Trying to train a guard dog pup. His name is GARP–goat and ranch protection. Also, I like the old school Robin Williams movie “The World According to Garp”. Go find that movie at the rental store. I’ve got it on VHS if you want to borrow it. We had his brains cut out, I mean, we had him neutered. I didn’t want him chasing female coyotes or trying to romance Sasha. GOD never intended a corgi/pyrenees cross. He has bonded to humans a little too much. He is a 7/8 pyr pup. I say pup but he already weighs a pile. He is turned out in a trap with some doe kids. All I really want him to do is stay in the vicinity and scare coyotes. It’s going to take some time and patience, but he will work out. And I have lots of time and patience.
I had a goat showing dad stop in to the store last week. Tony Sessions stopped by. He was pricing something, or picking up dry cleaning or heck, I really don’t remember why he was there. If you don’t know the Sessions family, then you need to meet them. Tori is the Cleo Springs goat queen. You can find her on either side of the highway south of Cleo Springs. She is either at her house on the west side or over at Seelke’s on the east side. We will find out if her and her mom can cook more pies this year. I guess it depends on if they want the does clipped right, clipped with a weed eater or slick sheared.
Anyways, Tony might work for the OHP, otherwise known as the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. He left my office that day and came back bearing gifts. One of the gifts was a nice cap that has the OHP emblem on the front and a 75th anniversary slogan on the bill–good looking cap. This was great. Kind of like John Deere, the really good customers get a hat. Eric, the parts manager, tried to trade me out of it.
I have now wore that cap two different times. Thought it might help me get a good parking spot, free dinner or maybe just a beer. I even wore it to Charlie’s Bar & Grill on Friday evening. You know what? People look at it and glare at me. They treat me rudely. I’m a nice person with a sunny disposition. Everybody else’s day gets Happy, Happy, Happy when I’m around. I’m not used to being the a-hole. I thought Tony was bringing me a gift. I didn’t realize, at the time, that he was screwing me over. Now, anytime that I am not a happy-go-lucky, sunny side up, upbeat, absolutely positively happy kind of person, you can blame Tony.
No, I don’t think aliens were at the Kelln Kompound the other evening. However, we did have a superior intellect checking in on us tonight. Uncle Jim was here. You better listen when he speaks because you don’t know what kind of nugget you are going to pick up.
Stay flexibe, but not limp.