
Judges, Umps, Refs

There are always 2 very important questions–Why?  and Why Not?

Yesterday, I had a crew of freshman girls that competed in the semi-finals of the state Opening Ceremonies contest.  They had a real good run.  I told them, “Girls, you did it right and if you don’t make the finals, well, it’s because you were coached wrong.”

People, I like being right but not all of the time.  Our style just didn’t fit the judges.  I’m not upset with the judges.  I understand.  We would have been better off with the judges in the other semi-final.  But that isn’t how it worked out.  It happens.  I’m fine with it.

This morning, I was talking to our superintendent and principal about how the contest went and how the kids did.  I told them that I was the weak link.  I only had ONE problem with the judging of the contest.   Official FFA dress should NOT include short skirts.  To me, my co-teacher, my wife, everyone that I know, that is a sort factor.  If Official Dress is NOT spot on, they shouldn’t advance.  In the stock show world, we would use the term “sift”.  I’m right and you all know it.

Other than that item.  I enjoyed watching the finals.  I learned some things.  Anyways, as I re-hashed the contest with the admin, a coach entered the room.  Might I mention that he is a hyper-competitive coach that is in hall-of-fames and has a pile of state championship rings (IDK 15+) from numerous sports.  He listened as I talked.  Oh, did I mention that the superintendent and the principal also have a bunch of rings?  Then the sup asked, “So, the judging is objective, like a stock show?  It can be different from judge to judge?”

I answered, “Yeah.  Exactly.  As long as I can understand their reasoning and they are consistent, I’m fine with it.   It’s a lot like an ump calling strikes or a ref calling fouls.  It differs.”

At this point, THE coach spoke up.  “Yeah, but can you yell at them when they are blatantly wrong?  That would fix a lot of that crap!”

Here is the rare Kelln disclaimer—I am not upset about the judging at the state Opening Ceremonies contest.  I want official FFA dress to look appropriate but I am not upset about our placing.  It was a learning experience for the kids and myself.  This conversation just prompted this question.


Why not?

Why can’t we call out a crappy judge as he is judging?  Put em on the spot.  How come a coach can yell at a ref/ump?  As long as it is in proper decency, a coach can call them out.  How come espn talking heads can talk about how bad the Dallas Cowboys played, the lack of leadership from the coaching staff, the bad attitudes of players but we can’t call out a crooked judge?

All of us in this industry know of crooked judges.  We know of judge tendencies towards certain breeders, jocks, showmen, whatever.  I’ve avoided shows that I knew were rigged.  I’ve also taken advantage of judge tendencies.  Some won’t go to shows unless they have an “in” with the judge.  If we know this stuff, why can’t we call them out and keep it straight up for all?


We know what “it” smells like.  We all all know that this current political climate smells to beat all ends.  Other than the presidential campaign, the worst campaign going is probably the 5th Oklahoma congressional district (which is mostly Oklahoma City).   These two chicks are spending millionS with ads.  Other political groups are running ads for/or against them.  It is gross!  Nobody wants either of these ladies to win.  It’s horrible!   The rest of the state has to suffer if they watch tv, listen to FM radio, or have a social media account.  I don’t have a vote in that district, but if I did, I would vote libertarian, independent or write in Joe the corner drunk.  Bad thing about this race, Tammy and I have a favorite former FFA member that works for one side in that deal.  Great kid.  However, both candidates are so bad, I’m not sure whether to be proud or disappointed.


Why?   Why do we put up with this stuff?  Why wait to vote?  Your blm organization isn’t voting yet.  Right or wrong, they are pushing their issue(s) forward and they are doing it without your vote.  Why do we have to wait to vote in order to demand change?  I’m not advocating burning, looting or tearing down statues but what is the saying?….the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I’m not radical. The last thing that I burned was either a trash barrel full of feed sacks/net wrap/baling twine/30 pack boxes or disbudding a goat’s horns.  I just don’t like sitting back and watching.  I’m not scared and I think we should always ask two questions–Why?  or   Why not?     If neither question can be answered, well, then you have your answer.

One way or the other, get after it.

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