
TV Theme songs

I’m often asked what makes me decide to write a blog about a given deal.  Well, it’s random.  Wicked random.

Tonight, I was replying to several texts on either coast about possible judges.  I really wanted to go west to judge but cannot make the schedule work.  I love to judge a show or 3 but when there is schedule conflicts, you have to make decisions.  Is my ego of judging a show bigger than me staying at home to take care of student’s projects and goals?  I couldn’t make it work this year.  At some point, I am going to have to clear space for me to do these or I won’t get asked again.  Which would seem appropriate.

I am probably more in-tune with all 5 species–goats, cattle, hogs, sheep and chickens–than any of you reading this.  AND…..and….I have ZERO -spelled with an F– political affiliations.  Mentally, I am in a real good place.

However, one of the dudes that I recommended to judge, had recently sent a text clip that involved a wicked cool tv tune.  That got my wheels to spinning.

What is the greatest tv theme song?  Before I start this list, I will quickly declare that the shows from the 60’s,  70’s & 80’s were WAY better than the current crap.

Let’s get a few timeless deals out of the way.  First off–check out Henry Mancini’s list of cool tunes.  The Hatari movie theme–cool deal!

Hawaii Five-O, Peter Gunn & Mission Impossible–timeless instrumentals.  Rawhide is another classic.

Gilligan’s Island & the Beverly Hillbillies are timeless, well to those of us who grew up watching those shows or grew up watching the re-runs.  The current generations are oblivious to them.

Speaking of timeless, the theme song to Jeopardy will always fit a countdown. I won’t argue if you say that this is the #1.

What about the original Batman tv show?

The Addams Family theme?

How about the Flintstones?

The Brady Bunch?  Here’s a story….yeah, you old people know it.  (You probably just sang it with the words that I typed.    Haaaa!! Now, you did it just to see if it worked.)  Now, I’m scared–you can actually sing anything to that tune.

Yeah, I know.  You need some time as you reminiscine each of those.


Now, it’s time to get serious.

WKRP is one that puts me in a good mood when I hear it.

Friends–okay–cool song that fit the show.  Not good enough to win this class.

Late at night/really early mornings, when I am flipping channels and I hear that 70’s bass line….dooonh, duh, duh, doonh…..and I know that sound means,  an episode of Barney Miller is getting ready to start.

Laverne & Shirley–“Doing it our way” yet it’s hard to forget the countdown before the song…

Time to get serious.  We’ve sifted a tough class, sorted the top end and now it is time to send 5 to the scales.


5th–They are moving on up– The Jefferson’s.  Groundbreaking show that had a song to match up.

4th–I love this one.  Of course, I am a fan of Dodge Chargers and Waylon Jennings.  The Dukes of Hazzard song helped make the show and has held up to the test of time.

Now, the trinity of TV theme songs.

3rd–it is an all-time great tv show with all time great music.  MASH.  I grew up listening to this tune and watching the show.  The final episode is one of the most watched shows of all-time.  Listen to the original lyrics of this song–it’s depressing.

2nd–This ones hurts me.  I love this song.  I loved the show.  The theme song to Cheers brings so much to this class.  Great instrumentals, excellent lyrics and it ties so well to the show, the characters, all of it….it just worked.  Tammy and I have visited the Cheers location(s) in Boston.  Great, great show with great characters….even better song.  The lyrics still fit today.  “Your husband wants to be a girl.”  Yet, it is 2nd in this class of power.

1st—Maybe not the best tv show, but so, so funny.  Yet, this song is so defining.  The tune from Sanford & Sons.  ICONIC!! needs to play this song for background music for my sales.  Cool, yet low rent.  You can hear it now!


Wait….wait….I’m not the best judging coach but I have always told kids that if you’re notes are over-loaded to one or the other–re-check your placing.

We have to have a top pair switch.  Cheers beats Sanford and Son on paper, as well as the eye test.  Yes, I grant that the Sanford & Sons ditty is wicked cool, but Cheers just invokes so many more emotions.

There ain’t nothing wrong with that last second realization that I needed to make a top-pair switch and pick up that 2 point cut.  Every point counts.


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