
Adventures in Goating

       Tammy & I have yet to take a vacation this year.  Sure, a day of catching big fish.  But no vacation.  So, when Tom Kester called and said, “Whatcha got going the last weekend of July?”…..I was intrigued.    Ron Simonson had contacted Tom about AIing a set of does.  Tom agreed and then called my dumbass.  Sounds fun.  Let’s go!

       This past Friday, I met Keester at Schovanec’s place.  Yeah, the place where they stack those reserve grand OYE poppers like cord wood.  Right next to a grand OYE trailer.  And the barns are lined with banners.  I forgot to tell TravASS that we were meeting at his place.  Oh well.  TravASS was there, getting ready to go make hay.  

      Before we left, I looked at a map.  Yes, I actually still have an atlas.  And I prefer having a map in hand versus the electronic crap.  Once I have the visual, I’m good.  Unless, I’m telling a story while driving through Wichita and then we get to take a detour.  It’s all good.  Anyways, the map revealed that it wasn’t very far from Uncle Ron’s to Columbus, Nebraska.  So, I texted Judd Went and asked if we could come take a look around.  He allowed that we needed to come on.  Somebody would be there.  

     Good stop!  Now, I am the proud owner of a 100 head of bad-ass yearling does and three yearling buck prospects ready to mark some asses.   

HAAAAAA!!!!!  You clowns have been waiting for something like that.  But this is not that day.  Seriously.  It was a really good stop.  Judd had to go to a wedding, so his father-in-law gave us the tour.  Kent was great.  Good livestock people are the best.  We talked goats, sheep, cattle, a few hogs, weather, barns, etc……it was fun.  

      Did I buy anything?   Yes.  I still buy goats for students.  Just in case, I did throw the popper into the back of the pickup.  On the way up, Judd called and asked if I could haul a few goats back to Oklahoma.  Sure.  All of us in this industry need to be neighborly and help.  I now know that a few is FIVE.  And I bought 10 wethers and doe kids.  FIFTEEN makes for a really crowded popper.  But good stock is hard to pass up when the price fits the need.  

       We took the full tour.  The mature buck line up is WAY impressive.  The ones they own as well as the ones they have there on lease.  I saw one of the best mature bucks that I have ever seen and I saw one of the scariest.  Glad I got to see him and real glad that I don’t have to kid does bred to him.  

       We got loaded and headed to Uncle Ron’s.  He told us to hurry.  “The ribs are ready.”   We pulled into his place, off loaded for the night and headed inside to eat some ribs.  And I now realize that Nebraskans have a tendency to under-sell their comments.  Judd said a few and it was five.  Ron said ribs and Oh snap!!!   When Uncle Ron says “ribs”, he means the Flintstone’s brontosaurus type, flip your car on it’s side kind of ribs.  Holy Schnikes!!   These beef ribs were HUGE!!!   Caveman huge!!    And here’s the kicker.  I normally could care less about beef ribs but these were oh so good.  No need for knives or forks.  The only tools needed were two hands to grab a rib and go at it and then a towel to wipe up the juices.  No tearing & tugging, just eating.  I will say that this was either the 1st or 2nd best beef ribs that I have ever eaten.  There is a sentimental reason that I just don’t say the best.  My Grandma Schneider used to make beef ribs cooked on a bed of sauerkraut.  I haven’t had them cooked like that anywhere else.  I remember them fondly.  I actually think that they were short ribs.  These ribs on Friday evening were NOT short.  

        This next part may surprise those of you that know Ron & I.  We did have a Moscow Mule or two.  However, not more than three.  At least, I did not have more than three.  

         It rained Saturday morning.  But, it let up in time for the AI to begin.  As expected, Ron had a great group of helpers.  On the way up to Nebraska, Keester asked,  “Any idea what bucks we will be using?”   My reply, “Nope.  But knowing Ron, it will all be name-brand stuff.”  I was right.  Real right!!  Even some bucks that have yet to be advertised from big time deals.  

      And we did look at a bad-ass prospect at Ron’s out of FBGM.  He calls him Fabian.  And I asked, “What The F does Fabian mean?” 

      I’ll be honest.  I take pride in my knowledge of music.  I didn’t know crap about Fabian.  Now, as a result of looking at a goat and asking the question, “Whatcha calling this one?”  I have learned more.  

        Here’s what I know now, most of which I already knew.  Although we were really well behaved, it is a good thing that Tom Kester and I live on opposite sides of the state.  I will never look at an onion the same way.  Likewise, it is a good thing Ron Simonson and I live two states away from each other.  Otherwise, we would have a couple hundred head of does and NEITHER of us want to have does at our place.  Ron is WAY smarter than I am.  He has figgered out how to help people with their programs without having many does at his place.  Great hospitality in the Cornhusker state.  

         No, I did not buy the grand at OYE in 2022.  But, I enjoyed getting the chance to sort some stock and buy some deals that a worn-out old has been like myself feels like a kid can have a chance if they feed, care for and show properly.  

Vacation—no.   Working vacation that was fun—HELL YEAH!!!  Nebraska ain’t Maui but it was good.  

       And while I was gone, my brother-in-law stopped in to check on Tammy.  He texted me “The good thing about being married to my sister is you don’t have to come up with an excuse to drink.  She’s excuse enough.  Condolences on the bathroom project.”   

       My status with the ever-lasting bathroom remodel remains unchanged.  Do what is asked, stay out of the way and pay the bills.  I do my part.  

      People, have a good one.  I am. 


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