Although I am not athletic, my parents probably, maybe, should have a shrine somewhere in their attic that attests to my athletic conquests. Like a 4th place wrestling trophy and a fishing derby championship. I should be and maybe could have been athletic. But I’m not. I grew up in a town that was in the beginning stages of cultivating athletes and state championship teams. Somehow, I went the other direction.
My middle brother went the athletic route. He has items like an all-state jacket and a state championship ring. He played baseball for numerous years at numerous levels and then married a collegiate basketball player. Guess why his kids don’t show animals? They play ball and play it at a high level. It is apparent that I will be watching some Alva Lady Gold Bugs sports in the next few years. And then will watch the nephew play some ball. I’m fine with that.
The Dragon Lady was wicked athletic. Right up until she hatched Duke. Until then, she was fast. 6on6 basketball was her thing at Arnett high. And they were really good. REALLY good! Tammy will watch high school ball anytime, anywhere. I won’t drive 20 miles to watch a stock show.
I have a bad right eye. There were some bad decisions and bad timing back in the late 80s. And then things got worse. Now, if you groove a pitch at me, I can still launch it. I’ve written about throwing at a doe goat. I still have my moments.
Like this evening. I/we recently acquired several head of commercial hair sheep. Like a 100 plus. There are a few (like 25) lambs still nursing. They are all here where the goats used to be.
Tonight, there was a lamb that had gone underneath a watergap into the mini-herf pasture. I decided to catch it. OH HELL! I had it cornered but that did not mean that I had it caught. Ten foot gateway and I made myself wide! Arms outstretched and working side2side.
The Texans have told me that when you crowd these hair sheep, that you need loose fences because they will bounce head first, full speed. If the fence is too tight, they will break their necks. People, they ain’t lying.
I needed to catch about a 35# lamb. I had him crowded but I was by myself. It made a run head first into the fencing. He bounced back. I crowded him. He then jumped into me headfirst–right into the sternum. I didn’t catch him. A 35# hair sheep can leave a divot in a sternum. Damn! A small hair sheep is like a missile. He now lunged with all it’s power into the fence. I caught him on the rebound. He did not immediately quit the fight.
Have a good one.