After last night, I would have to say there is not a recession in the area of the Woodward District Jr. Livestock Show. Last night’s premium sale was stellar. The grand steer brought $12K. Most of the other grands and reserves were over $5k and most of the sale kids were bringing $1,750 to $3,500. Thank you to all that support these kids.
Speaking of premium sales. Clayton Washmon had the grand and reserve grand wether lamb as well as the reserve grand ewe. Since all grands and reserves must sell, he was able to sell 3 animals in the premium sale. His grand lamb sold real well. But then, he donated the proceeds from his reserve grand to a little girl that is battling cancer. Clayton is good friends with the girl’s dad and her grandpa is one of his mentors. Yes, this lot sold REAL well!! THIS is the kind of kids that we grow in the stock show industry!
Don’t watch the news and you will have a good one and a better tomorrow.