

I saw this in an email, thought I would pass it on.  Common sense–something that seems to be lacking in Washington D.C.

“With all the uproar over gun control, you might want to consider this.Brilliant way to put it. But because of the common sense aspect of it, no one in Washington will pay attention.

A person steals guns, (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), shoots and kills his own mother (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), transports these guns loaded (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), brings guns onto school property (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), breaks into the school (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), discharges the weapons within city limits (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), murders 26 people (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), and commits suicide (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW). And there are people in this country that somehow think passing ANOTHER LAW banning guns would protect us from someone like this. If you haven’t noticed, people like this are not concerned about breaking laws – they only care about fulfilling their own twisted agenda. The only people that a gun ban law would impact are the LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, which will only serve to cripple the ability to protect ourselves. Consider that armed citizens are FREE and disarmed citizens are SLAVES.If you agree with this, please re-post. If not, read it again and see if it does not make a wee bit of sense.”

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