
The End

     It is the end of the wether goat buying/selling season.  I don’t have any wethers left available at my house.  I do know of a couple of good goats available that will be priced around $1,000.  If you still need one, call and I will get you in touch with the people. 

     I enjoy buying wethers.  Studying phenoptype, genetics, condition, etc.  Sometimes, my imagination gets the best of me and I end up buying some sleeper that never wakes up.  Sometimes, they work. 

      Everybody has their next champion on feed at this point.  Although, it is the end of some of these goats chances to become a winner as they ended up in a home that won’t take care of business until a week or two before their show in Feb or March.  The real winners are already working goats.  Champions are made in the months of October through February.  Working, exercising, bracing, setting up, monitoring feed, keeping warm, etc.  Of course, there will be some good ones wrecked right before the shows.

     I am glad the buying season is over.  I’ve had enough.  I’m also glad that it is the end of this week.  I am looking forward to the end of this drought. 

The end.

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