
In Laws

So, I needed to see a hog trap gate.  My brother-in-law, Trapper Todd, has such a gate.  It is a feral hog trap gate that can be triggered via text message.  I have some kids building a hog trap for a customer and I needed to get the dimensions.  Trapper Todd is the state trapper for this part of OK.  While our kids were growing up, they always called him Cowboy Todd.  But, now it is Trapper Todd.   Both names fit.

Tammy & I headed south of Arnett to their place.  He and I looked at hog gates.  His wife was riding a new horse.  That’s another story.

We loaded up and headed to Packsaddle for supper.  Calf fries, onion rings and beans.  Dang good!  However, the thing that has me hung up was the kid in the diaper.  Yes, a yearling running around.  The parents & grandparents were shooting pool.  This kid could barely reach the top of the pool table.  I’m sure that this was proper parenting…however, I’m not judging.  Nonetheless, I have been hung up over the diaper covering.  It was a “sock monkey”.  Yeah, like the brown sock monkey with the big red smile. Yes, the kind that we had back in the 70s and yes, you can buy these sock monkeys in a Cracker Barrel Country Store.  Right along with all of the other nostalgic stuff that they sell.

Now, I want a sock monkey pair of shorts.  Ears on each hip.  Great big red smile across the ass cheeks.  That’s all I want for Christmas!

I know that I beat the hell out of two younger brothers with a  sock monkey.  You could grab the tail and swing it like a lethal weapon.  The more you swung that monkey by the tail, the longer the tail got.   Hey….


Walk away.

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