
Double whammy!

We aren’t going to do 2 different lists on this night.  We are just going to put a couple of things out there for your perusal.  If you don’t like it, click to a different website.

Most under-rated groups/performers of all time, regardless of genre.

Keith Whitley–Personally, I think this dude would have been one of the best country singers of all time.  His sound… the words… so good.  But….he went all Keith Whitley and crawled inside a bottle.  Although, currently, we are strangers to the rain.

Cheap Trick–hall of famers but still, so many good tunes.

Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band–another hall of famer with so many cool tunes.  I would like to see his group live.

Restless Heart

Juice Newton–Angel of the Morning, Playing with the Queen of Hearts.   If I could be a musician and only have two hits–I would be happy with these two tunes.  Go play them.  You will be in a good mood as you listen to them.

Tesla–the band, not that car.  Duke & I have seen them live.  And there is a goat connection to this band.  Some firm in Cali has a tie to them.  Wicked cool!

The Great Divide–They were so close to being so good.  Tammy and I still listen to their stuff.


Best super-hero movies


Guardians of the Galaxy–I love those movies.  The story lines are cool.  The characters are bad ass.  How cool is Groot?  And the sound tracks are wicked.  The characters in these two movies keep me hooked.  I like it.  A lot.

Ironman is fun, kind of cool but the story doesn’t keep me hooked.

Spiderman–okay.  Not a big fan.

Superman–Maybe the BEST superhero movie of all-time.  The 1978 movie is still burned into our souls.  I was 7 and this movie still resonates.  Christopher Reeve became the “face” of Superman.  This was the first, wicked awesome superhero movie.  You can’t even argue this point.

Deadpool–without a doubt the funniest and most politically incorrect superhero movie. ( even more than Guardians of the Galaxy)  I do like watching  it.


And the GOAT–

Anybody with a pile of cash could be Ironman.  If you were born on Krypton, there is a chance you could be Superman.  Radioactive spider bite and you could be Spiderman. Chemistry experiments gone wrong, and well, you could be Deadpool or the Incredible Hulk.  But, none of us actually know the true superhero that is known as…



For all that you know, I could be Batman.


The 1989 Batman movie starred Michael Keeton and Jack Nicholson.  Those two killed their roles.  This movie spawned decades of movies–some better than others.  However, the Batman movies have continued to be bad ass.


I apologize to any that read this stuff and don’t like it.  It could be worse.  This is the edited version.  You could know the real me and would therefore understand.  I just hope when you read this stuff, your mind goes to a happy place and goes, “Hunnh!”  That stuff was/is good.

GOD bless and here’s to good today’s and better tomorrows.   And currently, we all need some horseshoes and shamrocks.  Actually, we need a shit-load of horseshoes and shamrocks.

Which brings up the question….which is more?  A shit-load or an ass-load.  A shit load sounds like it is bigger than an ass load.  But, shouldn’t an ass-load be able to hold a shit load?



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