
Terms, thoughts, & somebody please take the keyboard away from him

     Last week, I had the joy of reading diary entries from one of my mother’s uncles.  I normally don’t get into sentimental kind of stuff and I really didn’t want to read it at the time, but like a good book, once I started, I had to finish it.  This deal turned out to be way cool.  First, this diary started in the twenties, as in the 1920s.  It started pre-depression, went through the dust bowl and ended after World War II.  Historically, it was really neat to read.  Next, knowing the main characters involved, and the land/towns involved made for a really good read.  Historically, sociallogically and psychologically, it was a good thing to read.  Better yet, I kept reading it, looking for, waiting for when he met his wife (whom he was married to for 60 plus years) & she was from Quebec and he brought her to Fargo.  And they made it.  But he didn’t put those thoughts to paper.

     It was late at night when I finished reading this diary that my mom had sent me via email.  My mind was racing.  About all of the different levels that was covered by this written historical piece of nothing to most, but cool as hell to some.  I thought, I haven’t left a written log like this. Then I realized that I have a blog.  The whole world can read the crap that spews from my mind like a ruptured sewer line.

     Terms–between this blog & the word of the day, there has been a lot of terms entered into the language of the daily readers.  Tire kickers, low rent, rock flippers, POS,  etc.  All of these terms come about as a result of real life, day-to-day stuff.  My favorite part of these blogs, is the replies after.  “Are you referring to me?”  If the shoe fits….

     I heard a killer good “tire kicker” story yesterday.  It isn’t my story to tell, but trust me, it was a good one.  I just wish I could have been there to witness it.  I deal with the “low rent” aspect at work everyday.  Then, I come home to the goat world and get another dose.  Sometimes, it is just better to spend money on good equipment/goats and get the backing of a high quality dealership/breeder.  Some people want to SQUEEZE the last dollar out of a deal and then wonder why they don’t get help on the other end. For example, I’ve had customers wear me down to less than a $100 profit on a piece of equipment.  I sell it to them, to move it on down the road and to quit listening to the whining, complaining, etc.  Then they want a service tech to come hook it up for them, show them how to operate it and fix the first couple of operator-error-screw-ups–FOR FREE.  Figure in shop rates and mileage, and I am NOT going to send a tech to help them out.  Likewise, when somebody pays close to market price, they get service with it.  

      The livestock world is no different.  Sometimes, a high dollar buck is cheap when there is advertising, word-of-mouth, and a breeder backing it. You can’t factor those kind of dollars into the deal.  And when buying show goats, I mean, heck, I’ll sell you a $300 wether, but don’t come asking me to tell you how to feed it, exercise it, show it, clip it and what weight to turn it in.  You’ll probably get a no reply, a grunt or some cuss words.  Unless, there is a story to be told, the kid is working hard and the animal has a chance.  Then, you will probably get some free service.  

     Me, I like selling a wether to a guy like Poe Cat.  Why?  I know it has a chance when it leaves my place.  I don’t have to baby-sit.  If there is a problem he will call and there is always a chance I will get beat by that goat.  Fine by me.  He pays cash and if I need help, he will return the favor.  So why charge him more?  I won’t.  I will take less to sell to those kind.  I don’t care if he can take them and sell them for more money.  Heck, I hope he can make it well worth his time.  That way he will be motivated to come back.  And in turn, when a family like Schoovy’s, Taylor’s, etc,( read proven workers) are looking…yep, I get in a selling mood.  And they are my animals, I can sell them as I please.  I have had the joyful experience of several breeders that have enjoyed the fact that my crew wanted to feed their goats.  As a result, I am a repeat customer that buys in volumes.  

     However, my experience as a livestock person, ex ag-teacher and knower of some things but not all…once that person is helped and they have success, they IMMEDIATELY become an expert and won’t need your help again….until the senior year.  Then, after several years of getting their donkey’s kicked, they admit that they weren’t as smart as they thought.  THEN and only THEN, are they willing to do whatever is needed.  Normally, it is just hard work and attention to detail that is needed.   

     No matter what wethers sold for at recent texas auctions, that breeder will do everything in his power to make that animal look right at show time.  There is nothing wrong with service after the sale.  But people need to understand what service costs.  And in some instances, the service is worth more than the animal.  I have a lot of respect for a breeder that can “back it up”.    

     And as a provider of services, I can tell you without a doubt, that no matter how good of service is provided, that sometimes, people are just going to EFF stuff up.  As Ron White says, “You can’t fix stupid!”  

     The saying, “You get what you pay for” applies to a lot of different situations.  I fully understand the value of doing it in an economical fashion.  I’ve done it.  But I also understand, when you see it and you want it, go get it.  I have the Dragon Lady as proof.  And she’s still paying for it.