It is amazing what kind of stuff that you can find on the internet. I have actually been researching a topic or two and needed a break from thinking. Why not check out some other goat websites. This was interesting?, informational and somewhat depressing. 1–I do a piss poor job of updating winner photos. 2–I get sick of looking at county winners on other websites. 3– It is obvious that sellling semen and flushing does is a valid part of the goat market. 4–I do a piss poor job of flushing does or selling semen on the HIGH quality bucks that we use at Kelln Livestock.
A couple of years ago, my baby brother, aka Big D, showed me pics from a website. No Mom, it wasn’t porn. Just a bunch of pics that made you look twice. No thought processes, other than WTH? I didn’t venture to this site. Not because I couldn’t remember the address, I just didn’t make myself do it. I refuse to list the address to this site because they aren’t going to give me any promotional considerations. But you can use the website name as a topping on a baked potato (or is it potatoe?) and it ain’t bacon. I love bacon.
On occassion, I would look at something that was forwarded from this site. I would look, laugh or think WTF? Last week, my old friend Fred sent me several links to look at. Seeing that Fred was the sender, I knew I had to look. I also knew that children, nuns and house pets probably shouldn’t be around when I opened these. It turned out that it was safe, nothing dirty. Just a pile of pictures of hot women with clothing. I like looking at hot women in pictures or real life. If looking is a sin, I’m in trouble. If you want to accuse me of liking good looking women, consider me guilty. Anyways, I followed the other links to look at “Stuff you see on public transportation”. All of your wal-mart freak pictures are on thise. I also appreciate the fact that the guys that run this site have an affinity for Star Wars and Bill Murray. I love it. They also develop anagrams such as KCCO & FLBP. I had to use Wiki to figure this crap out.
Really, the only problem I have with this website, is the fact that Milligan or I didn’t come up with the idea. Shear genius, kind of like Seinfeld. You don’t have to think about it to enjoy it, just laugh.
Speaking of Milligan, goats and websites, I guess I’m going to have to sell some goat semen one of these days. Valentine’s day sounds like a good day to sell an item like that.