I’ve pounded the keyboard before about good neighbors. Everybody needs and should have good neighbors. I have the BEST neighbors. Johnny File and John Rakestraw are two of the……Haaahhh!! Pick your terms. They check all of the boxes. The File family are wicked good neighbors.
The other night, I was taking a gator ride and watching the Torrance crew cut wheat on some File land close to the house. Stripper header on some really good wheat. Crack one more open, call the neighbor and then call the hay baler dude that had equipment setting on the next mile line.
Now, a couple of days later, and I’ve loaded a couple hundred small squares of straw bales. Here’s the whole story. Bad ass neighbors that let me put up several hundred small square bales of straw. Duke, Tammy and I worked together to haul these bales. NO FIGHTS!!! She drove and Duke and I stacked. No fights! Hunh?
Speaking of neighbors, Tammy and I have watched the Cowboy Channel the past two nights. The Woodward Elks Rodeo has been on that channel. We have even seen neighbors like Jay Bogdahn on the tv. I’m proud that that the Woodward Elks Rodeo is happening. So many other events are cancelled, yet Woodward America is right on time and right on attitude. Awesome!!
We live south of Fargo. I grew up and graduated from Shattuck. Tammy graduated from Arnett. I have worked in Woodward. Tammy works in Woodward at HPTC. Basically, we have a big damn neighborhood, and I am happy to say that my neighbors are better than yours. Our crew covers several counties. Not bragging. Yeah, I actually am bragging. And without a doubt, John Rakestraw and Johnny File are wicked good neighbors.
And if they read this stuff, I give them permission to install the flag pole. However, I absolve myself of all incidents and problems that may arise. I love my neighbors but I can’t speak for the neighbors. If the Dragon Lady is on your ass, well, it wasn’t my fault.
just goats