After Tulsa. Now, as an ag teacher, I can get on with the rest of my year.
Historically, this is my most hated show. I don’t like where it sits on the calendar. I don’t like the fairgrounds. I normally don’t like showing there. Even though, in years past, we have had some big fun. Like winning all 6 goat divisions in one year. Winning broiler chicken shows. As well as some sheep, cattle and hog banners. We’ve been close to winning the livestock judging contest (1 point away). But, that is all in the past.
Now, when I go to the Tulsa State Fair, I just always feel like I lose a week of my life. Except, now it costs more to attend. Even ag teachers have to buy a gate pass, a parking pass and a trailer parking pass. And wow! That trailer parking area was outstanding. Kudos. That parking place should be good for selling or repairing tires. Lots of extra iron and broken concrete.
Seriously, it would be way cooler to have Tulsa in March. Two majors in the same month. Just sayin.
Today, I saw a little boy with a lemonade stand. Main street Shattuck, just a couple of houses north of the hospital. I don’t know, a kid that is maybe 6 or 8 years old. Did not know him. Did not know the grandma helping him. I just saw the stand and his crappy little sign that was flapping in the wind. I pulled over and asked, “Dude, what are you selling today?”
He replied, “Mister, I’ve got lemonade. Some apple bread and I had some banana bread but I sold out.”
I asked, “Did you make it?”
“Yes. Kind of. My Mimi helped me. Well, she made it for me and I’m trying to sell it.”
I opened my wallet, thinking that I would pull out a five-er and call it good. Well crap! A $20 was as small as I had. So, I handed him a $20 and asked for a little dixie cup of lemonade. This little turd went to jumping up and down. His grandma came out to check on the sales transaction. “YES!! This guy gave me twenty bucks for a glass of lemonade. Yes!!” I did not know her. In Shattuck America.
She asked if I wanted a loaf of apple bread. I declined. I really just stopped to check this deal out and help a kid that was making an effort.
I did not do anything new or original. I just liked the thought of some youngster trying to make a buck. Let’s be real. I can piss away a $20 real quick at a stock show, goat sale, quick stop or the damn Tulsa State Fair. And compared to the amount of $s that you’re damn government steals from me & you in the form of taxes…..this was money well spent.
And since it is only Saturday evening, Tulsa is NOT over. Damn!! I will leave early in the morning to go back to Tulsa to pickup ag mechanics projects, ag comm entries and hort stuff. I can’t wait to pay some turnpike tolls and get another little crappy piece of paper called a “release” so that I can gather our stuff and leave. I hope to remember to get our plaques and ribbons. And since we are talking stock shows and Tulsa, I did not like their new grand drive. Well, I liked most of it but I hated the “interviews” that happened as soon as the judge made their selection. Too intrusive and too contrived. Interviewer was too aggressive. That part did not work. Give the kids, the families and their groups time to enjoy the win.