

      I’ve had an interesting week.  There are just some things that you can not prepare nor plan for.  I had an interesting talk about AIing goats with one of the best goat ladies in the business.  She was talking about putting a speculum in a doe and in order to try to look through it and see the cervix, she was twisting the tube and well, the twisting motion must have been stimulating the doe and the cervix opened up as she was trying to find it.  As she said, “It became very visible and very open.”  Maybe she discovered a new technique to higher conception rates?!

         On Friday night, I was giving a few clipping pointers to a goat mom that was trying her hand at clipping for the first time.  There is only one way to learn to clip an animal and that is by grabbing a set of clippers and “Damn!  I don’t want to make that mistake again.”

        Anyways, she was trying to blend the neck into the top of the shoulders of a doe kid.  I told her that might be the worst part of clipping.  I then showed her how to stretch the neck and pull the wrinkle out of the hide at the neck/shoulder juncture.  She then said, “Oh! I get it.  It’s like dealing with an uncircumcised penis.”  

Bedeep.  Bedeep.  What?  Rusm?!   

I looked at her husband, then my wife and then said, “I guess so.  I wouldn’t know.”  Of course, there were lots of smart ass comments the rest of the evening.  On a positive note, she didn’t do a bad job clipping does for her first time.  

        Speaking of dealing with goats.  I listened to Bob Seelke describing a recent hoof trimming on a buck.  The buck head butted him and then kicked him in the cod sack.  One really needs to listen to Bob to get the full effect of the story.  

      On a non-goat note.  My brother-in-law Todd occasionally calls me with a story.  As he calls it–A kid brag.  I like these calls.  A person needs to be able to brag about a kid without the world judging them for being proud.  Earlier this summer, I wrote about his daughter that graduated from OSU vet med school.  She is now a practicing vet in Spearman, TX.  His kid brag was the fact that she just paid off her student loans.  People, in today’s world, that is big damn news.  THREE months after graduation and she has her debt at zero.  That means that she had lots of scholarships AND lots of work while in school and planning to get it paid off quick.  In a current society that is wanting debt forgiveness and then this girl already has her undergrad AND doctorate schooling paid smooth off.  Great job Mattie!!

      Pray for the people of Louisiana and the families of people stuck in Afghanistan.   All of us Americans need to pray for our country.  We have got the dumbest bunch of crooked assholes in office in Washington D.C.  I don’t care what political party you favor.  This group of retards in D.C. are so crooked and so moronic that it stinks.  And we are sitting here taking it.  Pay your taxes and assume the position.  Term limits and clean that place.  Every office.  Every state.  Every level.  

Have a good one.  


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