
Amazing!! Best day of 2013

     It is Sunday evening and everything in my little piece of paradise is almost perfect.  

I woke up this morning and couldn’t move my head or neck.  Why?  Because I got stung be a wasp yesterday afternoon.  Where?  Right on my left jaw.  I felt it and knew that I was screwed immediately.  The good thing was that I could still watch Law & Order re-runs.  

      On Saturday, I dealt with a repeat customer and then had the governer of all things goat and FFA show up.  Yep, Mr. Staats himself.  You know it is easy to get to our piece of paradise when Uncle Jack can find his way to here by himself.  We looked at goats and talked a little bit of Ag-Ed/FFA.  

     Big Bill showed up.  He and the Dragon Lady had attended an auction earlier in the day.  I didn’t buy any ag equipment; however, Tammy did manage to buy the two Zebco 33 rods & reels w/ protective cases.  I was way happy with these purchases as these were old school Zebco 33’s.  They don’t make reels like this anymore.  

     On a happy note, Nation’s livestock judging team Alva just happened to win state on Saturday.  Dietz was 2nd high individual overall–by 1 point.  Maybe he will learn how to judge ewes before national’s.   Congrats!  

      Bill managed to pull a stunt that impressed myself and the Dragon Lady.  Brooke might not have been as impressed, but she got from Shattuck to Fargo in a hurry.  

    Duke and I banded and vaccinated a set of kids today.  They were born the first week or two of March.  After handling these goats, does & wethers, I’m thinking that  I would be a dumb bastard to try to find a better set.  They are way cool.  Well, except for the best one that has red nuts and a broken front left knee.  I guess he will get to keep that red scrotum.  He is a crying shame, but I bet he will work as a tripod.

         Tammy, Duke,  Sasha and I burnt a tank of gas in the gator this afternoon looking at does, heifers, scrap metal, hills, creeks, rabbits, blacktop, county roads, neighbors’s cows, fences, lawn mowers, hill tops, etc & etc.  It was fun.  Price of the gator–high.  Spending time like today–priceless.  Best day of 2013.  Sun was shining,  wind was only kind of blowing, mud in the terrace channels, frost burnt wheat, green trying to show up in pastures, does look healthy, kids are wound up, couple of trees that are no longer standing, roundup sprayed, weed eater operated, lawn mower used, barn doors lubed, sun soaked old, fat, gray, shirtless,camo short wearing guy–happy!

I hope your day was as good as mine.  For that matter, it was a Way Good kind of weekend.  Next weekend–graduation at OSU.