This is one of those posts where I have SO much stuff to dispense but I know that I need to use jurisprudence. Do I mouth off that much and get a lawyer contacted or do I sit, wait, watch and say, “Told you so!”
Let’s go random instead. Woodward opened a brand new McDonald’s on Friday. I did not go. Tammy did and she sent a pic of the new technology at the new place. The family text group had mixed emotions. Kela was like “Wow! I’ve seen those overseas.” Duke was like “This warranted a picture?” And me….well, I wish I had gone to the new McDonald’s on opening day. You see, in 1980, there were two, well maybe 3 things, that I vividly remember. One, was the heat wave that dominated the summer and all 3 tv channels. Two, was the brand new opening of A McDonald’s in Woodward, OK. It was such a big deal that my dad checked me out of school at Cedar Heights Elementary and took me to the brand spankin new McDonald’s to eat lunch. I got a happy meal that had a name-tag bracelet in it. Don’t think that I didn’t go back into that school sporting my new hardware!?!? I was pimpin. Lookin’ back…I guess this is when I realized that my dad loved me best cuz those other 2 losers that I call brothers NEVER got to go to a McDonald’s opening day!
The third thing that I remember….I got some shiny rocks. If only I knew how useful they would become.
Woodward District is over. It was outstanding. The quality of stock was wicked good. The show was ran real well. The facilities are top notch. The premium sale was THE BEST premium sale in Oklahoma! Shattuck only had 14 animals in the sale. I was hoping for 15. I am proud that we had all 4 species covered plus a dominating showing in the ag mechanics and LOTS of showmanship recognition and Shattuck ran the social media team for the show. Maybe the best part was that the steer was raised in Shattuck. One of the barrows was family raised AND I could say the other barrow was as Uncle Tom & Aunt Nancy Lamle raised it. The grand lamb was raised AND shown by Clayton Washmon. We had a large percentage of the goats in the sale. None of them raised by me. (Didn’t sell any). I will, however, brag that the highest priced goat on our string was $1,600 and it stood 2nd in class behind the grand. Everyone of our goat showmen will be profitable this year. Bet most of you clowns can’t say that. On a side note, our parental and community support is wicked good! How cool is it that our superintendent and principal attended every day of the show? They even hauled ag mechanics projects. And no, their kids don’t show. They were just there to support their students. Suprise! Even our 5 year retired superintendent was there watching & cheering each day. “Bleed Red!”
Hell, if administrators can go watch a damn ball game (boring as hell to me), they can come watch a stock show (probably boring as hell to them). If your school administrators aren’t attending, do a better job. THAT or get better administrators.
Time to step away. Have a good one and a better tomorrow.