We are getting to some that are fairly new to the retired show goat scene in Oklahoma. Yet, they are all-time greats.
Bree Taylor–Wicked intense competitior that will gladly outwork most at home. Her early career consisted of premium sales, a Woodward District grand & reserve and a Lone Star Elite Jackpot grand (1 of 2 non-Texans to win that show). Then things ramped up from there. A reserve grand wether at Tulsa, a grand at ANLS in Phoenix and some division and reserve divisions at OYE & Tulsa. THEN, she did the unprecedented task of winning the OYE wether show in back2back years. If there is a competition this one will beat your ass!
Caden Church–Doe shower extraordanaire. Wins at LOTS and lots of shows. Always in the hunt at every doe show in Oklahoma. His goats were good but his showmanship was always spot on. And then he learned to fit. This one can clip, groom and present a goat as good as any, anywhere.
Julie Isbell–This one and her family will tell you that she had a great career but… There wasn’t that big win. But like Tony Gwynn, she always produced results. For several years, you couldn’t host a grand wether drive without her being in it. Tulsa, OYE, KC, Phoenix, State Fair, NE district shows, she was always in the hunt. Never a high$ goat in the mix, but always fed & shown to perfection.
Duke Kelln–You could take his first 4 years of show records and he makes it. A bronze at OYE, a reserve grand at Phoenix, a grand at Enid District, reserve at Woodward District, 2 reserve grands at the State Fair of OK, division & reserve divisions at OYE & Tulsa. But add in a Woodward District grand and 8, yes eight consecutive years of making the OYE premium sale. There were several years that he had 2 or 3 wethers that qualified for the OYE premium sale. Now add how many winning goats that he helped fit, helped buy and has helped coach. And how many goats for big time breeders that he has clipped, photoed, washed, etc. He has worked for and with Tommy Milligan, Bryan Kennedy, the Gallaghers, Cramblets, Kenneth Helms, Schovanecs and the list goes on.
As an added note: not many of you readers have been to the places/sales that this kid has. He has seen 900, Wizard, Showtime, Starbuck, 191, Freaky, Colt, etc. In 2012, he was the one to read the ear tag for me at Helms on a two week old goat that was under a hay feeder–tag 2174–Rumour Has It.
Duke’s recent involvement in the goat world….I paid him $20 bucks to catch and halter bucks so that I could trim hooves on 7 February born bucks, 5 June born prospects and 3 matures. Maybe the best $20 that I have ever spent.
I got to watch this set of kids grow up in the show ring. It was an honor. This is only their goat resumes on here. The rest of their accomplishments are off the chart.
People have a good one. I hope that you enjoy reading this stuff as much as I have enjoyed reminiscing.