
Big Weekend

     Busy weekend.  Had to take Duke to the Ellis County livestock judging contest.  Then I headed home and hauled crap out of the barn all afternoon.  Scrap metal and trash.  Big Bill had to take a wether to Stillwater.  Fighting a kidney stone that has got all the vets stumped.  We knew this was a good wether, but this calamity is proving us right. 

     Sunday was a busy day.  Had four sets of goats show up to get hoof work, evaluations, showmanship, etc.  I don’t normally have very many doe kids to look at, but there was two different sets on Sunday and both sets were way good.  There was some really interesting doe kids in those show strings.  Also saw some nice wethers. 

     With the weather finally cooling off, goats will start converting feed better.  If you are feeding hard and not exercising, they will start getting soft.  Now, that the temps have dropped, I’m trying to decide when to drill some grazing material.  I’m going to sow triticale, austrian winter peas and turnips.  Soil temps have been too high and the grasshoppers are thick.  I did have a guy tell me how to keep grasshoppers from eating the outside rounds of his young wheat.  He just isn’t going to drill any outside rounds.  That ought to stop ’em. 

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