
Pick Up the Phone

I/we have been in the business since the very first goat sold online.  I’ve seen the best and the worst of online sales.  Now, I truly think that we are somewhat back to the basics.   Do NOT bid nor buy without picking up the phone and talking to the seller.

It used to be that nobody would buy unless they saw them in person.  And then, if somebody they trusted saw them.  Then it was all about the pictures.  Then the write ups mattered.  Then nothing mattered.  Then only if a given lot fit their budget.  Then, delivery mattered most.  Now, it is a combination of all of the above.

I’ve always tried to be honest with the write-ups.  I’ve even stated before that “this one took a $10K picture and he isn’t that good.”  Ironically, the very next year, I had a damn good buck that took a $5K kind of picture.  That buck got bought sight un-seen by Troy Goretska and he named him TruthBeTold.  That one has only sired a couple of state fair winning goats….the rest of the story….those two bucks were full brothers.

My point, Troy called and I told him, this one looks like he is going to be a bargain.  Pick up the phone and ask questions.

If you are buying semen online, don’t look at the pics.  Call and ask what they work best on.  There has yet to be a perfect goat.  Call and ask what to use them on.  I’ve always tried to be honest with whatever we were selling.  I still will.  I have nothing to lose.  But if you don’t ask, I can’t answer.

Pretend it’s a prom date.  Ask.  If you don’t, well, you are going home alone and….well, there is a lot that I could write but I shan’t.

In response to the tv theme song post.  Welcome back Cotter….NO.   The All in the Family song is only cool when Archie Bunker sings it.  The song itself sucks.  Yes, I do agree that the Beverly Hillbillies was a classic. I should have given it a nice ribbon.  Also yes, now that I have heard the lyrics to MASH, I’m a little bit disconcerted.

I write stuff that I know that I will get calls from lawyers…no big deal.  Write a deal about TV theme songs and….here we go!  Calls, texts, comments at shows…… Let’s be real honest.  If you were to pick up a phone and ask me about this, I would tell you that I love it.  It’s random and it’s real.

Looking back, the theme song for MASH should have been the greatest song of all-time…, not happy birthday.  Yes, AMAZING GRACE!  You wanna fight me on that?     You can sing it in church–appropriate.  Sing it in an upbeat fashion, like at a wedding…appropriate.  Sing it slow & soulful, like at a funeral—appropriate.  Have the Dropkick Murphy’s play it with the bagpipes combined with the big guitars and well, I’m ready to fight, eff or shoot dice and well, I don’t have any dice.

Completely un-related to anything.  Tonight, as I got home from a show, I was sitting on my couch eating some dang good tater soup.  I top-dressed it with some cracked black pepper, some cheese and some blue & gold bacon bits.  Oh so good.  While eating, I noticed some motion in the kitchen.  Tammy’s queer little dog was in there.  Bouncing like a pogo stick.  This little canine weighs 8 lbs.  He was bouncing up and down.  His head was above the counter top…boucning trying to reach something.  Oh Snap!  It was the bacon that he was after.  I do not blame him.  I would jump for bacon.  I would also pick up the phone and call somebody to bring me bacon.  I’m stupid and I know it.

Have a good one.




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