

Busy weekend around our place. Got home from the store Saturday afternoon and went to work with the goats. My scholarly-deficient son had cleaned goat turds out of all othe corral pens. Maybe he’ll learn to turn in homework next year in school. I then let him shear a set of wethers. Kids have to learn to do things at some point. We sheared, trimmed hooves and wormed this set. Then I made the rounds to pick up a few more wethers to fill an order.

Sunday morning, I loaded 10 head of wethers and headed to OKC. I met a couple of Texans. One came from south of Houston. He was an ag teacher that needed a set of wethers for their county this fall. He was also meeting a guy to pick up two lambs from up north. The guy with the sheep was none other than Fred Urban.

Fred lives in Odessa. He drove from Odessa to Dallas, picked up a trailer and took it to Missouri and met his brother Kenny. Kenny brought the sheep to Fred and got the trailer. Fred then drove to OKC to meet up with us. He brought me salsa and chips from Manuel’s in Odessa. I have been known to trade a goat for a pile of tamales from Manuel’s. Good trade.

Fred also brought Duke a gift. He told me that he bought Duke a couple of bottle rockets in Missouri. A couple turned out to be the whole damn passenger seat full. Along with a variety family pack of fireworks. If you don’t know Fred Urban. You need to. When I taught at Waynoka, he used to give the little kids M&Ms. He would tell them to keep them in their pockets. They would always leave some in their pockets, then their moms would wash them and dry them. Of course, the M&Ms would melt in the dryer. This would make for some pissed mothers.

I made it back home. Then headed to Cleo Springs. We photoed/videoed online sale goats. We had a very efficient crew yesterday. Seelke’s, Poe Cat, Big Bill, Tyke, Session’s, Big I, Milligan and myself. You can tell this crew has done a photo shoot before. Very prepared. Smooth operation.

There will be 10 wethers and and 10 doe kids in this sale on the 11th. Pics should be up by Wednesday. There are 7 Joe Dirt wethers that are very good goats. There are 3 Fade2Black wethers–all black headed that are kind of wicked. There is 9 Joe Dirt doe kids and 1 BlackJack doe kid. Most of the goats are at Cleo Springs at Seelke’s and Sessions’. They are easy to look at. Way more accessible than coming to my little piece of paradise. Four of the goats are in Shattuck at Tyke’s.


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