

It is finally official. The ink is dry on the contracts. We are relocating–west. It will be 3 miles south of Fargo and 1/2 west. Duke will go to school at Shattuck. We hope to have everything moved by the first of August, but who knows. There are walls to be painted, flooring to be put down and fence to be built. It isn’t going to be an easy move. I’ve got a lot of crap.

The place is where my mom and her five brothers grew up. My uncle is retiring and sold the place to Tammy and I. The house was built by my Grandpa Duke. The place isn’t as secluded as our where we are now, but the road to get there is a little bit better. Duke will should be easy to keep track of as there is a flat top hill across the road to the NW and a pond below the barns. We are excited to get moved, but the actual task of moving is a pain in the ass. Big fun.

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