

     It has become an annual tradition in the goat world–Who has the buck prospects for sale?

Who?  Where?  What genetics? Who’s on the prowl?  And How High?–real high the past couple of years.  Some band ’em, some sort ’em and some like me aren’t exactly sure what the hell we are doing.  

In the goat world it really is about the buck.  Almost all of the really good ones can be traced back within just a few degrees of a handful of different bucks.  The wether game has a short list of hall of famers.  Pretty much all of the good ones trace back to, and in no particular order:

S66, Mozart, 191, Bingo, Primetime, Stud Monkey, Out of Bounds, Festus and Freaky.  Those bucks have changed herds, goats, etc.  Some did it by siring champions, others by the daughters they made and some did both.  Some made immediate changes–both good and bad.  While others just simply made good goats.  Oh, did I leave one out.  You are correct.  There was a buck called 900.  Might need to mention him.  

     There are some really good younger bucks out there now that are doing a heck of a job.  Milligan is proud of Moneybags.  Joe Dirt and Rainman have proven track records.  There is a host of other 191 sons that are working–A90.  It is hard to find a pedigree without 900 or Out Of Bounds and a lot advertise their Bean genetics which normally has a lot of Mozart.  No Way, I Don’t Know & Starbuck are bucks that are way proven but don’t seem to be as cool right now.  Primetime made really good yellow heads cool.  I love the influence that a double bred Out of Bounds buck named Harley left on the females at our place.  S66 won a pile and there is an donkey-load of his daughters in production.  We can sit here and cuss and discuss who has the best or which buck is the best.  

     It comes down to two, 2, dos.  They all trace back in some form or fashion to two.  900 and Bingo.  Now, the argument gets good between these two.  One has a little bit different pedigree that only a couple actually know WTH the truth is behind him.  The other is a purebred.  Bingo has made champion pure bucks and does.  His influence is stacked in the wether industry.  For example, 191’s mom–Bingo’s twin sister.  900–he changed everything.  Maybe the most influential sire, regardless of species.  He brought a whole new look to an industry, while introducing various other issues–twisted ears, parrot mouths, structure issues.  But, the gamble was normally worth it.  

       What is the best buck?  Currently, you would have to argue 191 as he brings the 900 lines along with the Bingo blood lines.  It is hard to argue with his list of winners.  Is the heir to the throne already siring future champions?  I hope.  But, rest assured, somebody will make the next great buck. 

I have numerous theories, as do others.  Trust me.  It is interesting to listen to raff give his speech.  If you ever get a chance to sit under a shade tree and listen to Claire, it is worthwhile.  There are other opinions, truths and bs about what is right and wrong, but no matter what Bingo and 900 have to be in the discussion.  Not my opinion, just fact.