I did some plowing. More than I cared to…but, it is done. When it comes to farming, I need a tractor to be mechanically sound and I need the AC to work. I don’t care about the lights or the radio. Bout 10 this morning, as the sun was starting to shine, the cab started to become a bit uncomfortable. So, I turned the temp dial down. No good. AC was done.
I could see the end, so I plowed on till I was done. I don’t like farming, but I really don’t like sweating while farming.
My tribe spent the past 3 days at Canton Lake. I went down Friday night and came home Saturday morning. I was going to go back on Sat evening, but a couple of does decided to deliver. So, I stayed home and dealt with them. There will be writings in the future concerning this weekend of dealing with does.
Farming & does in the same day. FUN!! One would think that I got plowed this weekend, but no…..I had too much going on.
I do know this much. You give me a plate of grilled pork chops, some ranch style beans, fried taters and a croissant with honey……..and dudes, I will plow right through it.
Have a good one and a better tomorrow.