

Happening by chance rather than design.  Nope.  Not here. Random, maybe.  This dispersal has been on my mind for awhile.  It was not a last minute, get pissed kind of emotional response.  There are a lot of factors.  Simply put, I have too many irons in the fire.  And NOBODY here enjoys dealing with the doe goats.  We like the babies, I like the bucks.  I like selling good wethers.  Tammy has a good job.  I have a good job.  Nobody is in a bad mood feeding cattle.  I am in a bad mood farming, yet it feeds the cattle and the goats.  Every direction, none of us are in a good mood dealing with doe goats.  It’s that simple.

This isn’t written in stone.  The plan(s) are to offer April due bred does in late Jan. or Feb.  We will offer a set of February-born buck prospects towards the first of Feb.  There will be a semen sale, it could be a sizable sale.  There will also be a set of June-born buck kids.  At some time, there will be a set of coming yearling doe kids.  And then the bred does that are due in May.  Maybe there will be an equipment sale. IDK.  I need panels, feeders and such until all the goats are gone.  We’ll cross that bridge later.  That is the basic plan.  But, I’m not married to anything (other than a Dragon Lady).  Basically, if the right deal comes along, I’ll listen.

If we do have an equipment sale, there may be some really cool old-school type of stuff.

DO NOT call and ask for pictures or videos of buck(s).  If we take the time to wash/clip/photo a goat, that thing is going to be sold online.  If you want a bargain, come look at them BEFORE we photo.

Speaking of which, it should be a highly punishable offense to call/text a breeder and ask for photos of a goat, if you have never done business with that breeder.  Of all the changes that I have witnessed in the goat industry in the past 18 years, this is the one of the top 2 offenses.  I hate the general publics’ dependence on pictures.  I value a breeder’s word more than a damn picture.  I guess that makes me old school.  It also makes me right.  No matter what I am selling–goats, cattle, pigs, welding projects, ag equipment–(i’ve sold a lot of stuff!)–I will always be more honest than you want.  I’m proud of my kids, my wife, my family and I can give a rat’s ass what you think about me.  But no matter what, if you ask, I’ll tell you everything about something I’m selling.  If a doe is a bad momma, she has either already caught a ride to a sale barn or somehow ended up in a canyon. (of natural causes)

We are 18 years into the goat business.  I know more than most, yet still don’t know enough.  I know that I value a momma goat that will breed, have babies and raise them in a healthy manner.  Please call with any questions.  I will be more honest than any when it comes to my own stock.  I’ll tell it like it is.


Now, on a more positive note.  Tammy and I watched the timeless clay-mation classic–Rudolph.  I love it, but I mocked it as we watched it.  Why are there flowers growing in the windowbox, in the snow, close to Christmas, near the north pole?

Also, are the toys from Misfit Island from china?  Was this the beginning of the indoctrination to use cheap shitty toys from china?  Have I ever mentioned that I have questions about politics, our government and the media?  No?  Well, maybe, someday, I will talk about it.

Nonetheless, I still enjoy watching this timeless classic.  “Bumbles bounce!”  Yukon Cornelius is a stud.  I still have doubts about Hermie the elf. What?  Wait.  You don’t?  I don’t trust dentists.


Lots of snow here in NW OK.  Supposed to get more tonight.  It’s a PITA but it’s moisture.

Stay positive yet test negative.  Have a good one today and a better one tomorrow.

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