

      I am aware that some people are “offended” by the use of the word retarded.  Well, this is not the correct web address if you are easily offended.  And is it wrong to use the R word if I’m referring to myself?  NO!!  And if you don’t agree to any of this…..well, then…..you either need to click to a different website or you, yourself are retarded.  

        A week ago Wednesday morning, I was just like every other FFA/4H livestock judging coach.  “Well hell!  They cancelled Big 3 Field Days.  I need to cancel some hotel rooms.”  I had some other choice words that passed across my brain and therefore, without control, directly out of my mouth.  But since I was by myself at the time, nobody knows what else I said.  That is a good thing. 

       A few minutes later, Clay Hamil called.  He is the ag teacher at Arnett.  He was upset and he asked, “Why don’t you see if we can have a contest at Woodward?”  And this is where my retardation comes in to play.  I was too, or to, or two stupid to say no.  

      I contacted Bailey that runs the Woodward County Event Center & Fairgrounds.  She told me that there were open dates.  A few texts, several phone calls and HOLY SCHNIKES!!!  This is getting ready to be fur real.  We were getting ready to have a livestock judging contest.  Bailey went to scheduling things with judgingcard.com.  Clay went to hunting hog classes and I walked over to the ag pickup and slammed my head in the door a couple of times.  Then I went to gathering classes.  I emailed Mrs. Abbey to make a flier.  AND THEN it really got retarded.  Amber Rhinehart texted and said, “What can I do to help?”   Wait, what?  How does anybody else know?  She is the ag teacher at Fargo.   So, I asked her to gather group leaders.  She did.  

        Let’s set the record straight.  This was not my original idea.  Hamil just threw a slow-pitch toss to me and dared me to hit it.  And it got hit.  And I had a lot of help.  

        This was not a slam at OSU for cancelling BIG 3.  I don’t agree with their cancellation but we all knew it was coming.  I, and lots of others, were not going to just sit and watch this current BS to cause kids to lose another year of activities.  THAT, being this shut-down environment, is what is actually retarded!  I didn’t care if we went to Stillwater or Woodward.  Dad gum it!  (sure, I use those words!)  We are not going through another shut down.  You can.  It’s your choice.  And we choose not to.  That’s it.  That simple.  

       So, since I am obviously retarded, why did I do it?  Here is the following list.

1–For the kids.  

2–For the kids.

3–For the kids.  

       I am a cocky bastard but I absolutely love it when ag teachers can work together for a common good.  The newly founded ECATA–Ellis County Ag Teachers Association–rocked this deal in conjunction with Bailey and Thad at the Woodward County Fairgrounds.  Throw in the Woodward Chamber of Commerce, Bank of Western Oklahoma, Arnett New Holland, etc.  We had great support!!  I literally had to turn away people that offered to bring animals, cook lunch (too many people to provide a free lunch)…that’s a good problem, to have too much help.  

     All of the help from other ag teachers, parents, students, etc. that served as officials, group leaders and brought animals.  HUGE THANKS!!

      Thanks to Daryle Greer for providing two breeding doe classes; Mike Weber for a breeding ewe class; Troy Gosney & Shane Curry for a breeding gilt class; Clay Hamil for going to OSU to get a couple of market hog classes (they weren’t going to use them); Denny Jenkins for the Angus bull class;  Clayton Washmon for the commercial heifer class and the wether dam ewe class. (He fiddyed one class and not the other..typical)  And John Q. Kelln for the red Angus heifer class.  

      High Plains Technology Center–they kicked ass.  First off, the superintendent of HPTC, Barclay Holt, volunteered the services of Jamie Spillman to bring the 1 Cylinder diesel engine ice cream maker.  Yes, it is what you think it is.  Just an old, one hitter engine that turns a couple of large ice cream buckets.  Yeah, it is wicked cool!  And several HPTC employees came to serve and some of those also worked as group leaders.  Huge thanks!!

Did I mention FREE ice cream????    I think that a couple of people were coming to chew my ass, but they got handed a cup of free home-made ice cream.  And then they got in a better mood and forgot what they were mad about.  

         Here’s the deal.  I’m a sucker to do retarded stuff when I know there is a good cause.  And there were lots of good reasons to do this.  And LOTS of good help to make it happen.  It wasn’t easy.   I guarantee you that Clay and I will agree that it would have been way easier to go to Stillwater and mark cards for 3 days.  But, that option was not available.  So, here we are.  Until you’ve sorted and gathered stock for a livestock evaluation event, you have no room to gripe.  It’s way easier to show up, mark cards and complain.  

Thank you to all that helped or attended.  That’s all I got.  Thanks and thank you.  

In the words of Joe Farris, “There hasn’t ever been anybody in a bad mood when they are eating a free cup of home-made ice cream.  GENIUS!!”  


How about that?   You didn’t even see it coming.  In this blog, we segued from Retarded to Genius and you didn’t even notice. 

The question is….

Where do you fit?  

I know my place. 

A lot of the first and I know people in the latter.  


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