
2nd hated Plant

In NW OK, the sandbur is the most hated piece of vegetation.  However, in the year 2020, another plant is making a run for the most hated.   Tribulus terrestris.  It is commonly called “puncture vine”  but it is also known as “goat head”.  If you’ve ever dealt with the seed of this plant, then you know why it is called a goat head.  The two horns and long narrow face resemble a goat.  Specifically, a satanic looking/acting kind of Spanish recip kind of DOE.

Normally, bermudagrass or buffalo grass keeps these things choked out.   But, for some reason, not this year.  I had to pull a sweep plow across 50 acres to get rid of the goat heads.  No other vegetation was trying to survive, but for some reason, these things were making a massive move.

I hate sandburs worse.  However, if you ever step on a goat head without shoes, you will probably use bad language.

2020 is making a case for the most effed up year to date.  It is a history lesson all in one year.    AND we are only 1/2 way through this POS.  We are getting to live through a dust bowl, plague, effed up politics, depression, stock market crash, social herding, etc.  Saharan dust plume…..WTF????    The wind has been miserable the past couple of days.  I guess it is the new norm here in paradise.

Speaking of screwed up like a pile of coat hangers.  In the month of June, I have traveled to 4 different states.  And I have yet to see any body bags being used for all the covid victims.  For that matter, I now know of one who has the antibodies from having the covid in Jan/Feb,  one that had it and has finished quarantine and one that is currently in quarantine.  Nothing life threatening.  We don’t live very far from Dodge City, KS and Guymon, OK.  These are the two HOTTEST spots in Kansas and Oklahoma.  Packing houses and those workers that live in close confines of each other make for a spreading ground for the Rone.  It should be catastrophic.  Nope.  Just a bunch of positive tests for the media and politicians to pump up some statistics.

I have been reluctant to nominate critters for the Tulsa State Fair.  I feel like they setup themselves up fairly early to pull the plug.  I truly thought that when the State Fair of Oklahoma pulled the plug on Friday morning that Tulsa would follow suit.  A lot of business decisions are executed on Friday PM in order to lesson the blow. I was wrong.  I pulled hair on critters tonight and will send it in.  But, I have NO faith that they will have that show.

Surely, there is a way that WE, the voting public, can pass a law that removes ALL incumbents.  Clean slate.  Wipe that chalkboard clean & set term limits while we are at it.  Oh, and reduce benefits for politicians.  Make them walk barefooted across a bed of goat heads.

These politics…..oh my.  Screwed up like an upside down tackle box.


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