The Best of the West sale is next Tuesday in Shattuck. It will be well worth the drive to visit Shattuck. There will be a very good supper provided. You can stop and see the windmill museum while in town. Then come buy good goats. Quality will be very good and prices will be reasonable. We will have wethers and doe kids. If you have a budget and need high quality show stock, then this is the sale to be at. There will be premium sale animals selling in this sale.
Goats will be sired by Joe Dirt, Freak on a Leash, Rainman, Captain Morgan and Six Pack (Lamle’s new triple bred 66 son.) All of these bucks are built with modern genetics that have goats winning shows in Kansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska during the past month.
Without a doubt, I can tell you that if you wait until October to try to buy goats, then you better have a big bank roll. Those sales will be high and quality may not be as good.