
High Plains Journal

     I get a subscription to the High Plains Journal at work.  Mandy, my secretary, immediately brings it to me on Tuesday mornings when it comes in.  She refers to it as my “weekly bible”.  I don’t sit at my desk in my east office and read it.  I take it to my west office, where I can sit and read it in peace and quiet.  I leave it by that throne so I can read it throughout the week.  We advertise in it some and I also look through the classifieds for equipment and what some things are priced at.  I mainly like reading the various articles.  I also always read the Cowpokes cartoon and Jerry Nine’s “Just a Scoop Full”. 

     Loos Tales is a weekly article written by Trent Loos.  He is a farmer/rancher and an agricultural advocate.  He is in tune to the politcal side of agriculture.  His article this week gives his opinion and facts about food stamps.  I agree with a lot of it.  Well, probably all of it.  I am in favor of food stamps/welfare when needed, but it shouldn’t be needed very often and you should have to pass a drug test to get any of it.  He has statistics about the number of legal NON-citizens who recieve food stamps–1.63 million people.  Why do they get any at all?  They don’t pay taxes, so why get benefits. 

     I could go on and on about my political views.  Point being, I don’t like anything going on in Washington D.C. and I will exercise my right to vote.  I will not vote for incumbents.  The whole system needs overhauled, but I am sure that it won’t happen anytime soon. 

     On another note, I drilled some triticale, Austrian winter peas and turnip mix into 25 acres to make for some doe grazing.  I’m thinking I may have put WAY too much turnip seed into the mix.  We’ll find out in a few weeks.

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