!  I ain’t shittin ya!   It is easier to buy a $15K plus wether than it is to raise one.  But in all reality, there are only a handful worth that money.  On the other hand, there are a lot of people looking to grab a $1,000 Pfeiffer/BTW/Garret wether ( no slight intended, just using name brands).  If you study the premium sales, percentages dictate that the big volume breeders do NOT dominate the premium sale slots.  They do however dominate the banner slots.  These trends have held true for over 15 years.

I have never had 500+ does in a herd.  I DON’T want to have that many either.  So, I do respect the amount of work, feed costs, facilities, reproduction fees, hay, time, effort, etc.  that goes into that kind of program.  I do not want to a super-center.  And let’s be real, several super-centers have sold out when they got the chance.  This crap ain’t easy.

I made my bones living in the world of finding good stock that weren’t from the “yet” famous producers.  I’ve got lots of stories regarding those facts.  You get me talking and I can tell you stories of banner hanging wethers that came from super-center wether producers and we got it done at discount prices.  I also have some first round draft pick kind of busts.  Now, I watch these online sales and well, “kind of ” wish that I had a fleet of feeders.  There are good wethers being traded but because of “so called” age and it isn’t a super-store selling it….well then, the masses aren’t looking to buy these deals.  It is what it is.

People, I don’t have a bone to pick with anybody.  I ain’t mad at nobody.  Jealous.  No.  I just like what the Dragon Lady and I have managed to accomplish.  Tomorrow, we will be a day older but the favorite daughter will hit another decade milestone.  She is stuck in LA dealing with the consequences of the rona shutting down another industry.


I may want to go to Cali and show in the EFFING Classic! jackpot that will be in a lowe’s or home depot parking lot.  I love it!  As with most shows…..who’s judging?  Who cares?  This would be fun.


Have a good one today and I truly hope that you have a better tomorrow.  Horseshoes & shamrocks to all.  And I hope that common sense will prevail!  Hope Pray Hope Pray    I need some emojis on this damn deal.


No.  No, I don’t.   Hope for the best and pray for the best and the rest.


May the 4th be with you!

It is the 4th of May and it may be time to do something about the extra hair.  Yes, shag is popular in the stock show world but I’m not going to be up for auction or entered into any stock shows.  My appearance is starting to resemble a scruffy-looking, nerf herder.  Shaved–3 weeks ago.  Haircut–February.

Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try.  I’m not trying to make good goats, I’m doing it.  Just not in large quantities.  I haven’t been mad at a doe goat today.  Or a mini herf.  I even turned the bull in with some heifers.  Somebody needs to see some action around here.

This is the way.  Yes, we turned loose of a pile of Rumour Has It semen.  Yes, we kept the floor fairly low.  Cheapest that we have ever sold it.  We may do it again.  UZI–not sure yet.  Next Friday–yes, not sure, but yes.  The Mandalorian–not till I’ve got kids to brag about.

It is amazing the calls and comments that I get from this little piece of blog news.  There are actually people that read this stuff.  I enjoy the interaction–movies, goat questions, music and other random crap.  For the readers YO-DA best!

I have spoken.

Way Wicked Random

That’s how my last few days have been.

On Thursday, I had a ZOOM meeting that lasted longer than expected.  Then I had some goat shoppers show up.  They bought a doe kid that I really didn’t want to sell…but I really wanted her in good hands.  So, she got a new home that I’m excited about.

I’ve got a train wreck kind of goat kid that I really like but it’s taking some work to get him over his structural issues.  Are the issues caused by him being a single MONSTER kid or are they genetic?  IDK but only a few have seen him and two want him for a buck and another wants him for a wether.  Either way, I hope he works out.

On Friday, I took my gator and went to High Plains Technology Center to assist with their greenhouse sale. HOLY JEEMINY!!!   This was an efficient work of art and my GOD, I think they sold well over $30K.  I was draggin donkey when I got home.  Good crew and for a good cause.

On Saturday, the boys and I worked a set of wethers.  I Kelly clipped a March born Next Friday kid out of a first time momma.  I’m now in a good mood.  Then, we went and ate some Neubauer ribs and Greer brisket.  I’m still full.

At some point, I checked the mail.  I had a package from Indiana.  A USPS envelope.  I opened it and found the regular envelope that was inside of the big envelope.  Inside that envelope was a package of Trident tropical twist gum.  WTF???  I opened the gum to find some perfectly wrapped “gum” pieces with the payment for some semen.  UNIQUE!!   I love it.  Well played Dude!!

Sunday found me watering garden spots and then making the statement, “I’ve already got the gator loaded on a trailer, let’s go to Wolf Creek on Dad’s place and catch some fish.”  And this is where it get’s really random.

I’ve caught a lot of fish out of Wolf Creek on this place in my life.  No big ones.  Just a bunch of fun.  I have caught largemouth bass, a perch or twelve and occasionally a nice channel cat.  Recently, my dad sent a pic of a crappie.  Then, my middle brother Jake and his son Jett caught some crappie.  What?

Today, we got random.  We caught lots of bass (couple of 2-3 pounders), crappie, perch, a Buffalo Drum, a carp and Tammy lost a 4-5# channel cat.   We saw some short nose gar.  And several water snakes.  Good day of catching random fish.  My goal was to catch A fish.  After that, I was in a wicked good mood.

As any of you loyal readers already know, I love a good musical tune.  And I like getting texts/calls/emails pushing a song or artist.

I got a message that said:

Random Thoughts

“I’m for Love” by Hank Williams Jr.

Go back and re-listen to that song.  As much truth today as in 1985 when it was written.  If nothing else, you got to listen to a good tune that you had damn-neart forgot about.

Thanks.  True, very true.  We forget how big of a star that HW jr was.

I don’t see my brothers on a day2day basis.  And I don’t need to.  But I always look forward to the next family gathering.  There will always be some trash talking amongst us brothers and the wives get to cuss & discuss as well.  I’m just glad that my parents got it right the first time–ME–and there was enough genetic power left to make two really cool brothers.  Good job Mom & Dad!

I may have had a bad dietary experience with those Xtreme HOT pickle bitez that I was bragging about.  Do not put one of these pickles on a tortilla chip, then a piece of fajita meat, then some hot salsa and then a dab of Tobasco.  It tasted REALLY good!! But the next day, I felt the heat!!!

Never seen before

Let’s face it.  All of us in the goat world have a story or twelve of things that we have never seen before and will probably never see again.  Goats are the worst when it comes to these amazing things but it happens in all species of livestock.

Tonight, I had a double whammy.

First, I was trying to sort some calves.  The first batch went really well.  The next batch was a pain in the ass—mini herefords.  Before any of you buy a herd of mini-herfs–call me.  There are some things that they leave out in the sales brochure.  Like the fact that they are a bunch of M-t@h$r  FFFFFFFFFFFers to deal with once in a corral.  I like eating them but I don’t like dealing with the little turds.  These calves have been weaned almost two weeks.  We needed to sort a couple out and run them through the tub, alley & chute.  Some went, some went bat crap.  I was staying calm but my helper was getting pissed.  I warned him to calm down.

This one calf would not go through the gate, wouldn’t do it.  We were both getting frustrated but, the third time this calf ran head first into a panel and then turned and ran south, the kid helping me decided to throw a sorting stick at the calf.

Swear to GOD, if I hadn’t witnessed it, I wouldn’t believe it.  The stick hit her right behind the ear and she dropped dead.  Dead, dead, dead.  I saw him throw it and I didn’t think that he threw that hard.  But, I also knew that deal was dead when she hit the ground.  Instant impact!  The thing is, this calf is out of the oldest, calmest mini herf.  She eats cake out of the Dragon Lady’s hand.  Not no more.

Yeah, I was pissed.  He shouldn’t have thrown it but I also know that he wasn’t trying to do damage.  I have just never seen anything like it before.

So, then we went to check goats.  Three does with kids in the kidding barn.  I had fed them an hour earlier.  The kid went in the barn to clean water buckets.  He hollered and said that “A doe on the south side of the kidding barn was dead.”

What?   No, she was eating alfalfa an hour ago.  WTH?  Yep, he was right.   Dead, dead, dead.  Bloated up to beat all hell.   In all the thousands of doe goats that I have kidded out, I have never had one standing there eating and nursing kids and then be dead.  Bloated up to beat all heck.  The others are fine.  I guess she choked and bloated.    the great thing is that she had a pair of twins on her.

The joys and discomforts of an agricultural life.

Have a good one.


Eye in the Sky

I could go off writing about conspiracy theories–china, covid BS, government stuff, etc.  Nope.  Instead, name me a song that came from the Eye in the Sky record that is relevant today.   Hunhhhn???   Come on.  Come on.

How is a record that came out in 1982 relevant today?


Those that know, already know.


That Alan Parsons Project record contained a song called “Sirious” which was used by the Chicago Bulls for their introductions.  To date, it is still the most bad-ass introduction.  The OYE has used this song, in conjunction with that wicked AC/DC song for the grand drive.  AWESOME!!!  There is your goat tie in.


And now, in today’s crappy covid environment, espn and the nba were wise to unleash “The Last Dance”  on the rona bound audience.   Marketing genius is what it is.  No doubt.  I did not watch episode 1 & 2.  I have seen 3 & 4.


Let’s be real, as a product of the 80s, I liked the Bulls, hated the pistons, watched the Celtics & the Lakers.  The Dream Team was a real deal when I was in college.  Heck, for that matter, Okie State hoops were bad-ass back then.  Eddie Sutton HOF!   I also watched a LOT of Arnett girls 6-on-6 basketball in the late 80s.  One, they were good, really good.  Two, they were really good looking.  Kela and Duke’s mother is one of those chicks.  I enjoyed watching. A LOT!!


I tie music, sounds & phrases to events in my life.  After watching these tv shows, it’s apparent that I am not alone.  But, the visual that I took from watching those shows…….OOOOHHHH that Carmen Electra was smoking!   And a quick google shows that she is still worth looking at.  Good genetics???  Doubt it.

Rodman may be the most-under-rated b-ball player of all time.  And this documentary kind of backs this up.  Jordan and Pippen actually back it up.  How screwed up would that dude be in today’s socially transmitted disease addicted world?  book face, twitter and the others would have loved Rodman.


I should probably go back and proof-read this crap tonight.  I’ve been typing and texting at the same time.  One should not be participating in a group-text while typing an info-laden blog.

All I know is that Aldo Nova still sucks (not really, but it opened up discussion) and watch out for mounds of dirt in the road!