Rumour Has It….that I bought a buck a month ago. Yes, some of the rumours have been true. Tag 2174 is at my house. Seelke’s and I partnered on him. Lots of questions have been following this goat.
Is he as good as his facebook pictures? Yes. He is massive ribbed, huge loined, shapely racked, square hipped, deep twisted, wide based, big boned, long enough, big enough, cocky fronted, crank tailed, long strided and COMPLETE. He’s way good.
Did I band him? NO!! Even though I did band tag 667 last year, which worked out well for the Schovanec’s, this one was to stay intact. I did offer Kenneth $5,000 for him as a wether and I would let him keep the nuts as that was the expensive part. He didn’t go for that offer. I did leave Quitiquae with an empty trailer that Friday. Why? Because I was leaving there and didn’t want to haul that little dude to Mason and then back to Oklahoma. Tyke went and picked him up the next morning. I would imagine that Tyke was a little nervous driving back to Shattuck that next morning.
What would he have brought as a wether? I don’t have a clue as I haven’t seen one look like that.
Are we going to sell semen or live covers? Not this year.
Is he the best one that I’ve seen? Yes.
Was I nervous writing the check? No. Was Bob shaking as he wrote the check for his half? Just a little bit.
What did he cost? None of your damn business.
Do you wish that you had him? Yes.
What’s his name? RUMOUR HAS IT
Congrats to the entire Helms crew on a super successful sale. Lots of bucks changed hands last night.
Thanks to the crew for helping with pictures. If you ever want to learn how to setup for an online sale, come watch our staff at work. Thanks to Tyke, Tammy, Duke, Bill, Bob and Jodi. Huge thank you to Brooke Taylor for taking pictures.
We will have wethers and doe kids in the Champions Choice online sale. Pictures should be up in a day or so.