
Wicked & Awesome

      It was a hot, windy miserable SOB here in paradise.  6 am found me catching mini herefords.  It’s a good thing that they are tasty cuz they aren’t fun.  6 pm found me sorting weaned calves.  Guess what breed the two pain in the asses of the group are?  Yep, mini herfs.  

      Came inside tonight and cooked for the ladies that were working on the sheetrock removal of the bathroom remodel.  I turned on the tube and actually had a decision of what to watch.   A wicked movie called Tommy Boy or an awesome movie called Armageddon.  I’m not saying that they are the 2 best movies ever.  However, if I was to get 2 draft picks of all-time great movies and ended up with these 2…..well, that would be wicked awesome!   

        Speaking of wicked & awesome!  It is no secret that I am surrounded by wicked awesome chicks!   Wife, daughter, MIL, SIL(plural), nieces and oh yeah, MY MOM!   Unlike her three sons, everybody loves Debbie Kelln.  Great cook.  Great role model.  The Holy Name Catholic Church in Shattuck, America would probably not still be operational if not for her.  She and JQ managed to raise 3 border-line-outlaw Kelln males that have gone on to be productive citizens with smoking hot wives and each one of us has a wicked daughter and an awesome son.  (maybe it’s the other way around)

         I knew this story but until she posted it on book face, I hadn’t thought of it in this perspective.  Over 35 years ago she was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer.  I remember some serious praying and then boom she was in the hospital undergoing surgery.  It all happened real quick.  I was old enough to know that it was serious but still young and dumb enough to not realize how serious.  I remember Dad was nervous as hell.  I didn’t want to go to the hospital.  I was afraid.  The two younger brothers knew less than I did.  Looking back, if Mom wouldn’t have made it, Dad probably would have rightfully smothered me and justifiably drowned Jake.  Daniel might have survived just because he was really young.  Dad won’t argue with the fact that mom is wicked awesome!  

        And now, over 35 years later, she never underwent radiation or chemo.  But no more cancer.  She has now lived longer post-breast cancer than pre-cancer.  Power of prayer you ask?   You damn right!!   It worked then and is working now!!!!   I could write some more but it is hard to get more wicked & awesome than that.  

      Cheers to Deborah Ann Kelln and all of you other wicked awesome badass chicks out there!   And to all of you readers that have nothing better to do than read this stuff, cheers to you and all of the other cancer survivors, prayer warriors and people that make the world go like a wicked, awesome RATT song……Round and Round.   

       Tommy Boy—–     Anytime that I’m having a bad day, somebody should just shut me down and make me watch Tommy Boy.  Spanktravision, Buddy Whackit, the Yankees and Spanky.   

         One of the highlights of my day was doctoring some goats.  That and sealing a septic tank.  Not awesome.  However, after a day full of being sandblasted, windblown and manure splattered, this shower is going to feel awesome!

        I’ve got to make time for this dairy can story.  


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