Let’s get right to the point. BULLSHIT!!!! There ain’t nobody in the industry buying this shit. A $70K effing wether sells in Indy…..NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The previous record high selling wether was $36K at a friday night deal. There AIN’T no chance of a $70k wether UNLESS it was sold in TX/OK with the backing of the right breeder’s/godfathers. NO! This deal doesn’t pass any smell test.
I have dealt with the guy that sold the high $ wether. I have dealt with the people that “bought” the high $ wether. NOOOO!!! Nothing about this seems right. There ain’t enough stimulus money to justify this.
I don’t care who I piss off. On Saturday afternoon, I was texted a pic of the grand wether at this sale. I looked at the pic and thought, “I guess that there wasn’t a good one at this sale.” And then, $70K…..BS!!!! The sale coordinator, the seller, the buyer, the auctioneer, BULL!!!!
I don’t care who is behind this fiasco…no matter, this is a bad time to play a fake high $ sale. $40K…..ok….once again, it needs to happen in TX. $70k…..bullshit! Whoever concocted this plan are a bunch of morons. Notre Dame graduate or not….this is stupid. PROVE ME WRONG!!!!
My # is 580-571-5029 and my address is 3 miles south of Fargo, OK then 1/2 mile west. Zip code is 73840. Nothing good will come from this BS sale. Congrats! A $70K wether…..dumb asses!!
I truly feel like the goat industry is tied to the democratic party. Just when you think it can’t get any dumber….For real! Seriously? I think that I am just going to step over here and slam my nuts in this sliding glass door. Wham! Wham! That makes more sense than the rest of this.