Archive for Blog Posts – Page 26


Let me tell you about some crap that I find completely undesirable.  These dang tv commercials that are sponsored by lawyers with open class action lawsuits.  I don’t like these commercials.  They make me think that these lawyers are just trolling, with no real bait, just trying to snag another client or three.

Mesothelioma, asbestos from naval yards, roundup weed killer exposure, the boy scouts abuse, etc.  This crap is just one more thing that is undesirable while watching tv.  Between the fake news, politics, spoiled athletes and these lawyer ads, I’m thinking that I need to rig a tv up to only play Law & Order re-runs, Yellowstone and maybe some Hee Haw episodes.  I would say play some cool music video channels but none of those channels actually play music videos anymore.  Maybe I need to start my own tv channel.  OOHH!! I like that thought.

As I watch some of these crappy lawyer commercials, I have to think to myself.  “Self, you must have been an undesirable teenager.”  Why would I think that?  Well, I was in the Boys Scouts of America AND I was an altar boy in the Catholic church.  Not one time was I sexually abused by a Boy Scout leader or a priest.  Nothing.  Not even one weird innuendo, awkward moment, or a bad feeling.  For that matter, I’ve also used a lot of roundup.  However, I did change ceiling tiles out last week in the ag building.  I might have been exposed to some cancer causing dust, insulation and whatever else was in that ceiling.

I’m sure there has been some bad stuff happen but it never happened to me.  However, I can’t help but think that a bunch of this stuff has been over-played by lawyers and the media.

Speaking of goats, I recently watched several videos of a young and up-and-coming buck prospect.  You may have seen his picture on book face.  Fuzzy Handcuffs.  One of the best pics of a goat that I have ever seen.  The boys at REI told me that this one looked badass.  So, this weekend, I saw Cade and asked him about this prospect.  He showed me numerous videos of this buck.  Cool!  Tonight, I was at a goat sale and mentioned Fuzzy Handcuffs to Pullan.  I asked if he had some fuzzy handcuffs.  I got a weird look from he and Stephanie.  Pretty sure that answer was No.

Well, I don’t have any fuzzy handcuffs either.  But, I can tell you how a toy like this would play out in our house.  I would be like  “Yee haw!   Alright!”  Tammy would then handcuff me to the bed.  “Woo Hoo!”  And then she would walk out to a different room and get a good night’s sleep.  And I would be up all night wishing that I could reach the remote to at least watch a Law & Order re-run.

And, I’m real sure that I wasn’t undesirable as a teenager.  I’ve got proof.  I caught the Dragon Lady back in those days.  I’ve still got that trophy.  Although, she might kick me out if she reads this crap.

People, we are getting close to being back to whatever-in-hell-is-normal.  School is going to start, shows are happening, the election will be over and there will probably be a lawsuit over all of the protests and people that were hurt.  In all honesty, we should sue our leaders for the whole shutdown, pandemic scare and the rest of the fallout.  Let’s get rid of all the undesirables that are in office.  I’m fine with Trump again (especially compared to the alternative).  But I would REALLY like to get rid of all–ALL OF THEM, set term limits and start fresh.  Replace all of the judges as well.  Term limits on those political son-of-a-guns as well.  Make those GD lawyers and lobbyists earn their pay to get the new blood under their thumbs.  I think it would be fun.  It would not be UNDESIRABLE!

Send some diplomatic dudes like the Poe Cat or Jake Kelln to Washington.  Then, see how the lobbyists fare.

I’m done.  This is as diplomatic as I am capable of being.  Sometimes, you just have to learn to shut up and wait for a more appropriate time and setting.


I really don’t know what to write.  Too many happening to keep track of and then report.  It is August which means goat sales are slow.  Will they pick up in September like normal……2020 is anything but normal.  We shall see.

I don’t attend very many weddings/receptions.  Not my scene.  The Dragon Lady made it clear that I didn’t have much of a choice.  So, I along with a butt-load of others attended the Jamie Bum x Lane Halfmann reception.We watched the actual wedding via bookface live.  I can say that watching a Catholic wedding is kind of like watching a soccer match.  At least, I didn’t have to stand and kneel a bunch.  The reception consisted of a big crowd that was practicing social distancing and wearing masks.  Big crowd, yes.  The rest, hell no.  Great crew of people.  Good times.  I wish Kela could have been there but she is finally back to work.

IDK about some things, but I do know that Crystal Gayle is NOT under-rated.  She hasn’t put out any hits in a couple of decades.  But that chick killed the 70s and 80s.  The younger generation learned about her because of a t-shirt in the Ricky Bobby movie.

You all should know the answer to this question.  Who is Crystal Gayle’s sister?


People, have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Double whammy!

We aren’t going to do 2 different lists on this night.  We are just going to put a couple of things out there for your perusal.  If you don’t like it, click to a different website.

Most under-rated groups/performers of all time, regardless of genre.

Keith Whitley–Personally, I think this dude would have been one of the best country singers of all time.  His sound… the words… so good.  But….he went all Keith Whitley and crawled inside a bottle.  Although, currently, we are strangers to the rain.

Cheap Trick–hall of famers but still, so many good tunes.

Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band–another hall of famer with so many cool tunes.  I would like to see his group live.

Restless Heart

Juice Newton–Angel of the Morning, Playing with the Queen of Hearts.   If I could be a musician and only have two hits–I would be happy with these two tunes.  Go play them.  You will be in a good mood as you listen to them.

Tesla–the band, not that car.  Duke & I have seen them live.  And there is a goat connection to this band.  Some firm in Cali has a tie to them.  Wicked cool!

The Great Divide–They were so close to being so good.  Tammy and I still listen to their stuff.


Best super-hero movies


Guardians of the Galaxy–I love those movies.  The story lines are cool.  The characters are bad ass.  How cool is Groot?  And the sound tracks are wicked.  The characters in these two movies keep me hooked.  I like it.  A lot.

Ironman is fun, kind of cool but the story doesn’t keep me hooked.

Spiderman–okay.  Not a big fan.

Superman–Maybe the BEST superhero movie of all-time.  The 1978 movie is still burned into our souls.  I was 7 and this movie still resonates.  Christopher Reeve became the “face” of Superman.  This was the first, wicked awesome superhero movie.  You can’t even argue this point.

Deadpool–without a doubt the funniest and most politically incorrect superhero movie. ( even more than Guardians of the Galaxy)  I do like watching  it.


And the GOAT–

Anybody with a pile of cash could be Ironman.  If you were born on Krypton, there is a chance you could be Superman.  Radioactive spider bite and you could be Spiderman. Chemistry experiments gone wrong, and well, you could be Deadpool or the Incredible Hulk.  But, none of us actually know the true superhero that is known as…



For all that you know, I could be Batman.


The 1989 Batman movie starred Michael Keeton and Jack Nicholson.  Those two killed their roles.  This movie spawned decades of movies–some better than others.  However, the Batman movies have continued to be bad ass.


I apologize to any that read this stuff and don’t like it.  It could be worse.  This is the edited version.  You could know the real me and would therefore understand.  I just hope when you read this stuff, your mind goes to a happy place and goes, “Hunnh!”  That stuff was/is good.

GOD bless and here’s to good today’s and better tomorrows.   And currently, we all need some horseshoes and shamrocks.  Actually, we need a shit-load of horseshoes and shamrocks.

Which brings up the question….which is more?  A shit-load or an ass-load.  A shit load sounds like it is bigger than an ass load.  But, shouldn’t an ass-load be able to hold a shit load?




It is past the normal time of year for FFA Alumni Camp.  However, some of the state staff worked hard to come up with a streamlined, covid free, version of camp for 2020.  Early Sunday morning, Tammy and I loaded up 11 Shattuck FFA members and trekked to the eastern part of the state.  We got everybody’s temps checked, health forms checked and then dropped kids off at camp.  The 2020 version of camp started at 12 noon and ended at 5 pm the following day.  Normally, it would be 4 days/3 nights.

All of our kids were pleased with camp.  The seniors-to-be that have been numerous times said that it was good.  The first -timers said, “If it was this good during covid, they can’t wait to go back next year.”  Good job.

And since we were in the area, we then drove north to look through some goats.  It wasn’t that hot but oh, the humidity.  We grabbed a room in Tulsa on Sunday night and then went to Skiatook Lake on Monday morning.   We hired a guide to take us fishing.  We caught a lot of hybrid stripers and a mess of blue cats.  We hadn’t caught many hybrids before.  Man, a five pound hybrid has a lot of fight in them.  They are fun to catch.  We didn’t catch any monsters but we consistently caught fish and had fun.

I have been asked before, why do you hire guides?  Why don’t you own a boat?


Here’s a couple of reasons why I hire a guide?

1–I don’t have to own a boat.

2–I don’t have to fix a boat.

3–I don’t have to put gas in a boat.

4–I don’t have to store a boat.

5–I don’t have to pay insurance on a boat.

6–I don’t have to winterize a boat.

7–I don’t have to clean up a boat and get it ready in the spring.

8–I don’t have to load a boat on and off of a trailer.

9–With a guide, I don’t have to catch bait.

10–I don’t have to keep poles ready for all people on the boat.

11–I don’t have to clean fish.

12–I don’t have to waste time trying to find fish.

13–I have fun going fishing without owning a boat and without having to work to catch fish.


And when we left Camp Tulakogee, it was raining hard and the rain was stretched all across the state.  Parents were sending their kids videos of a 2″ downpour in Gage (7 miles from my house).  I drove in rain on and off all the way home.  And then we got back here to paradise.  Yep, we got rain–.25.  A quarter inch.  We’ll take it but….dude?!?!

Coin shortage?

Of all the stupid $h!t to come out of 2020, the coin shortage might be the dumbest.  This makes NO cents!  Literally, America is out of common cents!

Go back and watch the classic movie Office Space.  A couple of low level computer hacks figure out a way to embezzle the extra pennies on transactions.  I have always liked this movie.  And yes, it stars some no-name hacks but it is well made AND it has Jennifer Aniston in it.  That always make cents to put her in a flick.

I’m glad that a lot of counties in Kansas are having their county fairs.  Get on with it.  If you are scared of the covid, keep your ass at home.  Let’s get going.

Give the cities to them.  If the protesters want to take Seattle, Portland, Chicago, wherever.  Give the cities to them.  BUT, make them stay in those cities and do NOT allow any agricultural or energy (gas, diesel, oil, natural gas, propane ) items to be taken into those cities.

“Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.”

Study some history.  This is an excerpt from William Jennings Bryan in 1896.  The Cross of Gold speech.  It is considered one of the greatest political speeches of all time.  How true these words hold, only a mere 124 years later.  We don’t need to shed blood in a given city, just let them have the cities.  We can make it without them.  The reverse is not true.

I collected bucks at REI this week.  It went well.  The boys did their job and I won’t have to be collecting again for a bit.  the next bill from REI will be large but at least we have lots of juice on ice.  And I know that their swimmers are of HIGH quality.  I did like the fact that numerous goat pimps from the Texas nation are now bringing their bucks to a reputable place to be collected.  The rest of them need to as well.

Tammy, Duke & I went to a neighboring town to look at some goats.  There is a young set of showmen with a novice family that wants to do well.  The two brothers started going at each other as brothers tend to do.  I was fine with that.  Bow up and get it on.  I wasn’t quite prepared for the foam covered nunchuks to come out.   Wait?  What?  This is awesome.  Nobody got hurt but things got serious when it became Jackie Chan time.

Pray for our nation. Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Real World Problems

The media lets you know daily covid infection rates, or deaths or the next happening that is being closed due to the rona.  But, no, not one mention of RHD.  Nothing. Crickets.  But this RHD has been devastating to an entire industry.  What?  For real?  Yes, for real.

Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease has shut down the rabbit industry.  No rabbit shows in the USA.  It is very lethal.  This virus has been found in tame and wild rabbit populations.  The mortality rate of this disease is OVER 70%.  Yeah, if they get it, they are probably going to die.  This deal is for real.  No rabbits at the county fairs.  Any fair, anywhere.  I do have some rabbit showing stories but I don’t want anybody to lose there prize rabbits.   No masks.  Just a complete lockdown.   Yet, not a word from your media.

County fairs in NW Oklahoma are trying to figure out what to do.  Some have already punted, some have cancelled part of but not all of their fairs and others are going forward.  I made fun of some neighboring county fair board members for canceling part of their fair.  They kept the junior shows but cancelled the indoor exhibits such as the canned foods, baking and vegetables.

My first instinct was to make fun of them.  But, then they explained that all of the superintendents for those divisions were elderly AND all of the judges for those divisions were elderly.  Wait?  What?  Yep, they were right.  There aren’t a lot of young pickle or baked goods judges.  We need to address this problem.  We need to be training younger canned food judges, baked food judges, etc.  I feel confident that I could judge these items.  I have watched experts like Travis Bowman and Debbie Kelln prepare, present and judge items like these.  Yet, I’m not young.  There needs to be a pipeline of up & coming judges.  For pickles and goats.  We don’t need to be in a rut of just using the same old deal.

I recently read a list of the favorite Star Wars characters of all time.  For the first time, the BEST movie character of all time was NOT #1.  Darth Vader is now listed as #3.  What?  One of the most recognizable characters by sight, sound, quotes, memes….you don’t have to like Star Wars to recognize Darth Vader.

Pre- Corona force choke

6 ft rule force choke

Work from home force choke


Baby Yoda was listed as the most popular Star Wars character.  Yoda, himself, was listed as #2.  I like Baby Yoda and I love the fact that Kela is one of the few that have actually held the puppet that is Baby Yoda.  I have always been a Yoda fan.  But when it comes to the most popular lists of Star Wars–there is two.  Darth Vader and Chewbacca.

Speaking of goats.  The marketplace has changed.  The middle ground seems to be gone.  Cheaper ones will sell all day, everyday.  And if you have an elite one, there are numerous people willing to pay for those.  It seems to resemble the steer market.

Had a really good collection day at REI.  Took 3 bucks, all 3 bucks jumped does 3 times.  All 3 bucks gave good #s of high quality juice.  I’ll have a pretty steep bill from REI next month, but it is the kind that I am happy to pay.

When we bought UZI, he had horrible hooves.  I worked to get them right.  Once a goat gets bad hooves, it is hard to keep them right.  I have been waiting to trim UZI’s hooves.  I’ve been waiting on a  really good rain.  It hasn’t happened.  So, we set a sprinkler on the buck pen in order to soak the ground for 24 hours.  It helped. Real world problems and solutions.

Oh wow!!

Yes, I forgot a few videos.  November Rain being the biggie that I left off.  That one was epic and I just flat ass forgot it.  However, it doesn’t change my top 5 overall.  I do, however, agree with a couple of readers, that YES, it is a good thing Lynyrd Skynyrd did NOT make music videos.  Because, if they did, with all of the southern decorations, they would now be banned and erased form history.  No matter, they made some bad ass music.

Personally, I am for cops not doing stupid stuff, blacks not doing stupid stuff, crackers not doing stupid stuff, hispanics not doing stupid stuff, asians not doing stupid stuff….how about if none of us do stupid stuff?  Oh wow!  That would be a novel idea.  Let’s just hold a nationwide, go to a drive in movie theater and watch Blazing Saddles.  Therefore, EVERY race, religion, stereotype, etc, could be offended and we get this crap over with and on with actually living.   I may be wrong.  But, probably not.

If you saw me today, I am a redskin.  Borderline sun burnt but will be dark by tomorrow.  I don’t have an indian card, but I haven’t had a dna test either.  No matter.  I’m not offended by much.  I did, however, enjoy the spoils of our labors.  KC strip steak from JQK.  Okra, taters and sweet corn from here.  All raised right and cooked right.  The only way that it would have been better was if any of you clowns would have been here to share.  I wish there was some sand plum jelly to go on a biscuit, but not this year.

I’m not a huge trump fan.  But, I absolutely deplore what the other side has to offer.  Between that side and the media, well…hell, we just don’t have a choice.  It’s like Trump at least supports economic growth, military, rights and some common sense.  The others have been in office for 40 years and not done much.

I’m catching some crap for allowing students to make and sell Trump 2020 yard signs.  It is simple economics.  We have requests to ship them across the country.  We sold out of the first wave, are scheduling to make more and having to paint them in numerous colors.  The weird thing, as compared to the polls, we have had zero requests to make a biden sign.  Not one request.  ZERO.  Oddly enough, we have had numerous requests to make an ou sign or twelve.  Anybody that knows me understands that I have a life-long aversion to making anything for the u OF o.  I’ve got some young entrepreneurs that are willing to cut, grind and paint such a sign.  But, oddly, no requests for a biden sign.  Zero.  So, even though I don’t want to touch anything with the backward u of o logo, I will let students apply skills and make money.  I’d do the same for that other deal.  But…..ZERO requests.  Odd?

Yes, Tammy and I traveled to the hottest place in North America–which is half way between Quitiquae and Turkey, Texas.  It was hot in temps and sale climate.  At sale start time–10 am– the line to get a bidder # was over a 100 yards long.  The line of pickups & trailers outside Joe Ed’s place was over a mile long– on either side of the road.  So many people and I knew less than 10.  It was good seeing Kenneth Helms.  I wished I had more time to BS with Ronnie & Royce Lumpkins and Dale Cramblet.  The sale was higher than balls on a giraffe.  Or Willie on his tour bus.  Or Cheech & Chong.  I’m just saying–this sale was high.  Tammy and I punted after a couple of hours, headed into Galvan’s, then headed home.

In 2003, I started this goat deal with L& W boer goats.  Then, I was the first Okie to buy from some dude named Kelly.  Then, I got hooked up with Ralph Shafer, then Helms, Morriss, Powell/Holman and Bob Allen.  A couple years later, I got into some herd west of Mason, TX.  Past the ceramic pig and then north into Gallagher’s.  People bitch about coming to Fargo, OK.  And I’m like, “Dudes, you don’t know what the middle of nowhere is like until you have been to Gallagher’s, Kelly’s, Helms’ location or seen that big ass cement stock tank at Bob Allen’s place.”  Now, some have sold out, some have really sold out and some things just ain’t the same.  It is what it is.

We had as good of a run as any.  Raising goats, buying, helping, etc.  We’ve done it all.  Wicked good run!  But it does feel like things are different.  So, time to do things different. Oh wow!!  Time to watch a re-run of Yellowstone.  Let -er Rip!


Music Video G.O.A.T.

Before you read this, remember that I grew up in an era when MTV and CMT first blew up.  I am a visual person, so I like a good music video.

Some groups/performers do a better job of utilizing a video to promote the song.  Some use sexuality to really make it all come together.  Some videos accentuate the power of the song.

Just like any other show, we will break these up into divisions.



Visual Effects

–Enter Sandman by Metallica     You watch that video and realize that they actually re-created nightmares and timed it perfectly to a great tune.

–Money for Nothing by Dire Straits     Animated video that is cheesy now, but was so far ahead of it’s time that it is still cool.

–Thriller by Michael Jackson     This one has won most shows on it’s way to the G.O.A.T. show.  Great story, great cinematography, not his best song.

–Smells like “Nirvana” by Weird Al Yankovic     The GOAT parody song/video of all time.  I can watch this video and hear Nirvana but I laugh at the visuals–marbles, etc.

–Hey Ya by Outkast     I feel like I am watching a studio concert with this one.  Upbeat and very suggestive.  Rap?  Pop?  IDK.  I just like this video and the song.

–Sabotage by Beastie Boys    Great acting, action and making a visual for a song that you didn’t expect.


Monkey Wrench (because they make your nuts tighten up)

–Cherry Pie by Warrant      She was so hot, the lead singer married her.  This video….oh the innuendos.

…Baby one more time by Britney Spears        This one made all of us wonder if it was quite right?!    But you couldn’t look away and this video has held up.  They still use this one as a litmus test.

–Turn Back Time by Cher      The opposite of Britney (was she old enough) versus Cher (Is she too old to wear that?)   great song and the video has held up to the test of time.

–Any Man of Mine by Shania Twain      Launched a career.  Wasn’t risqué but I’m not the only one that VIVIDLY remembers watching this video.

–All I Want for Christmas by Mariah Carey      This video makes it cool to listen to this song in July.




–We didn’t light the fire by Billy Joel    The video is cool.  The song is better.

–Right Now by Van Halen      I’m a fan of this song and this video.  The video is ever-evolving and can be made to fit any time or social happening.

–The Dance by Garth Brooks    This video stopped me in my tracks back in the day.  Simple, yet powerful.  He made lots of other great stuff but this is still his best video.

–Hurt by Johnny Cash


Fits all categories

–Here I Go Again by Whitesnake       This one has been mentioned in movies.  It still inspires me to want to be a rock star OR a jaguar car.  The visuals were/still are stunning and therefore, the monkey wrench applies.


Division champs


Here I Go Again                   Even Ricky Bobby referenced this one in Talladega Nights.  “What’s her name?”

Smells Like Nirvana          The parody is better than the original which just happens to be an all-time great.

Any Man of Mine             Clean, fits the song perfectly but still evokes so many positive images of… yeah.

Hurt                                  The visuals, the past, the present, the unexpected.


Top 5 overall

5th overall–            Here I go Again                  This video…simple yet so, so well made.

4th overall–            Any Man of Mine              Great song combined with absolute sexy yet clean visuals.  OOhh!

3rd overall–            The Dance                           Simple yet profound.  Helped launch a HUGE career.

Res. grand–              Right Now                          The video and the song were out of the norm for this band.  But it

worked and still works.

Grand–                      Hurt                                     Not the best song, nor the best video subjects…but the

combination makes it the best ever.


I will gladly accept texts/emails/calls regarding your opinions.  Did I forget one?  May have.

No need for Ron Simonson or Kenneth Helms to respond.  Credence didn’t make videos.

Wandom Wednesday

No, I’m not making fun of hair lips.  However, I do have a story that involves showing wabbits.  But, that is for another time.

I mowed the ag farm this afternoon, then came home and piled into the garden.  For the 2nd night in a row, I picked a couple of 5 gallon buckets of sweet corn.  Between the grasshoppers, piss ants and wasps, I have had enough insect damage to make me wish that I would have used more chemicals.   Then I shucked, cleaned and bagged it.  It was getting close to dark when I finished.  I was hot, sweaty and kind of dirty.  So, I decided to pile into the Dragon Lady’s little blue yard pool.

I’ve been in that thing about every day.  It’s not big enough to really swim in it but I can kind of go in circles.  I now know what those fighting betta fish feel like.  Just a singular being in a small container of water, swimming in circles, getting nowhere fast.

Speaking of aquariums, is that still a thing?  I remember when TG&Y, maybe Gibson’s, wal mart and a few local places used to sell aquariums, fish and all the fixings.  I guess some goldfish in a stock tank will have to suffice.

Why isn’t all goat semen guaranteed to be of high motility?  REI and other reputable firms won’t freeze anything unless it is of acceptable quality.  Why don’t all the Texans guarantee that high $ stuff?  Just sayin’.  I’ve purchased several straws and sent pictures of the lab tech’s screen shot of 25% motility.  Crickets.  No reply.  Pretty sure it isn’t just me.  I probably should have been more demanding, maybe put the stuff on social media.  I didn’t.  I knew that I was taking a risk, but…..It’s hard enough to get goats settled via AI when all conditions are proper.  The motility needs to be at least 50% (preferably higher) in order to have a decent chance of conception.  Yes, I realize that how it is handled can affect it.  But, when I can pull 9 year old straws out of the same tank and go 3 for 3.  And 2 for 2 on five year old straws.  As compared to 0 for 10 from the other stuff.  All on the same day.  Doesn’t seem very wandom.

It’s tough raising June born goats during this heat.  It’s even tougher when most of the momma’s are 1st timers.  Wicked combination.  Maybe not my smartest breeding decision.  We will see.

Peace out!   Stay cool.



Stupid Stuff

It’s no secret that I am a fan of some stupid stuff.  I’ve been known to buy some really stupid, skinny goats (backed by strong genetics).  Now… that I type that, I have to ask myself….were they stupid & skinny or just stupid skinny?    Since they were goats, let’s go with…..BOTH!!   That was stupid but you goat people should get it.

To answer that stupid question, as an ag teacher, I’m not dealing with big budgets to purchase projects.  Therefore, I am buying skinny goats, backed by wicked genetics that fit a given budget.  I actually kind of like shopping like this.  Flipping rocks but not kicking tires.  Shitty triplets with a cool mom that milked like she only loved one kid.  I’m in.  Recip died after giving birth.  I’m in.  Pain in the ass kind of stupid stuff but…..if just one works out…

While discussing stupid, I’ve got a crew of kids that keep wanting to show doe kids.  You would think that anybody that knows me would understand that I would rather NOT show a doe kid.  Actually, I don’t care what a  kid shows as long as they put in the work.

Speaking of stupid stuff, an all-time classic stupid movie is on the air tonight.  Airplane!   I love this movie, yet it is so retarded.  One of my all-time favorite movie scenes…..”When Kramer hears about this…the $h!t is going to hit the fan.”  And then, YES, it actually hits the fan.

“Surely, you can’t be serious.”

“I am serious and don’t call me Shirley.”


Lines that I have recently heard or seen that I like.

“Don’t make me send Rip.”

“Should we have called this in to the fire department ahead of time?”

“Was that a Winnebago?”

“Feed her the onion!”     I still don’t know what that one means.  Just some stupid stuff that is rolling around in my brain.



Peace be with all of you.  I pray for common sense and GOOD to overcome evil while this stupid stuff that is going on in today’s society hopefully hits the fan.  Shirley, this 2020 year can’t get much worse?!?   Surely, I don’t want to take that bet.


“I picked the wrong day to quit…..”