Archive for Blog Posts – Page 22

Here we go

We aren’t the only ones dealing with this weather.  We needed the moisture and here we go.  We got half a foot of sleet on monday–thunder sleet.  Then some snow on Tuesday–thunder snow.  Then today, it rained–and it thundered.  It was still below freezing.  So now…

Just the other day, I thought to myself, “Kelln, you ought to sell that grapple.  U haven’t used it much since the ice storm of ’17.”

Today, as I was pulling limbs off of the electrical lines, I thought “Hey Dumbass!  Don’t sell that grapple.  You are getting ready to need it.”

It is a different feeling stepping onto a glazed-over sleet pack.  It is slick–therefore, heel first.  But you know that you are going to break through the glaze if, at first, you don’t slip, so get your toes ready.  Keep arms up, just for balance.  I had to have looked like an orangatun as I crossed this sheet of coldness.  It is raining now, and 34 degrees.  As long as it doesn’t get colder, we will be fine.  Otherwise, the shitshow that is 2020 continues.  And if the wind gets up……oh snap!  It isn’t going to be fun.  BUT at least I don’t have does having babies right now.  Sucks to be you!

We were going to put CIDRs into some does.  But something about inserting a piece of hormone-infused plastic into a goat twat on a wet, frozen day doesn’t seem like fun.  We will postpone.

Stay warm and keep cool.


I really feel the urge to watch the world series, but I just can’t bring myself to watch any professional sports this year.  The Dragon Lady is weaker than I.  Addict.  Yet, I do fondly remember watching the A’s versus Dodgers in ’88.

I needed the tractor out of the machine shed this morning.  Due to the large amounts of sleet & ice, I had to dig a lot in order to get the doors to slide.  If I build a new building, it will not have sliding doors on it.  Due to this exercise, I now realize that I may have to scoop ice in hell.  Is that possible?

Actually, I would now rank scooping/chipping ice # 3, selling lawnmowers #2 and in a huge lead, dealing with doe goats as the #1 activity in hell.

No matter the species, people better make sure that the livestock all get a good drink at least twice a day, during these extended cold spells.  A fresh drink of water is of utmost importance as the chemical reaction known as digestion depends on water.  A drink of water will actually warm an animal.  Numerous blankets and protection from the wind & ice are equally important.

I don’t know how you Yankees raise livestock in the crappy winter conditions.  I guess if I lived in Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio or the Dakotas….I would not raise livestock.  I would probably just own a bar.  It seems to me that between the misery of raising stock in that environment and then actually dealing with livestock AND cold weather would make non-drinkers want to drink-a lot!    That last sentence doesn’t make sense but, somehow, I think you all understand it.

If I was to get a chance to sit down and talk with any big name person on how they found success–politicians, athletes, writers, movie people, musicians–I think that I would choose—–

Dolly Parton.  Seriously.  That chick came from nowhere.  Doesn’t seem to have made a deal with the devil.  Worked hard.  I just think that her career was from hard work, smarts and dedication.   Maybe I’m wrong.  It wouldn’t be the first time.

The national FFA convention started today.  Duke was a national proficiency finalist in the Ag Mechanics Design & Fabrication area.  He didn’t win.  But we are still proud of his FFA career.  The Kelln Kids are ZERO for 3 at the national proficiency finalist level.  Okay…..but at least they made it there three times.  As a family, we are pleased.

Kela reports that there are a lot of fireworks in LA on this evening.  

Stay warm and yet, stay cool.  

Have a good one and a better tomorrow.

Heaven nor Hell

Volbeat is a band that I enjoy cranking the volume up while listening to their tunes.  They have a song called “Heaven nor Hell”.  Good not great song.  But I like it.  Every time that I listen to it, I am forced to wonder….what would my hell be like?

I truly feel that I know what hell would feel like for me.  It would be three fold.

First level would consist of always being caught behind no-driving people that are in the fast lane, going slightly above or AT the speed limit and I can’t get around them.  I have condemned many a driver to hades as a result of their piss-poor driving habits.  MISERABLE!!!    GOOOOOOO!!!!!!   Get out of my way and let me worry about a traffic ticket!

The next two levels of my personal hell would consist of lawnmowers and….and…..and….you guessed it……..doe goats.  Most of you are aware of my hatred of doe goats.  Only some of you understand my hatred of lawnmowers.

I hated mowing lawns when I was a child.  Hated it.  Still do.  I don’t enjoy pushing a mower, walking behind a mower, riding a mower, driving a mower……none of it.  Can’t stand it.  And then……I went to work for a company that sells an ass-load of lawn mowers–John Deere.  And that, my friends,  is when my hatred intensified. The margin on mowers is $h!t.

          There are basically 4 kinds of lawn mower buyers.   1st—the type that wants the cheapest one that fits their budget.  It is all about a price point.  They want a sound piece of machinery for as cheap as they can get it.  Most of these will buy at a Lowe’s, Wally World, Atwoods or even an entry level Deere.  Money is the factor–not brand, service, quality or size–just $s.  You goat breeders know some buyers like that.  

This type of buyer will spend HOURS on a Saturday morning, acting like they are looking at all models.  Then they will go to Wal-Mart and come back with a price to “jew”.

“I can buy a 42″ cut, 12 HP mower at Wal Mart for $1,239.  You going to beat that?”

My reply—“I will back off our price, the exact same $ amount that Wal Mart will back off of theirs.”

Them–“Well, Wal Mart ain’t going to jew down.  Their price is their price.”

Me–Exactly.   Go waste their salesman’s time asking stupid questions that you can read in the brochure or on the internet.

Them–Wait.  What?  They don’t have salesman to answer questions.


Ironically, I had a very successful sales rate dealing with this type of customer.  Keep it real!

This type is also the Saturday morning shopper that needs a lawn mower but has no money.  They will drink your coffee, take a brochure, come back again, ask more questions, waste some time, waste some more time, gripe about the cheapest mower that you have.  So, you point out that Atwoods has a cheaper mower.  But they don’t take the bait.  Then, they decide on what they want.  And here comes the big question–“Can you finance it?”


“Well let’s just run my credit to see if it gets approved and then we’ll go from there.”

ALERTS, SIRENS, bells and whistles.  In all the years of doing that gig–not once did they get approved.  They knew their credit was crap when they asked.  Here’s the worst part.  I could run a $200,000 app for a tractor and it would take 15 minutes.  A lawn mower–an hour or more.  You tell them that they were denied, hunh, really? and they still ask for a free hat.

Then there is the professional mower.  Maybe they don’t do it for a living, but they have a large acreage and they know what they want.  They understand ZERO turn versus tractor style.  Welded deck, bagger, blower, warranty, engine manufacturer are all terms that they worry about.  They don’t want to over-spend but they dang sure want a helluva machine.  They will have prices from several top-end manufacturers.  As a salesman, you do what you can to move a machine (all without losing money).  This type makes you work as a salesman.  Here are the benefits–quality, name brand, parts and service will always be here, free hat, etc.   One has to work to make this sale and there is almost ZERO profit.  Damn sure no commission.

Next, is the type that wants the biggest, baddest mower with plenty of features.  It may not be what they need, but it is what they want.  $s don’t matter.    Comfort is a concern.  This kind is normally buying for the wife.  This is the only kind of lawn mower buyer that is worth dealing with.  They might drop $15K on a mower. You will have to deliver it to them and show them how to operate every feature.  Not all bad.  But they expect perfection.


And then there is the regular tractor customer.  They really don’t want a lawnmower.  They would rather have a swather so that they can get done faster.  They want the best mower possible for the least amount with no haggle. So, I would just show them the computer screen, with our cost.  “Dude, here’s cost.  What will you give me above that?”   This whole process would take less than 10 minutes.


Why sell mowers?   As a service to your large ag customers.  Mowers draw the general public.  The parts and service sales are wicked good.  And John Deere mowers are bad ass!


The Dragon Lady likes to mow.  She has a John Deere 4wd, power-steering, diesel tractor style mower with a 5′ cutting swath.  It sits tall so she is out of the dust.  She loves it.  I don’t have to mow.  I love it.  I will always keep her in a great mower.

Now, the real question.   Which is worse?  Selling lawn mowers or dealing with doe goats?

That depends.  I have made money selling goats.  Not lawn mowers.  Now, if I had a set salary, not dependent on commission while selling lawn mowers…..

$2$—-If I had to choose between dealing with doe goats or stabbing myself in the eye with an ice pick….I’m headed to the store to buy two ice picks.

I don’t have many happy stories of doe goats.  However, I do have a great lawn mower selling story about a dude named Juan that needed a pair of X300 lawn mowers with a 38″ dick.  Do you mean Deck?  There was a bit of a language barrier.

I know.  I better just grab an ice pick and get ready to sell lawnmowers to low-rent time wasters  all while herding doe goats!  I shudder!




Grab Bag of Positivity

Because I used the word Positivity in the title is proof that I am NOT watching the debate.  And if you watched it, you would have been better off flushing a toilet and watching the circling, quasi-submerged items.

Happy thoughts!!   Happy thoughts!!    Rewind 3 weeks ago and I was involved in a bit of an accident where 2 students were riding a 3 wheeler with no brakes and the throttle stuck.  Penny luck and somehow, by the grace of GOD, both boys are now back in Shattuck.  The boy that was driving came to see me at the ag building today.  People, I have been in a good mood ever since.  He’s planning on coming back to school tomorrow.  When this deal happened, all I wanted is for both boys to walk away from this accident.  I’m still gathering pennies and things look good.   Real good!

Speaking of positivity, when this accident happened, everybody was serious and taking care of business.  Once, we were told that both boys would be fine, the mood lightened.  Several of us were cleaning up the mess, the law was there taking care of paper work and Tammy was standing on the street curb with Mrs. Abbey.  A local city worker showed up with his little mutt dog.  The dog immediately went to licking the blood spot on the street.  Inappropriate!  So, I shooed the dog away.  Then the little dog went to licking the blood and meat spots on the bumper of the pickup.  DAMN DOG!!  Get away!  He ran away from me.

Seconds later, as the Dragon Lady stood there watching, worrying and wondering, she let out a shriek!!!   I, we, all of us turned to look.  WTH?!   That little dog had marched right up to her leg and PISSED all over her ankle.  Tell me GOD doesn’t have a sense of humor!  It was perfect timing.  She stood there pissed off and pissed on.  And in true Dragon Lady fashion, she said, “At least I know that all of you are still capable of laughing.”  Both boys laugh upon hearing this part of their story.  You couldn’t have wrote a better comedic relief for a tragic event.

On another note.  Mrs. Abbey & I took 13 girls to an Outback steakhouse.  As they finished eating, the waiter told me that the cook was nervous about cooking for so many girls.  And he was really proud that they all ordered steaks cooked medium-rare.  Oh, and these girls were still in perfect official FFA dress.  As a teacher/coach, there is nothing quite like hauling a group of well-dressed, well-mannered students.  That meal ticket cost a bit, but it was money well spent.  As much as I like to win, it is always more important to let a student have a new experience.  They need to have a chance to do something, eat something different than they can get in Shattuck, America.  To me, Duke and the rest of my crew, the Outback is a routine kind of deal.  But most of these kids had never been to one.

I’ve been working to find Duke a new ride.  This used market is retarded high.  Dang!  Dang!! Dang!!!  New?  Maybe I need a new ride.  But I don’t want a new ride.  Problems.  Real world problems.

Speaking of positive stuff.  I’m always in a good mood when there is some Fleetwood Mac playing.  And, it is hard to move when “Sweet Child o’ Mine” by Guns N Roses starts.  Of course, there are two artists that are timeless.  Everybody, regardless of age or demographics,  knows them and neither are the best singer/artist but dang…….Willie Nelson and AC/DC.  What they do, they do really well.  And have done it really well for decades.


I should probably walk away from the keyboard.  I realize, that the last few weeks, I have been as prolific as a feral sow that has delivered back-to-back-to-back litters of 18 piglets.  Do the math.  It will be good for your brain.

And on a positive note….I’ve spilled a lot of different stuff on this keyboard.  Until now, I have never before dropped pizza sauce from a Little Sleazer’s pizza.  I bet it isn’t as sticky as the honey from years ago.



Judges, Umps, Refs

There are always 2 very important questions–Why?  and Why Not?

Yesterday, I had a crew of freshman girls that competed in the semi-finals of the state Opening Ceremonies contest.  They had a real good run.  I told them, “Girls, you did it right and if you don’t make the finals, well, it’s because you were coached wrong.”

People, I like being right but not all of the time.  Our style just didn’t fit the judges.  I’m not upset with the judges.  I understand.  We would have been better off with the judges in the other semi-final.  But that isn’t how it worked out.  It happens.  I’m fine with it.

This morning, I was talking to our superintendent and principal about how the contest went and how the kids did.  I told them that I was the weak link.  I only had ONE problem with the judging of the contest.   Official FFA dress should NOT include short skirts.  To me, my co-teacher, my wife, everyone that I know, that is a sort factor.  If Official Dress is NOT spot on, they shouldn’t advance.  In the stock show world, we would use the term “sift”.  I’m right and you all know it.

Other than that item.  I enjoyed watching the finals.  I learned some things.  Anyways, as I re-hashed the contest with the admin, a coach entered the room.  Might I mention that he is a hyper-competitive coach that is in hall-of-fames and has a pile of state championship rings (IDK 15+) from numerous sports.  He listened as I talked.  Oh, did I mention that the superintendent and the principal also have a bunch of rings?  Then the sup asked, “So, the judging is objective, like a stock show?  It can be different from judge to judge?”

I answered, “Yeah.  Exactly.  As long as I can understand their reasoning and they are consistent, I’m fine with it.   It’s a lot like an ump calling strikes or a ref calling fouls.  It differs.”

At this point, THE coach spoke up.  “Yeah, but can you yell at them when they are blatantly wrong?  That would fix a lot of that crap!”

Here is the rare Kelln disclaimer—I am not upset about the judging at the state Opening Ceremonies contest.  I want official FFA dress to look appropriate but I am not upset about our placing.  It was a learning experience for the kids and myself.  This conversation just prompted this question.


Why not?

Why can’t we call out a crappy judge as he is judging?  Put em on the spot.  How come a coach can yell at a ref/ump?  As long as it is in proper decency, a coach can call them out.  How come espn talking heads can talk about how bad the Dallas Cowboys played, the lack of leadership from the coaching staff, the bad attitudes of players but we can’t call out a crooked judge?

All of us in this industry know of crooked judges.  We know of judge tendencies towards certain breeders, jocks, showmen, whatever.  I’ve avoided shows that I knew were rigged.  I’ve also taken advantage of judge tendencies.  Some won’t go to shows unless they have an “in” with the judge.  If we know this stuff, why can’t we call them out and keep it straight up for all?


We know what “it” smells like.  We all all know that this current political climate smells to beat all ends.  Other than the presidential campaign, the worst campaign going is probably the 5th Oklahoma congressional district (which is mostly Oklahoma City).   These two chicks are spending millionS with ads.  Other political groups are running ads for/or against them.  It is gross!  Nobody wants either of these ladies to win.  It’s horrible!   The rest of the state has to suffer if they watch tv, listen to FM radio, or have a social media account.  I don’t have a vote in that district, but if I did, I would vote libertarian, independent or write in Joe the corner drunk.  Bad thing about this race, Tammy and I have a favorite former FFA member that works for one side in that deal.  Great kid.  However, both candidates are so bad, I’m not sure whether to be proud or disappointed.


Why?   Why do we put up with this stuff?  Why wait to vote?  Your blm organization isn’t voting yet.  Right or wrong, they are pushing their issue(s) forward and they are doing it without your vote.  Why do we have to wait to vote in order to demand change?  I’m not advocating burning, looting or tearing down statues but what is the saying?….the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I’m not radical. The last thing that I burned was either a trash barrel full of feed sacks/net wrap/baling twine/30 pack boxes or disbudding a goat’s horns.  I just don’t like sitting back and watching.  I’m not scared and I think we should always ask two questions–Why?  or   Why not?     If neither question can be answered, well, then you have your answer.

One way or the other, get after it.

Thoughts….just thoughts

I’ve been a little TOO on point lately.  Time to get back to some randomness.

Drove to KC and back.  Luckily, for me, channel 27 on XM radio was playing a tribute to Eddie Van Halen.  This meant that various artists were playing their favorite Van Halen songs.  I’m not saying that Van Halen was the best rock band ever.  They just happened to make some of the best songs of the 80s & 90s.  Regardless of who was singing…. the wicked guitar, backed by a perfect bass and a driving drum beat is timeless.

I thought that the KC sheep show was as deep as I have ever seen.  So, so many good animals that were well presented.  Thankfully, Clayton Washmon was able to find a premium sale slot.  I’m not bashing a judge tonight, but the animal that sticks out in my mind was a blue sheep that the Schmillen boy was showing.  I saw this creature come through the tunnel under the stands.  Then, I saw him shown.  Maybe, class 19. This one was a specimen.  And he was 3rd in class.  He wouldn’t have been if I had a say.  His image would be made into a logo.

I normally do not enjoy watching the goat judge line up stock.  I’ve got stories but I reserve the right to keep my mouth shut at this time.  (That’s twice in one night!)  Not an easy task.  The top end of every goat class was good.  Then, it dropped off.  The division & reserve champs were all on point.

The show ring setup at KC was stellar.  At one point, I was sitting in one place, and watching a division champion goat show, then the grand steer selection and then a division champion lamb drive.  THANKS to the people at the American Royal for putting this show on during these trying times.  Judging from the parking spots, lots of people were happy to attend a show.

We had a great dining experience on Thursday night.  A crew of us had to work to find a BBQ place that was open.  Gate’s made room for us and it was fun.  Good food and good people make for a fun dining experience.  I’ll remember the kids laughter and stories far longer than I will remember who won what.

I enjoy scooping a saltine cracker into a pot of chili.  I can founder while doing that.  Am I the only one?  I think not.

It was dry all the way there and back.  South of Fargo, America we are extremely dry.  It will rain.  Just don’t plan on when.

Recently, I have been told by numerous readers, that their favorite material to read while sitting on the throne, is this blog. As a person that constantly reads while on the throne, I take this as a compliment. And if you don’t like any of this, just wipe, flush and walk away.

Wasn’t prepared for that

There are some things in life for which one canNOT be properly prepared.

For instance.  Today was Homecoming Games Day at Shattuck Public Schools.  Not the football game, but gameS.  Tug of war, egg toss, etc.  Every teacher, every kid, preK through Senior is at these games.  The grade school kids are paired up with an upper-class for which they cheer.  For example,  the seniors wear red t-shirts to play in the games & the 6th graders wears red t-shirts and cheer for the seniors.  The juniors wear blue & the 5th grade wears blue and cheers for the juniors.  So on and so forth.  It is a great event that probably only works in a small town.  But work it does.

When the games end about noon, the entire school eats pizza.  It has always been Pizza Hut pizza from the Shattuck Pizza Hut.  But, the Shattuck Pizza Hut closed back in March due to the hits from covid and has yet to re-open.  SOOO…in order to get enough pizzas, somebody was going to have to go out of town.

I volunteered.  One, I wouldn’t have to referee games or baby-sit the ineligible kids.  Two, I could drive to Woodward and pick up a butt-load of pizzas.  (remind me again—which is more?  A butt-load or a crap-load.  A crap-load sounds bigger but technically a butt-load should hold a crap-load.)  I digress.  Needless to say, but I was the only person that volunteered to go to Woodward and pick up a pile of pizzas.  So I got the job.

I was there on time, they weren’t quite done cooking all of the pizzas but we went to loading.  I had that suburban full.  I asked them if they had cooked more pizzas for a single order.  Once, they allowed.  Ironically– for a prison.

All of the napkins, plates, pepper, parmesan and pizzas were loaded.  I climbed into the driver’s side of this suburban sled on wheels and began my journey west towards Shattuck.

Prepared for this journey, I was not.  Until one has undertaken this mission—-you have no idea.  I have never wondered how hot the insides of those pizza warmer sleeve deals are that delivery drivers use.  I didn’t have any of those sleeves.  I simply had a 101, yes, a HUNDRED AND ONE large pizzas, individually boxed and piled into a suburban, with me driving this sled westward to feed a pile of school kids.

People, you cannot believe how hot a suburban is that contains a 101 freshly cooked pizza pies.  I couldn’t use the rear view mirror because of the heat radiating from the back.  And the AC was higher than Nikki Sixx on a late 80’s smack fix!  Basically, that white chevy suburban had become a rolling pizza sleeve that contained 101 large pizzas AND one sweating driver.  I wasn’t prepared for that.

On a further note, there is something about Pizza Hut pizza grease that is kind of addictive.  But it can also cause other issues.  I doubt there was enough toilet paper or plungers in Shattuck Public Schools on this fine afternoon.  And after sweating while driving an ass-load of pizzas, I may have smelled worse than a classroom full of 8th grade boys.  Horrible!  Sweat and pizza grease!   I wasn’t prepared for that.

Have a good one today and a great tomorrow.  I hope I see you at the Royal this week.  I wish you all horseshoes & shamrocks.

And no, I really wasn’t hungry for pizza after that trip.


$ signs

In the stock show world, $ signs move the dial more than any single item.  More than banners, more than reputation…..$ signs.   Did you hear?  What did the sale average?  Who bought that?

As a breeder, I have sold more than my share of $5,000+ wethers.  I don’t remember being in a good mood on any of those.  Why?  As a buyer, I have bought too many $5,000+ wethers.  I don’t remember being in a good mood on any of those.  At that price point, there should be some kind of guarantee.  But, no.

On the other hand, when you sell a $500 wether, fine.  No stress.  If that goat wins a class, a county, makes a sale….GREAT!!  As a breeder, that $1,500 goat is the happy medium.  That doe was profitable that year.  Nobody is hurt too bad at $,1500 if that goat doesn’t win the big show.  Everybody involved has a chance to coming out on top.

But, then there are times, when you sell one for $500 or less, and it empties a pen which makes a seller happy, makes a buyer happy, a kid was able to hit their price point and ooohhhh snap!!  It’s all good.

I am done selling wethers in 2020.  I did not sell a Kelln born wether online or in a live sale this year.  I took ZERO pics.  I paid no commission selling wethers this year.  I sold wethers from $300 to $3,500.  It wasn’t a great year of selling goats, just a satisfying year.  Even though, there was a couple of times that I priced a wether at $300, then handled him and realized that I had just screwed up.  OK.  That will be a repeat buyer.

Sellling doe kids,on the other hand….ooohhh!   I need to find a buyer that just takes ALL of them at weaning time for a set price and remove me from the equation.

Peace out!  Have a good one today and a better one tomorrow.



I’ll tell what is crazy!  This Dragon Lady smoked a pork loin on the traeger.  She bacon wrapped this deal and used the just right amount of garlic powder and black pepper for seasoning.  OH!! This is one of the top 5 pieces of pig that I have ever eaten.  And people, I eat a lot of pig!  Crazy good!

These are not scientific #s,  however, I bet that I am not far off.  I would bet that 95% of all people just really want this upcoming election over, and that it goes their way.  4.9% are looked at as conspiracy theorists and they don’t believe the poll #s, or anything else associated with politics.  AND then there are that .1% that really just wants that 4.9% to shut the hell up and not teach anything to anybody about the reality that the 95% does not know exists.

Guess which percentage that I would own real estate?  Yeah, that 4.9%   Except that I am the vocal minority of that 4.9%.

I truly wish that I did not know what I know.  I am not prepared to turn the industry upside down, but I can name names, dates, conversations, and show you exactly how things happened.  I can use a crayon, a blog or a legal document to explain it all.  You may not like me, may not know me, but you will go “Hunh, it’s hard to argue with him.”   Which would explain…a lot….about…… why you are still reading this stuff.

All of this brings up a logical question.  Why don’t you just type it out and let’s get the lawyers some work?

I’ve never done any drugs.  Never smoked pot. (Had a couple of contact highs at a concert or three, then went out and bought 20+ McD’s cheeseburgers and gave to homeless people and some gangsters at a quick stop.)  And no, I’m not an alcoholic.  You regular readers can probably tell when I shouldn’t be driving or typing.  And you can dang sure tell when I’m just being real.  If I’m typing, I ain’t going nowhere.  It’s always late at night or way early in the morning.  I have no chemical problems.

It’s simple.  I’m a stock show junkie.  I don’t want to blow the program up.  I just don’t like the BS, squat to pee, chicken shit stuff that goes on behind the scenes.  I would rather it not happen, but when u ass clowns do it, at least make it look proper.  That, singular action, in of-its-self,  removes a person like me from the equation.  Use good ones.  That’s it!  It’s not crazy.  Use a good one, consistently and you immediately negate a person like me from the equation.    Sure, I wish that there were bigger names, people with titles that had a wheel-barrow to haul their nuts around.  There isn’t.  They all have some money on the line somewhere.  I did.  However, I have learned that there are things more important than a fricking $.    I don’t care who I offend and I am not afraid of those that I offend.   So… we are.   Coast to Coast–this simple blog has been discussed.  I am aware.   

Why am I a stock show junkie?  I’m that guy that has taken many of kids, regardless of species, to the backdrop at all levels of shows.  I have no nerves headed down the ramp at OYE.   Why?  Those kids are ready.  My kid, your kid, our kids.  All of the above.  I, we, all of us did our job and this is the fun part.  Somebody is getting ready to buy me dinner and drinks at Trappers.   Yet, I still get the chills, when a young kid takes their first animal into their first county stock show ring.  You can’t replace that feeling.  

I’m that crazy dude that loves when a competitor asks for help.   Not one time have I cashed a check for that advice.  Speeches, stock shows, ag mech, who cares….I’ve always answered.  I may not tell you everything till you earned it.  I may even tell you how you have been screwing up.  And we all like to hear negative advice.  But, without fail, I will get you going down the right path.  I know, that’s crazy.

I’m that guy that watches an experienced showman help a beginner and realize the respect from the beginner and the desire to help from the expert.  Both parties are winning, if they aren’t worried about a $.  Kela helped make all goat showers in Oklahoma better.  Free showmanship clinics whenever asked.  And always worked with families that asked for help.  Then, I watched as those younger showmen turned into the Schovanec kids, Lexi Vanderwork, Bree Taylor, Chesley Comstock, etc, etc, etc.  And now, Braden Schovanec is one of the best at coaching elite showman.  It just keeps rolling downhill when it is right.  Seriously, it doesn’t cost a thing to roll down hill.  But if you want to go uphill, you are going to pay to ride a lift, rent a jeep or buy a donkey.  And that is the stock show world in a nutshell.

I’m the guy that gets amped watching a showman work and get better at each workout.  They walk out of the ring each time, and asks, “What can I do better?”  And then takes your advice and does it better the next time.  It’s crazy how fun that is.

I may be crazy, but there isn’t any of you that think that I am dumb.  Cuz….if I’m dumb, you are dumber for reading this crap!    I ain’t reading your blog.  Hunh…just saying.

I may start the day with 12 and end the day with 13.  I truly, do not care who I offended.

I did  hear a term called Jelly Juice. Kinda like Tim McGraw, “I like it. I love it.”  Now just figure out how to market it with a 100% tied to the name.  IDK.   Maybe U R Jealous.  I’m not but I absolutely love it.  Seems fun.  Not my ideas but I like it, would buy some of it and would need some more of it.  I just need a hoodie if you get it figgered out.

People, if we can’t have fun with all of this; then it’s time to give it up.  And this is not the time.  I may be opinionated, yes, for sure, but…..

As a stock show junkie, it would be hard to be run for public office and when questioned, explain the stock show world….and answer honestly…..even if you were completely clean.   Think about how you would answer those questions?!?!   Truly, think about it.   Not as a parent, ag teacher, breeder, jock, whatever.   Take a step back and ask yourself that question.  The stock show world should be a shining light for the non-agriculturists to learn about animal husbandry.  Instead, we are happy to live in the shadows, hoping that a tv channel doesn’t shed light on a recurring problem like we saw back in ’95.  Yeah, you Okies remember what I’m talking about.  And if you don’t….you need a history lesson.

I should probably go back and proof-read this one.  I’m tired.  It is what it is.

This blog was supposed to be a short one.  I guess that I was crazy for thinking that.



This keyboard is handling like a goat that has been jackpotted 4 weeks in a row.  It’s a little washed out and wore out.  This seems like a good day for me to just slowly back away from the keyboard.  Have a good weekend.