

     All righty Joey Scott.   Go ahead and start playing some Lynyrd Skynyrd.  Yeah, that song….. That Smell.  

“Oohh that smell.  Can’t you smell that smell?”

       I don’t have any smoke, no coke and not even the smell of whiskey around here on this fine night.  So the song title is really all that applies here.  

Name your favorite smells. 

–Fresh cut alfalfa has to be near the top.  Even a freshly stacked barn of alfalfa has that smell.  Unless you are allergic to it.  Then it smells good right up until you can’t breathe.  At least that’s what I’ve been told.  I’m not allergic to the stuff.

–Some love the smell of fresh tilled Earth.  I get it but I won’t rank it at the top.

–The Dragon Lady has the entry of water being sprayed on fresh Basil.  Hard to argue that one.  

–Apple cider warming on the stove.  Especially Dicken’s cider.  

–Bacon frying or spare ribs coming off a smoker.  Basically, cooked pig always smells wicked good. 

–Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t pop the lid off of a brand new Sharpie without taking a sniff of it.  

–Anyone up for smelling some Silage?  No?  Just me?  

–The aroma of the first slice of a freshly baked loaf of bread.

–the last hour of a home raised mini-herf being slow-cooked as a roast beef with taters, carrots, a few onions and spices.  Roast beef dinner smells SOOOOO good! 

Agriculture tends to cover all spectrums of the smell chart.  Some of the best smells to some of the worst.  Wet wool has to be one of the worst.  Buck goat aroma might be THE worst.  Hog crap is brutal.  

       Time for me to go find a bottle of pure Vanilla, a sharpie and hit the hay.  

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