Angus. This isn’t a word of the day. It is more an anology of the day. Angus. What do YOU think of when you hear “Angus”? Me? I think of the lead guitarist of AC/DC–Angus Young. (and yes, there is a little thunderstruck playing right now). Some think of really good cows. The majority probably think of premium beef. The Angus breed of cattle has done a tremendous job of marketing their brand as being the best beef on the market. I won’t argue. But just because McDonald’s offers an Angus burger doesn’t make it a great one.
How does the current goat industry compare to anything to do with Angus. I’ll tell you. “Moneytalks” An absolutely great AC/DC song that fits the Angus bull market and the buck goat market. Everybody wants to cash a check on a high $ buck. I don’t blame them.
Think about it a second. The Angus breed has capitalized on the low birth weight market for decades. Originally, the Angus breed was noted for low birth weights, but throw in skewed EPDs and single trait carcass selection and all of a sudden there wasn’t as many TRUE low birth weight Angus bulls available. My point…..every Angus bull sale promoted low birth weight bulls. Every High Plains Journal has an ad for low birth weight Angus bulls for sale or heifers bred to low BW Angus bulls. But yet, they still sell a lot of calf pulling chains and vets still do C-sections on cows bred to low birth weight Angus bulls. Why? Too many people trying to sell bulls when they should have sold steers and spent less on feed. Likewise, there was too many buyers that actually didn’t know what they were doing. As I’ve said before, find a breeder that you trust and is proven and roll with it–regardless of species.
This is where the goat industry is similar. Everybody is looking for THE buck or even the NEXT buck to go on their already proven stuff. Some of us are just barn blind and hoping he’s a good one. Others are just wanting to find a buyer. Some just don’t know if they have a good one or not. In reality, most buck prospects should have been cut. I’ve been guilty of both. I’ve cut dang sure proven buck prospects and I’ve left the nuts in some that weren’t good enough.
Here’s the problem. Just because a prospect has so-and-so for a dad/grandpa/great grandpa and the doe goes back to some ennobled or proven great one does not make it a good one. Sometimes, genetics just don’t click. 900 is the sire to compare to all others in the goat world. He has made more GREAT ones than any of them. Yet, I have seen some quinine goats that were out of 900. It happens. I’ve seen some common looking sires backed by genetics that sired great ones and I’ve seen some absolute specimens that just never sired quite how they looked. Do your homework…as a buyer and a seller.
There is one major difference between the bull and buck market. Most bucks are sold at 3 months of age and bulls at 1 1/2 to 2 years of age. 191, Colt, Rumour, I40, etc, were all young bucks when they changed owners. When they are that young, they better be backed by genetics. But I’ve seen national champion purebreds that had some age that never sired anything of great value. It isn’t an exact science. And never will be.
Before you leave the nuts in that next great one, ask yourself one question….Would you use him in your own herd or are you just trying to cash a check? If you have to think about it….cut him.