
How come?

Seriously, how come there hasn’t been a buck named Jimmy Chitwood?   He was a bad ass!  Fictional?  Sure.  But there have been lots of stud animals named after fictional characters.

Yes, I just got done watching Hoosiers.  I watched it while eating a Herfy the Hereford pork chop.  Exquisite!!!

My rain gauge must be broken, that or the wind blew water out of the gauge.  We had several inches of rain, snow, sleet and hail last week.  So, the ground was already saturated.  Then it rained ALL day on Monday.  The gauge only shows 1 1/4″ but there is a lot of runoff.  In fact, the ponds are full.  And all of this rain means…….yeah, you goat herders know.  There are goats with the shits.

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