Thursday evening found me getting home from the Connors State College judging contest. The drive from Warner, OK back to Shattuck was not fun in those winds.
Since we didn’t have school on Friday, I didn’t have to be anywhere immediately that morning. I got up and put out hay for cows and the newest venture. I looked at stock and then headed in to take care of getting cleaned up for the day. Tammy had left for work. I was the only one in the house.
I was sitting on the porcelain throne, looking at my phone while taking care of business. The exhaust fan was running which makes the bathroom a quiet place for concentrating and thinking. As I sat there, I heard something coming down the hallway. Thoughts raced through my mind. “Wait. What the hell? Who could that be? That doesn’t sound like Tammy. Dad would have yelled when he slid open the back door. Who? What? ” The sound was getting louder and there was dang sure something coming down the hallway towards the bathroom. And here I was, stranded–mid-dump. The sound was unfamiliar to my ears. It almost sounded like—-Oh CRAP!!!! Literally. I now realized what it was.
Duke had bought Tammy a Roomba for Christmas. She had it set to make its rounds while none of us are home. It was the damn robot vacuum rolling down the hallway. I finished my business, took a shower and then headed to the bedroom. Upon which I found the Roomba lodged underneath my dresser. I pulled it out and set it in the hall and pressed the “clean” button. Off it went.
I got dressed and walked back into the bathroom. There was that dang robot sweeper stranded again. I wasn’t supposed to be home and the doors to those rooms were supposed to be shut. This was an abnormal day for me and it screwed up the robotic vacuum sweeper’s path. Real first-world kind of problems.
Saturday will find us hosting a livestock judging contest at Woodward. We have over 500 kids headed to the contest. Lots of area people are bringing stock for us to sort. The crew at the Woodward County Event Center have great prizes. These contests have a lot of moving parts. It was way easier to show up and judge than it is to host one. It’s all good.
And I hope you all have a good one and a better tomorrow.